***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump and Giuliani behind the scenes getting ready to fight back in courts


TF is this **** :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Too bad we can't round up the other 2 villains,
Lamey Lindsey Graham
Ditch Mitch McCONnell.
Don't forget

Ted Serial Killer Cruz
Marcobot Rubio
Justice Date R**** Kavanaugh

Don't worry. Their time will come. Sooner or later, it will come.

oh there's also

Rudy Statutory R*** Ghouliani
Alan Nonconsensual R**** Douchewitz
Don't forget

Ted Serial Killer Cruz
Marcobot Rubio
Justice Date R**** Kavanaugh

Don't worry. Their time will come. Sooner or later, it will come.

oh there's also

Rudy Statutory R*** Ghouliani
Alan Nonconsensual R**** Douchewitz
Poor boy brave Barron Trump. Cant judge him, but he is surrounded by an all star criminal cast.
You wanna drink that .99 cent stale *** coffee that's been sitting at the bodega for 9 hours and tastes like dirty water?? GUESS WHAT. BIDEN WONT LET YOU. HE ONLY WANTS YOU DRINKING CARAMEL BRÛLÉE LATTES. AMERICA IS DEAD

I mean they’re throwing not just the kitchen sink, they’re throw the pillows, the pipes, the dildos, the garden hose, the roof shingles.... everything
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