***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Newly fired ICIG Atkinson, appointed and removed by Trump, speaks out publicly about his removal for the first time.

Atkinson: Trump fired me because I handled whistleblower complaint properly
“As an Inspector General, I was legally obligated to ensure that whistleblowers had an effective and authorized means to disclose urgent matter.”

The intelligence community watchdog removed abruptly late Friday by President Donald Trump says he believes Trump ousted him because of his evenhanded handling of a whistleblower complaint that ultimately led to the president's impeachment.

"It is hard not to think that the President’s loss of confidence in me derives from my having faithfully discharged my legal obligations
as an independent and impartial Inspector General," Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general said in a statement Sunday, "and from my commitment to continue to do so."


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Fauci has recently described some of those referenced studies as inadequate and anecdotal due to methodology. He also pointed out there were new studies that saw no effects one way or the other from administering hydroxychloroquine.
I think the more pressing issue is encouraging extremely irresponsible use of it. Trump talked about it not just as a potential treatment but as a preventative, "just try it."
A number of very ignorant people have already died by self-medicating with that drug after hearing about its unproven supposed effects.

Attempting to appear in control, if successful, is actually remarkably effective when it comes to approval ratings. The clearest example of this is Cuomo. He made some very clear errors and miscalculations early on that helped aggravate the current situation but his demeanor in his daily briefings to the people has clearly caused a reassurance effect that seems to have almost erased criticism about his early failures.
Yeah, there are a lot of inadequate studies. Most that I've seen have really small sample sizes, so you can't draw any statistically significant conclusions. There are also so many variables that telling doctors to use hydroxychloroquine isn't useful advice.

I mean if Trump really wanted to help, he should be pleading to his supporters to take this seriously and urging red state governors to issue shelter-in-place orders.
Our PRESIDENT ELECT is locked in and focused. Rona stands no chance.

Americas President. All lives matter and knowing we have Donald Trump watching our backs is inspiring.

FDR during world war 2 doesn’t come close to the heroic leadership our President has shown these past few weeks. So proud to be an American and ready to do my civic duty this November to get him re-elected.

WOW. This is sad. If the Democrats want to win the presidency next year, they need to put forward their best candidate. Biden is just not going to cut it.

They need to put forward someone inspirational, someone youthful, someone who has a proven track record, who fights day in and day out for what he believes in. Someone we don't deserve but who we desperately need.

This is why in their convention this summer they need to do something radical and nominate someone other than Biden. They need to nominate someone who will win in November.

They need to nominate Donald J. Trump as the Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States!

That is their only chance at victory.
Captain Cozier got a grand applause from the ship's crew when he left. Defense Secretary Esper told CNN this weekend that the investigation of Cozier will continue, despite getting fired in the middle of the disciplinary probe after apparent pressure from Trump.
Acting Navy Secretary Modly is a Trump loyalist who was installed after the previous Secretary resigned in protest over Trump's interference in the military disciplinary process after pardoning Gallagher.


I'm am being serious, what is the problem with his comment? The only real problem I see is his misdating the last pandemic, that part made no sense because the last one was 09.

His problem is that he reframes and corrects himself mid sentence without letting people know he is doing it. So it sounds jumbled.

But his point his coherent if you pick up on that. Mans needs to tighten up his delivery thats all
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