***Official Political Discussion Thread***


But its all ok because Will Hurd wagged his finger at these efforts! And Mittens gave a stern "statement" on these actions by his GOP colleagues!

They're just as complicit in all of this madness as Ted Cruz and others. To me, the core of conservative ideology is completely ignoring history when it shows them the truth, and leaning on it when they can contort it to their whims. You can't tell me that those two men are so ignorant to the reality of cause and effect, and that their support for their party has always been about disenfranchising Black and Brown folk, and coddling white racists to sustain their power in DC. It's unreal how the media gives these guys like Romney good press for literally empty words.
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Good idea by GA's Secretary of State to record and leak the phonecall. I wonder if he recorded Lindsey Graham trying to pressure him into committing electoral fraud to benefit Trump. When Graham flatly denied it, he only kept saying Graham was lying so he probably got the idea to start recording these type of calls from that.
Instead of the mindless circle jerk of curated (((memes))) going on by biased social pages and (((sources))) meant to shape and change your perception - let me post this proposed bill to the senate off an official gov't website.


This seems to fit. He tried to flatter Raffensperger and his General Counsel, then threatened them with criminal penalties and reputational harm if they continued to refuse to comply

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office
(2)knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,
shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

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