***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They are the worst. There is nothing in what Trump has said, or done since running for and becoming president that shows any indication that he is a man of faith or even a christian. It's shameful how these hateful people want to use religion as a reason to support him. Just keep it real. You're a racist, prejudice person who believes America is for whites only. You flock to him because he is what you are in secret. He is who you wish you can be publicly. I'm not even a christian anymore, but I'm still disgusted when I see fake christians backing this hateful man. Reminds me of slave masters and white supremacist who use the bible and christianity as justification for their wickedness. Supporting him as a christian means you support hate, racism, xenophobia, etc. These "christians" are showing their true colors.
debso, I like your calm style and reasoning my man. Truth is I didn’t vote for Trump in 16 (didn’t vote for crooked Hillary either) and all kidding aside - I’m not voting for Trump in 2020. While I agree with some of his domestic policies and handling of international affairs - I can’t find myself voting for a blatant racist and an a**hole of a human being.

While I’m proud to be a Republican/Conservative and I will never ever budge from that - I’m embarrassed that Trump is in office tbh. Shows you just how bad Hillary is for him to be voted in.

Regarding the popo - I have family members in law enforcement and they’re good people and I fully support them and other LEOs across the country. Nothing will change my mind or my stance on that.
wow, this bootlicker been trolling us this whole time :smh:

debso, I like your calm style and reasoning my man. Truth is I didn’t vote for Trump in 16 (didn’t vote for crooked Hillary either) and all kidding aside - I’m not voting for Trump in 2020. While I agree with some of his domestic policies and handling of international affairs - I can’t find myself voting for a blatant racist and an a**hole of a human being.

While I’m proud to be a Republican/Conservative and I will never ever budge from that - I’m embarrassed that Trump is in office tbh. Shows you just how bad Hillary is for him to be voted in.

Regarding the popo - I have family members in law enforcement and they’re good people and I fully support them and other LEOs across the country. Nothing will change my mind or my stance on that.
Oh, so you were trolling.
The filing is a reply to a filing by Concord Management, the company controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin that was indicted by the Special Counsel as part of the Internet Research Agency case. Prigozhin himself was indicted as well.
It appears prosecutors intend to seek a superseding indictment. Special Counsel Mueller previously noted that non-sensitive discovery information from this case was used in a Russian disinformation campaign to attack the case. Due to Prigozhin's control of Concord Management, the judge imposed a firewall agreement, meaning Concord's lawyers have to ask the judge's permission to share any information on the case with outside individuals such as Prigozhin.

US: Mueller evidence used in disinformation campaign
Federal prosecutors say confidential material from the Russia investigation was altered and released online as part of a disinformation campaign to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, according to a court filing Wednesday.

The material had been handed over to defense attorneys for Concord Management and Consulting LLC, a Russian company that Mueller has charged with financing efforts to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

But the files, which prosecutors say were not sensitive, surfaced online last year in a link posted by a pro-Russian Twitter account.
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Nah. I still can’t stand liberals and I will never vote democrat. I’m just divided on Trump. Like what he’s done in office thus far but don’t like him personally for multiple reasons.
I am talking about all the Trump Stanning you were doing yesterday. Now you want to to be one some "oh no, I actually hate Trump" steez after people pressed you.

So you are either a troll or a dude that can't stand firm on his views.

If you are not I troll I must say I can't stand clowns that can't stand behind their words when the pressure comes. It is a special type of cowardice and fragility that it seems all kinds of conservatives share.

Like I said, so one will respect you on here. Even after you try to take back all the clown **** you were spewing yesterday.

Spare us
We’ve gone from one of the worst presidents in modern times (Obama) to one of the best and most forward-thinking in Trump - yet some of you still try to tear this man down based an media perceptions and lies. Damn shame!

He’s restored the military; lowered the unemployment rate; protected the borders; took America’s “balls” back from China and put his foot down on Iran.

He’s lock for 2020! He’s got my damn vote as he did in 2016.
I’m embarrassed that Trump is in office tbh.

Nah. I still can’t stand liberals and I will never vote democrat. I’m just divided on Trump. Like what he’s done in office thus far but don’t like him personally for multiple reasons.
Methodical Management Methodical Management
Toss this fool, man


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Y’all can say or think whatever you want. Doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m a proud Republican. I support ANY president that is voted into office. The MeToo movement is BS. Marriage is only between a man and a woman. You are born either male or female. The gay agenda is getting out of hand (one reason why my kid is being home schooled). I support the police and our military. Our borders needs to be closed and anyone here without any papers needs to be deported as done in other countries around the world. Social media is dumbing down society. Liberal clowns and policies will be the downfall of this great country. It’s already happening here in California. Just some of my views in a nutshell. Don’t like it? Too bad homie(s)
Y’all can say or think whatever you want. Doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m a proud Republican. I support ANY president that is voted into office. The MeToo movement is BS. Marriage is only between a man and a woman. You are born either male or female. The gay agenda is getting out of hand (one reason why my kid is being home schooled). I support the police and our military. Our borders needs to be closed and anyone here without any papers needs to be deported as done in other countries around the world. Social media is dumbing down society. Liberal clowns and policies will be the downfall of this great country. It’s already happening here in California. Just some of my views in a nutshell. Don’t like it? Too bad homie(s)

Mannnnnn shut up

No one gives a damn about your washed views, troll.
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There is nothing in what Trump has said, or done since running for and becoming president that shows any indication that he is a man of faith or even a christian.
They don't see Trump the Christian, they see Trump the Conman, and they love it.

If you're leading a church and you have the tax documents of your followers sitting on your desk because you convinced them to give you 10% of their yearly income, you know exactly how the Christian god feels about you.

If you a pastor and you push five books weekly to your audience before the sermon, you know exactly how Jesus feels about you.
Y’all can say or think whatever you want. Doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m a proud Republican. I support ANY president that is voted into office. The MeToo movement is BS. Marriage is only between a man and a woman. You are born either male or female. The gay agenda is getting out of hand (one reason why my kid is being home schooled). I support the police and our military. Our borders needs to be closed and anyone here without any papers needs to be deported as done in other countries around the world. Social media is dumbing down society. Liberal clowns and policies will be the downfall of this great country. It’s already happening here in California. Just some of my views in a nutshell. Don’t like it? Too bad homie(s)

Rusty pressed you, now you revert back to your troll role from yesterday. Frail.

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