***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Goodnight my fellow NTers and Americans! Truth is - I love y’all. Democrats. Republicans. Moderates. Black. White. Brown. Asians. Straight. LGBT and the Q (whatever that is) and everyone else.

There’s no better country in the world than THE United States of America! You know it. I know it and people around the world know it too. That’s why they hate us so much dammit

I will pray for everyone here and for the underprivileged everywhere. I will pray for unified country. No I don’t hate you because you’re a liberal. I don’t hate you because you world prefer Trump to be impeached. As a matter of fact I don’t hate anyone - except Clipper fans (but that’s another story).

May god bless you and your families. May god bless our troops around the world and may god bless America!

This is very brave of you to speak out like this. We have been waiting patiently for someone to speak truth to this echo chamber. This thread is full of libbie elites who fetishize Obummer and think Abe Lincoln was a Democrat (fact check: FALSE).

I wish people would understand your message. No matter your race, creedo, or background, you should love this country, love its troops, love its law enforcement, and most of all love our dearest leader DONALD J TRUMP!!!!!

It's sickening that the FBI and CIA and all these deep State government law agencies are attacking our president and slandering his good name. They deserve only hate and derision for their partisan and divisive actions.

I am glad you are here. I know it's a war in here but if we can convince just one libbie to change her/his/zer mind, it will have been worth it, comrade.

Good night, God bless, and God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeehah! I love this country so damn much!
ok, sorry, something is on my mind and it's keeping me from falling asleep, so I gotta just put it out there.

You mentioned in your opening post that you are married to a Mexican lady. Was that some sort of joke you were making? Or were you serious?

If serious, I have to share my concerns with you. You should know better than anyone what I'm about to say. So I'll just say it. She is not to be trusted. She doesn't understand OUR values. Mexico only exports three items: drugs, crime, and you know the third.

Just be careful, that's all.

God bless!!!!
ok, sorry, something is on my mind and it's keeping me from falling asleep, so I gotta just put it out there.

You mentioned in your opening post that you are married to a Mexican lady. Was that some sort of joke you were making? Or were you serious?

If serious, I have to share my concerns with you. You should know better than anyone what I'm about to say. So I'll just say it. She is not to be trusted. She doesn't understand OUR values. Mexico only exports three items: drugs, crime, and you know the third.

Just be careful, that's all.

God bless!!!!

Thank you for your warnings and your blessing my fellow law-abiding American. I’m a sucker for Mexican food and she’s a great cook. I always sleep with one eye open though at night next to her. ICE is always on speed dial. God bless the USA!
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Thank you for your warnings and your blessing my fellow law-abiding American. I’m a sucker for Mexican food and she’s a great cook. I always sleep with one eye open though at night next to her. ICE is always on speed dial. God bless the USA!
If this isn't true love of both The United States of America and of Mexico's assumed some good people, I dont know what is. Keep fighting the good fight against libs and deep state, my friend our comrade.
This is your original post, you don't mention special circumstances and it definitely read like you are putting the blame on the Democrats for not running a magical candidate instead of people like Warren or Biden....

So you moved the criteria a lil with the special circumstances part. You admit that even magical candidates had things going for them beyond being marketbale, and a non magical candidate have won too. You also changed the criteria from just a likebality contest to Trump has the economy going for him.

Whatever non magical candidate will have things going for them too, and the left will just have to push.

Btw, Clinton would have won without Perot my point with mentioning Perot was to point out that if Clinton was so good at rallying the base, why did millions of his potential voters go elsewhere.

-I am not just talking about the Electoral College with Gore and Hillary. I am talking about voter suppression. Both Gore and Hillary were good enough to win in the electoral college if other factors were not at play. Jeb Bush purged voter rolls disportionately in black neighborhoods to help his brother. A disproportionate about of ballots were thrown out in black areas during the recount. Hillary had to deal with voter suppression at a level not even Obama had to deal with. So yeah, they got screwed.

All you are saying is that certain things work in favor of a different parties and it would help the Dems if they had a generational political talent, ok find I agree. But it is not the fault of the Democratic Party they don't have that talent, to overcome **** they frankly should not have too, and furthermore the GOP has elected tons of trash to the White House so maybe it is time for the left wing coalition to stop waiting for a hero to come save the day.

Look I’m not shifting points, I had an original statement which you replied to then I added another statement, it’s like a conversation. I’m coming at this from a debate viewpoint

I understand gerrymandering and voter purges hurt the Dems in all elections but it probably won’t change for 2020 elections. Also it’s not the Dems fault they don’t have a generational magical candidate this time.

I’m not saying the Republicans haven’t elected trash they probably have only had one charismatic candidate Reagan but yet the Repubs have won 8 of the last 13 candidates ( 50 years)

Again heres my point if it needs to stated again

Due to build in disadvantages relative to the Republican Party, Democrats need very charismatic candidates or special circumstances to win Presidential elections without an incumbent.

Don’t see either one of those things currently.

Not saying not to vote or give up but Dems need to fully understand the challenge here. To win it’s going to need to be an upset.
Look I’m not shifting points, I had an original statement which you replied to then I added another statement, it’s like a conversation. I’m coming at this from a debate viewpoint

I understand gerrymandering and voter purges hurt the Dems in all elections but it probably won’t change for 2020 elections. Also it’s not the Dems fault they don’t have a generational magical candidate this time.

I’m not saying the Republicans haven’t elected trash they probably have only had one charismatic candidate Reagan but yet the Repubs have won 8 of the last 13 candidates ( 50 years)

Again heres my point if it needs to stated again

Due to build in disadvantages relative to the Republican Party, Democrats need very charismatic candidates or special circumstances to win Presidential elections without an incumbent.

Don’t see either one of those things currently.

Not saying not to vote or give up but Dems need to fully understand the challenge here. To win it’s going to need to be an upset.
Ain't man

I'm not really trying to argue but your statement seemed to be saying one thing at first, and the evidence just didn't seem their to back it up
Due to build in disadvantages relative to the Republican Party, Democrats need very charismatic candidates or special circumstances to win Presidential elections without an incumbent.

Don’t see either one of those things currently.

I see special circumstances that are not being reported on, like more children losing their healthcare, more old people being unable to retire, more protests and walk outs due to management mistreatment of employees, wage stagnation being more and more obvious despite increased productivity, and the effects of climate change becoming very very visible.

I also see the possibility of making the Supreme Court more conservative if Trump wins again, and I want to believe that's special enough to drive Democrat turnout, especially since Conservative judges have decided to continue allowing restrictions on reproductive rights, voting rights, and LGBT rights this close to an election.
Just pushed my vote through. Lets see if Mississippi is ready to do the right thing. Jim Hood is a Democrat, but he's got a lot of support from Mississippi Republicans because a lot of them can't stand Tate Reeves (or Tater Tot as most people call him lol).
Just because you’re a conservative/Republican and a supporter of the president in office - doesn’t make you a white supremacist as perceived by the liberal clowns here on NT. That’s why I threw that in there or else the ASSumptions would have come pouring in.
But it does. You support a white supremacist with your vote. You support the policies and the lies he pushes and you support his actions then and now. You plan on voting for him in 2020 after voting for him in the last election? You continuously support a white supremacist. Period. That makes you a white supremacist.

**** the sugar coating. Hes a xenophobic fascist and a traitor. Period. You support that. Own it. Take accountability for your vote and your continued support. No point in pretending for your own comfort. I'm not playing into that and pretending with you and neither should anybody else in this thread.

It's better to be honest with yourself. You support a white supremacist.
So Police and LEO lives don’t matter? Really? The same libs who talk smack about the police are the first ones to beg for their help when they need them. Pathetic.
They swore an oath to uphold the laws of this crooked system. That has nothing to do with me. They chose that not me. My ppl had no say so in these laws being formed, this land being stolen or this govt setting up shop on stolen land, etc. Etc.

They have the law, the prosecution and a whole system behind them. We have nothing but hashtags.

**** their laws, **** their system and really, **** them all.

I said what I said. White, black, etc. They are who they are. Some are supposedly good but all work within a system designed to **** my ppl. So if its **** me its **** you. That's how I feel, personally.
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