***Official Political Discussion Thread***


If only there was an easy way to reign in some of these budgets. If only there was something that increased exponentially in the last decade alone that takes up a significant portion of a budget.
That really isn’t a question. The answer is a resounding no.
I was gonna let him have that one because it was too funny. It was so Delkish, even though I know he didn't intend it to be that way. :lol:

Over the years my guy will use any evidence, no matter how strong or flimsy, to make claims that border on reaches, and he will say he is certain he is right

But when it comes to saying Mitch McConnell might not be interested in bipartisanship, he can't call it :lol:
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I was gonna let him have that one because it was too funny. That is a response I would expect from Delk :lol:

Over the years my guy will use any evidence, no matter how strong or flimsy, to make claims that border on reaches, and he will say he is certain he is right

But when it comes to saying Mitch McConnell might not be interested in bipartisanship, he can't call it :lol:
The question of McConnell being interested in bipartisanship for something that will immediately benefit Black/Brown people in urban areas :lol:.

My girl and family find me to be someone who can be pedantic due to my desire to be right. About to start showing them Osh’s posts and let them know how much worse it could be. :lol:
The question of McConnell being interested in bipartisanship for something that will immediately benefit Black/Brown people in urban areas :lol:.

My girl and family find me to be someone who can be pedantic due to my desire to be right. About to start showing them Osh’s posts and let them know how much worse it could be. :lol:
I hope when osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh becomes and ol' head me and him are still in contact somehow. Cause he gonna be putting in work.

He gonna be telling kids about how basketball is trash now cause back in his day there were greats like Kyle Lowry that knew how to play the game right. How new music is trash, nothing is as good as some old school Drake. How young progressives don't know **** about politics. And that since climate change turned Toronto's climate into Atlanta's, he has not been able to get a good bottle of maple syrup.

Once that man puts on dem leather sandals, the streets are not gonna be able to handle dude.
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I just posted about the impacts banks have on this issue with data. You are still here trying to make this about your personal views once again. You love attention.
We need to include the impact banking has on police brutality. Talking about defunding departments and reallocating funds at the state level is not even half of the issues.
We need more comprehensive discussions going on in here. None of your left/right nonsense. You really think this is YOUR thread don't you?
As a banker I take offense to this.....
He’s probably working remotely with his zoom shirt on and shorts. :lol:

You fled Minneapolis just in time. City is gonna be a ghost town.
As a banker I take offense to this.....
I worked in banking and and left because it was a cold world even though the money was good.
We talking about the disconnect from him appearing to be a grassroots community organizer to having a background in banking which is overlooked. Makes a hells of a difference when assessing what type of individual he is and why he's having disconnect with his supposed base.
Talking down on slogans?
Talking down on people's faith making them vote more conservative?
Talking down to black men saying they voted for trump because he's the bling bling president and that's all hip hop about?
Having a beer with the police that racially profiled a man going into his own home and siding with the police that the brother was more than likely being rowdy?

A community organizer doesn't alienate his entire base in one book tour like that.

He's wagging his finger like the True Kitchen owner at a lot of people that voted for him.
He's really acting like a corporate elitist.
Generally speaking, Obama is right about most things.

Nothing everything, but even on things I disagree with him when I hear his explanation I understand why he reached a certain conclusion.

When it comes to politics and campaigning, his level of knowledge far outpaces 99.9% of folk. And I appreciate how thoughtful and nuanced he is. Most of the criticism I see of Obama, I disagree with them mostly because I don't think they are a nuanced and thoughtful analysis. It is almost like they are talking about a different person.
police departments are extremely well funded and systemically harm minority communities. the same communities struggle from lack of resource allocation in education, housing, and medicine. how should we address the issue?

is money finite? yes.
are police getting a lot of money? yes.
are police producing acceptable results for the money they are getting? hell no.
would our finite money be better used by allocating less to police and more to other issues? yes.

solution: give police more money.

wrap it up fellas. canadian contrarian solved the case.
They keep trolling themselves with literally the gay anthem of America. It's baffling. Also, what are they gonna do come January 20th? They have nothing to live for anymore beyond that.

I do expect Trump to declare his candidacy for 2024 immediately, and claim any attacks on him are against a political opponent, but it ain't gonna come from the DOJ. New York is waiting for him.
Word, NY SAG is gonna make sure he wont see the light of day come 2024. Citzen Trump is in uncharted waters.
American cities have been living under austerity for a very long time now. Like generations. Police departments for a couple of reasons have been shielded from most of the austerity. Other social services have not been as lucky.

Cities can't deficit spend, they don't get enough state and federal support, schemes to raise revenues through other methods have turned into backdoor tax cuts for the rich (lotteries). Plus any time police departments had had to share in the austerity, they have plundered minority neighborhoods with municipal fines to fund the department.

Even if you gave the police more money to engage better practices, without a way to punish them for not following through with delivering positive results for the community, nothing will fundamentally change. You will see some improvements though, but not nearly enough.

All you do is create a situation where cities will be paying out more and more in civil settlements because there are more laws on the book cops have to follow but don't.

Furthermore, these police unions are ****ing unreasonable.

If you try to take away some of their responsibilities and give them to social workers, they cool. If you tell them less responsibility should mean less funding, they get pissed.

If you say you want to hire more police to serve as a crime deterrent in neighborhoods, they cool. You tell them that since there will be more members on the force, that means there will be less overtime available, they get pissed.

Say that police need to do better especially after a tragedy, they grumble but they are cool. Tell them there needs to be civilian oversight of police behavior to make sure, they get pissed.

Plus, any positive reform they don't like they will try to veto it on the street. Basically, stop policing in the hopes crime spikes, and revenues from fines traffic infractions drop. That way state and federal pressure start. It is really wild. Hell, some police commissioners were welcoming consent decrees from Obama's DOJ because they wanted some to bring to policemen showing that they ****ing have to start cleaning up their act.

This game has been played for ****ing decades. I completely understand why folk feel wants to start putting money elsewhere. **** is a low key hostage situation.
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