***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"Trump said I affect virtually nobody, so it became personal with me"

Lmao why am I not surprised to see Pennsylvania go hard for Trump. Anytime I've been in that state outside of the few major cities like Philly, I felt like I was in Alabama. Anyone who lives in the Northeast and doesn't feel their neighborhood is conservative enough moves to the rural areas of Pennsylvania to be racist openly with no repercussions
Lmao why am I not surprised to see Pennsylvania go hard for Trump. Anytime I've been in that state outside of the few major cities like Philly, I felt like I was in Alabama. Anyone who lives in the Northeast and doesn't feel their neighborhood is conservative enough moves to the rural areas of Pennsylvania to be racist openly with no repercussions

He's trailing in PA right now, but the places that are Republican go really hard for him.

Thankfully Eastern PA will (hopefully) save the state.

You would think he'd be campaigning in Texas, where he's actually struggling.
"Trump said I affect virtually nobody, so it became personal with me"

All it takes is some County level commissioner, telling people to go back to bars and COVID drops an extra 60k cases. One time COVID imagined that Scientific American called him soft and he killed 500 extra people and said “you still think I’m soft?!”

Trump has got to stop trashing talking this damn virus.
You guys should watch the “social dilemma”

does a pretty good job of explaining how the brainwashing has been so strong lately and the evolution of fake news.
Amazing doc. They need to regulate all of this **** or it’s over. Also funny how none of the WHITE guys can explain where it went wrong. Like, capitalistic greed is the problem here, guys.
I finally watched it yesterday, and the most interesting part was the actual explanations on how social media is built to work. I really liked what the woman with blue hair said about how we embed our biases into technology (and that's not limited to software; everything that is built is an expression of the biases and assumptions the builder holds). Still, watching it felt like an apology piece, a mea culpa of sorts from the people who built these platforms. They didn't address two things that I feel are crucial in understanding how unequipped we are when it comes to dealing with the world they've created:
- the constant denigration of liberal arts: you'll notice that most of these engineers and businesspeople are also students of the human mind. They understood how to manipulate our psychology to turn it into dollars. And yet, none of them addressed the general lack of liberal arts education (specifically, fields that deal with parsing information, general culture, and understanding knowledge) and the mocking of liberal arts disciplines within STEM fields and in the professional world.
- the insistence on creating a false equivalence when it comes to the lack of legislative action regarding technology. We know who killed the Congressional office of Technology assessment (Newt). We know who has been using manipulation to influence elections (Cambridge Analytics and conservative dark groups). We know who has constantly denigrated the kind of education that would help one see through the BS. We know which groups active in the political ecosystem have relied on creating an alternate reality in order to control the masses.

It could have been a much better documentary if it didn't sidestep the history of how we got to where we are.
This is not coming from John Bolton's defense, it's coming from the National Security Council official who first reviewed Bolton's book and determined it contained no classified information. The WH then intervened to overrule her and conducted a new review. DOJ has since opened a criminal investigation, prompting the career official to send this letter describing a political intervention.
While refusing to tell McKnight about the reason for delaying her certification of the Bolton manuscript, NSC political appointees instructed her to give a Trump loyalist classification training; the authority to label things classified. Behind McKnight's back, that Trump loyalist then used this training to conduct a second review of the Bolton manuscript and broadly labeled much of it classified.
She only found out about the secret second review when she was called to a meeting with DOJ officials preparing for litigation. There she found out that the WH had been misleading to her when they said the reason for delaying her certification was simply due to the Covid situation. The real reason was the secret second review by the Trump loyalist.
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