***Official Political Discussion Thread***

obama was just a black version of bush.

they both stutter and can't give speeches.

mitt romney is better, but his eyes look like some conspiracy theory.

that aaron rodgers vice-president lookalike is gonna be the next JFK.

also, BILL CLINTON for a 3rd term would save us.
obama was just a black version of bush.
they both stutter and can't give speeches.
mitt romney is better, but his eyes look like some conspiracy theory.
that aaron rodgers vice-president lookalike is gonna be the next JFK.
also, BILL CLINTON for a 3rd term would save us.

:lol: Laughable :rofl:
And the truth is that the platform for health care is flawed. Businesses providing health care was originally a need for companies to gain a larger work force. Now, it's no longer needed, but Obamacare has paved the way to reform in general. Obviously it's not perfect...it never was, because again, the platform our health care system resides on is flawed. And in terms of progress being made...this is progress. Tangible progress.
This is the key point here.

SOMETHING had to be done.

I don't like Obamacare because its basically the same thing republicans have been pushing for since the late 80s. Thats why Romney did it first. 

"Obamacare" has its roots nearly 20+ years ago in neocon circles. 

Obamacare is so "pro-business" I don't know what to tell you. It gives TOO MUCH CONTROL to insurance companies. 

At least once we have a concept of accessible healthcare for all then we can work towards getting people familiar with the public option. 
I picked up on it during the second debate.

I mean if Romney wanted to go into business together, i'd be right there with him. Hes a smooth *** talker. He could sell you ice cream in hell. 
can't tell if you're serious with this. don't know if I would trust a stiff, stuttering salesman. when that kid asked him about getting a job out of college he spent 1:50 detailing all the stats about kids not getting jobs and finally said "I'll get you a job". the kid doesn't care why he can't get a job,he just wants a job. a good bull shi**er doesn't explain your problem he explains how to fix it, sells you that dream of how it's going to happen and may or may not deliver
You're kidding me.

Romney was a damn good salesman and has a tactic that has gotten him this far. Don't forget, he lives for pushing BS. Thats how he made his millions. Read up on management consulting. He can look at a set of numbers and sell you your wildest dreams without you even thinking about it. 

Obviously it doesn't work on everyone who is paying attention but my point is to say that if hes on your team, you really can't lose. That guy will manage to root himself in whatever he wants to put forward at any point in time. 

I stand by my statement...If Romney was working for a company I had, I'd love to have him out there pushing whatever I was selling, for better or for worse.

But since we're talking about him being a representative of the USA... I don't want him near the Oval Office. 
Like I said, I can respect fiscal conservatism...but social conservatism? Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. Here.

My man. If I'm a WOMAN, how can I even begin to vote Republican in 2012?????
You're kidding me.

Romney was a damn good salesman and has a tactic that has gotten him this far. Don't forget, he lives for pushing BS. Thats how he made his millions. Read up on management consulting. He can look at a set of numbers and sell you your wildest dreams without you even thinking about it. 

Obviously it doesn't work on everyone who is paying attention but my point is to say that if hes on your team, you really can't lose. That guy will manage to root himself in whatever he wants to put forward at any point in time. 

I stand by my statement...If Romney was working for a company I had, I'd love to have him out there pushing whatever I was selling, for better or for worse.

But since we're talking about him being a representative of the USA... I don't want him near the Oval Office. 

I'm going strictly off what I've seen in the debates and how he presents himself. just look at his face, seriously. dude is clearly full of shi*. his wife has the same freakish expression. Obama probably is full of crap too but he's a lot more convincing. romney has no soul to vibe with
You're kidding me.

Romney was a damn good salesman and has a tactic that has gotten him this far. Don't forget, he lives for pushing BS. Thats how he made his millions. Read up on management consulting. He can look at a set of numbers and sell you your wildest dreams without you even thinking about it. 

Obviously it doesn't work on everyone who is paying attention but my point is to say that if hes on your team, you really can't lose. That guy will manage to root himself in whatever he wants to put forward at any point in time. 

I stand by my statement...If Romney was working for a company I had, I'd love to have him out there pushing whatever I was selling, for better or for worse.

But since we're talking about him being a representative of the USA... I don't want him near the Oval Office. 

I'm going strictly off what I've seen in the debates and how he presents himself. just look at his face, seriously. dude is clearly full of shi*. his wife has the same freakish expression. Obama probably is full of crap too but he's a lot more convincing. romney has no soul to vibe with
I'm agreeing with you.

I'm just making a side comment. 

If Romney wanted to start a company, theres no way I'm saying no.

If he wants to be my president, theres no way I'm saying yes. 
Obama looks like a grayed out chimpanzee though

Did you draw this?

I am a conservatist, whatever that means. I dont need no gov't tell me what to do!

Government is usually the only force keeping the world from giving it to you wit no vaseline. Everyday you do dozens of activities that made possible or safe because of "government telling people what to do". Hell the air you breath is kept clean by government regulation

I swear the people that argue this "government is evil, I don't want to be told how to live my life" BS use the same rhetoric as a teenagers who complains about their parents
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I just want that angry black man.
I know its there.
This a guy who was a freaking community organizer on the south side of the chi...that dude was running through white women in college, smoking weed and pulling women the day he walked into his job at his law firm. 

How would a community organizer make you tough? :lol:
Even Romney is a rather attractive guy personality wise. I can't lie about that. Hell, most politicians are engaging dudes. When they open their mouths its a different story but theres a reason they are where they are. 

First time I've heard that , on here and real life :lol:
I picked up on it during the second debate.

I mean if Romney wanted to go into business together, i'd be right there with him. Hes a smooth *** talker. He could sell you ice cream in hell. 

But as a politician, I don't think he's fit for the job. 
I completely respect his business acumen, but that is not enough when it comes to actually being a representative and statesman. 

Oh ok, well maybe as far as the business part. But to me it seems like he'd sell me ice cream in hell, then ask what am I doing eating that ice cream, then claim he didn't sell it to me.
I'm agreeing with you.

I'm just making a side comment. 

If Romney wanted to start a company, theres no way I'm saying no.

If he wants to be my president, theres no way I'm saying yes. 

ok I can probably get with that. I gotta homeboy that works at verizon. he will do things like tell a customer he's just trying to feed his family and show them a pic of some random baby...dude has no kids :lol:. whatever concern they have he just tells them whatever because most people don't use their phones like that anyway. slimeball tactics but it works I guess
I'm agreeing with you.

I'm just making a side comment. 

If Romney wanted to start a company, theres no way I'm saying no.

If he wants to be my president, theres no way I'm saying yes. 

You're way to bullish on Romney, LOLZ. I've said what I had to about him though.
But you don't have to act like you're his groupie and praise him and run your protection all over his wrinkled face and pea sized eyes.

He might do well in sales and marketing, but not as an accountant. I'd very much have Michelle Bachman, or BILL CLINTON!
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What scares me, is the notion that in the past, the VP was always talked about.

****, Gore were always in the press and had leadership intentions. But w/ Biden, I don't really see much of him. He seems related to the illuminati.
That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying there should be no governing body, of course there should be, because this is a society based on democracy. But as law and social implications come into play, I would like to retain my rights in a meaningful way.
This type of stuff never goes away though, which is why we call it politics.
I would rather see the FDA do its job, than to get poisoned by spoiled milk. On the flip side, I DO NOT LIKE BAILOUTS, so yeah, you feeling me fam?
Yes, OBAMA is a chimpanzee and he wanted to wrestle MITT, but MITT is the LEX LUGER of the 90s, and the true ULTIMATE WARRIOR.

I'm not feeling you. First off you Obama is comment is obvious trolling so I ain't gonna take that bait

Second the bailout wasn't Obama chief; and how the hell is a bailout a government telling you what you what do? How is it infringing on your rights? You didn't like how your tax dollars were spent, that' fair. But your rights weren't violated

And the FDA protects you from that e.coli by telling people what to do. Sounds like you are all for the government doing **** that works in your favor but don't ever want to be told to do anything to help someone else.
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Government is usually the only force keeping the world from giving it to you wit no vaseline. Everyday you do dozens of activities that made possible or safe because of "government telling people what to do". Hell the air you breath is kept clean by government regulation
I swear the people that argue this "government is evil, I don't want to be told how to live my life" BS use the same rhetoric as a teenagers who complains about their parents

yeah I can't stand these types. yet, they want the government to tell people not to have abortions, who can't marry, etc.
Tagg Romney: Mr. White Privilege
Tagg Romney admits he'd like to slug Obama, becoming the latest white man that thinks he can say whatever he wants
By David Sirota

Tagg Romney, grandson of George Romney, son of Mitt Romney, is the latest flesh-and-blood embodiment of White Privilege on the national presidential stage. Though that stage has historically been a catwalk for the whitest and most privileged in the world, Tagg is in a class few achieve. With his lineage and his inherited wealth he equals George W. Bush when it comes to getting advantages by virtue of nothing more than whose crotch he popped out of in the hospital delivery room.

Now, thanks to his comments yesterday, he has surpassed even Bush, becoming not just an image of White Privilege, but an example of how that privilege quietly operates in too much of America.

In a post-debate interview with a North Carolina radio station, Tagg was asked about his visceral reaction to President Obama, and he said his first thought was that he wanted to “jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the stage and take a swing at him.” He then laughed and added, “But you know you can’t do that because, well, first because there’s a lot of Secret Service between you and him.”

One of the hallmarks of White Privilege is the unquestioned and largely unchallenged assumption that white people can say heinous things about people of color without blowback or even mild criticism — things that people of color rarely dare to say about white people, for fear of serious retribution. Tagg — aka Mr. White Privilege — proves the point perfectly. He feels totally comfortable fantasizing about committing physical violence against an African-American man. And remember, he’s not just any white guy pondering such grotesque dreams. On the contrary, he’s one of the public faces of a national presidential campaign appearing in a public media interview, meaning White Privilege has made him feel so comfortable airing such notions, that he didn’t hesitate to whimsically broadcast them to thousands of voters.

To know that’s a reflection of the new intensity of White Privilege is to witness the relatively muted reaction to the episode from a media that otherwise treats every microscopic nuance of the presidential race as a “breaking news” event. What’s more, this is a country where, whether in an election season or not, any threat of violence against any president of either party is a potential federal crime and thus covered as a major news story. That is, of course, before Obama, a black man, became president, and representatives of his white opponent started joking about physically harming him.

If that’s not enough proof that this episode is a profound example of the pervasiveness of White Privilege, then simply go through the mental exercise of switching the races. Ask yourself: Would the media reaction be similarly muted if a young black male relative of Obama appeared on a radio show and publicly fantasized about violently bludgeoning Mitt Romney? No, it would be the opposite. It would be a multi-day, above-the-fold, 100-point-typeface story initially fueled by Drudge, Fox News and right-wing radio hosts, and then pervading the network news shows. We’d soon see headlines about security beefing up around Romney and his entourage, as staid “Face the Nation” and “Meet the Press” panels — populated by mostly white faces, of course — paternalistically lamented the “race issue” in America.

Now, sure, Tagg maybe wouldn’t actually bludgeon Obama to a bloody pulp if given the chance. Most likely, he’d refrain from doing so out of aristocratic respect for what he calls “the nature of the process,” and even more likely, he’d respond to criticism of his remark by simply saying he wasn’t being “serious.” But what Tagg would do in the secret confines of his fictional Obama beat-down chamber is not important, and using the “not serious” defense only underscores the White Privilege at work, for that defense wouldn’t be accepted if the races were reversed.

Thus, it all comes back to White Privilege. This little episode and the lack of reaction to it confirms Tagg’s — and much of white America’s — unspoken day-to-day assumption that there should be two standards of acceptable decorum: one for privileged white people, another for everyone else.

UPDATE: To respond to some of the comments: This article never argues – nor does it want to argue – that Tagg Romney is a racist. It simply argues that his willingness to say what he said and assume such statements are acceptable proves he enjoys the assumptions and entitlements of White Privilege. Those are two different things. You don’t have to be a bigot to benefit from privilege. Additionally, merely acknowledging the reality of White Privilege isn’t akin to trying to paternalistically tell people of color what to think – it’s simply to acknowledge a basic and troubling reality that hurts our whole society. Let me also offer one more thought to all the white folk who seem angrier at a discussion of White Privilege than at a presidential campaign spokesman publicly dreaming of violence against a sitting president: You aren’t admitting any individual shortcoming or fault as a white person to simply acknowledge that White Privilege exists. All you are doing is admitting a reality – one that should be disturbing to us all, regardless of race. Finally, to those who accuse me of being a beneficiary of White Privilege – like most white people, I’m guilty as charged. But benefiting from a system of White Privilege – a system I had no individual hand in creating – is no excuse to pretend that system doesn’t exist or isn’t a problem.
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Despicable. Downright despicable.

Playing politics is one thing. But outright saying you want to punch the president? And your dad is running for president? And the first reason you give for not doing it is because the Secret Service would get to you first? How about because doing that would be wrong? Unbelievable.

Every damn day I'm floored at the new lows this campaign reaches. How is this even a close race? I'm losing faith in the common sense of my fellow Americans.
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Despicable. Downright despicable.

Playing politics is one thing. But outright saying you want to punch the president? And your dad is running for president? And the first reason you give for not doing it is because the Secret Service would get to you first? How about because doing that would be wrong? Unbelievable.

Every damn day I'm floored at the new lows this campaign reaches. How is this even a close race? I'm losing faith in the common sense of my fellow Americans.
See thats precisely what I'm talking about.

Watching Obama in office has made every criticism of him even more hard to pin down. On one hand you hope its not just some pseudo-racist statement but on the other hand you really do want to hold the guy accountable.

These past four years have been like this:

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