***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I know you are one of the few who have been keeping close tabs on this subject and I want to thank you for your posts ... I, like many Americans polled, dont care to waste my time researching this probe and I actually rely on your posts for my information lol ...

That being said, I simply regurgitated the right-wing talking points which were so egregiously inaccurate, as an apparently poor attempt at humor ... Sorry for that and please continue to post re: this subject ...

To move forward, what do you believe will be the outcome of Mueller's report, ultimately?
Your act is so transparent...
It's not often I'm at a loss for words, but some of these Trumpublicans, man. Seriously having the nerve to say, "Well, poor money management. Should stop living above your means and budget better", or my favorite, "Government workers know there could be a shutdown, should have saved for it, oh well." This is in reference to a completely unnecessary shutdown that results in people not having money for basic necessities like shelter and food.

Try being a human being. :smh:
To move forward, what do you believe will be the outcome of Mueller's report, ultimately?
I would definitely suggest not just relying on my posts, or any one person's for that matter, for such a complex investigation. :lol:

As for Mueller's report, hard to say considering the amount of information that is under wraps. For example, CNN spotted last February that a Trump campaign pollster who has ties to Manafort met with the Special Counsel.
There wasn't really any additional information. With the now revealed evidence that Manafort handed internal polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, that meeting appears to suggest that Mueller was following that trail all the way back in February.

I think Trump's behavior speaks for itself. If he is innocent, his lawyers should have reigned him in a long time ago because he behaves like the polar opposite.
He lied about every single Russian interaction, his business ties to Russia, contacts with Russia by his close associates, dictated a misleading statement on the Trump Tower meeting that was later contradicted by Trump Jr's emails, ...
He also praised Manafort for "not breaking, unlike Michael Cohen" and maintains a joint defense agreement (JDA) with him even after Manafort's started cooperating after his felony convictions and his guilty plea on one count of conspiracy to obstruct the Mueller investigation with Kilimnik. Cohen on the other hand was called a "rat" by Trump when he started cooperating with the feds.
Cooperators like Flynn, Rick Gates and Cohen all revoked their joint defense agreements when they entered a cooperation agreement, Manafort did not.
Trump also promoted an image showing a host of political rivals, including Mueller and Deputy AG Rosenstein, behind bars on treason charges. When a NY Post reporter asked Trump during an interview why he shared that image of Rosenstein behind bars, Trump answered "he should've never picked a special counsel."
Comey, who has cooperated and is a potential witness against the president, was also included behind bars in that image. Trump has also falsely accused Comey of leaking classified information, citing no evidence.
Trump has repeatedly bashed Sessions for his recusal. Over and over again the topic of that recusal came up in both his public disparagement of Sessions and reported private interactions.
There's a lot more in this pattern of behavior that I left out. This is not how innocent people behave.

Either he's the dumbest innocent man inadvertently behaving like a guilty man, or he has more liability than he is willing to admit. If he's as innocent as he says he is, I also can't see the logic in maintaining a shady joint defense agreement with Manafort throughout his cooperation and after all his felony convictions and conspiracy to obstruct justice guilty plea. Trump also has a joint defense agreement with Jerome Corsi, a potential putative defendant in the Mueller probe who has never served in any capacity on the Trump campaign, transition or WH. Corsi is a Roger Stone associate and declined a perjury plea agreement from Mueller. He then publicly released the draft plea agreement, which shows Corsi is of key interest to Mueller in his 'collusion' inquiry. More importantly, Mueller believes Corsi is lying about material facts on collusion.
Corsi stated publicly that his lawyer has been briefing the Trump defense on his interactions with Mueller. Giuliani confirmed that Manafort's attorney Kevin Downer was doing the same.
Maintaining that Manafort JDA even up to now is incredibly shady.

Mueller's investigation can be separated into 3 main categories based on what we know publicly.
The first is the general Russian interference probe, along with looking into any potential coordination ('collusion') by Trump associates.
The second is the obstruction of justice inquiry.
The third would be the counter-intelligence aspect of the investigation, though it's unclear if Mueller is still pursuing that after taking over the investigation.

I'd be surprised if Trump isn't implicated in criminal wrongdoing in at least one aspect of the investigation. I don't just base that off what is publicly available but also from Trump's behavior as mentioned earlier. Throughout the Mueller investigation I've had my doubts about Trump's involvement in collusion but not so much on the obstruction of justice probe.
In more recent months I've largely abandoned my theory that Trump would be the exact kind of guy stupid and narcissistic enough to obstruct an investigation because he thinks it delegitimizes his election victory, not because he's guilty of the underlying matters in that investigation.
The only reason I still keep that theory around in the back of my head, as well as other possibilities of Trump's innocence, is that it's never a good idea to count anything out.

Whether Mueller's report would be sufficient for a criminal conviction in a court of law is a different story but I don't really doubt anymore that Trump will be accused of significant wrongdoing.
In ordinary times, enough to warrant impeachment. There's far too much smoke for there not to be a fire of some sorts.
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