***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I was optimistic until I saw some of the remaining counties who have a huge amount of votes left to count and they lean republican. Theres a good mix of both democratic and republican county left to be counted. Its not all democratic like I hoped.
I see

I did the math. Does not look good. I think they said 6 out of every 10 mail in votes breaks for democrats. That's 900,000 votes democrats. 500,000 republicans.

But the difference they have to make up is 600,000

Doesn't look good then.
Honestly Biden was probably doomed in PA from the start. Even though he's from there.

PA wants to continue fracking. I know Biden has said that he wasn't going to stop it but they probably didn't believe him
Pa loves their destructive forms of energy I guess.

heaven forbid you took your skills from fracking/coal and did literally a million other things involving pipes, welding and equipment operating.

relevant for tonight

I don't really believe any #'s I see, but someone said that 75%+ of the absentee ballots in WI, MI and PA were Democratic and considering that this just happened, maybe that # was accurate.

Also, Biden is up 30k votes in WI, they left out 10k from another county.
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