***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Random Thoughts on SOTU

Honestly, a Bernie presidency would have yielded pretty similar results as this current Biden presidency. (which is hardly enough given what we are facing and we cannot expect the ordinary political process to solve it). Good on Biden for talking about medicare's direct negotiations with drug companies and defending and expanding the ACA. IF the ACA were fully funded and the subsidies were larger and the no-copay for moderate-low income buyers gets shifted to lower deductible tiers, it's a pretty good system.

OMG, he's talking about housing and younger peoples' lack of access to home ownership. Dude is winning in November.

His short term memory and eye sight has declined, no doubt, but dude is anchored to reality. That's all pretty normal for a person his age.

Industries where the profits margin can be expanded most effectively with lower wages, weaker labor regulations, and weaker environmental regulation skew GOP. Industries that can best expand their profit margins through better public education and infrastructure, skew Democratic.

Although it'd disagree with osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh when he says that Biden gave the left everything it wanted BUT, Biden's shift away from the US's decades of bipartisan austerity oriented political economy and rather towards towards a Keynesian style approach (as best as can be done in our current system) is HUGE. We should keep two thoughts in our head at once. The current political economy is on a path of ecocidal destruction AND the Biden administration should be rewarded by even more leftists support on election day. The revolution may be far off and I want future presidents to operate under the assumption that leaning left economically will result in reelection.

The bank fees thing is a great example of how Trump is not a champion of the working class no matter how much a sympathetic conservative media claims him to be such. Donald Trump WAS president and he didn't do a thing about it. Again, is reducing bank fees a game changer for the working class? of course no. But if Trump can't even do that, how on Earth would someone think that Donald Trump's second term would result in restoration of a robust middle class? IMO, Democrats should talk a little less "saving Democracy" and more about how Trump didn't do a damn thing for workers in his first term. Undercut all of Trump's grand, populist campaign promises in 2024.

He went as left as possible with a 50/50 senate with Manchin as the 50th vote.

No one on the left should be complaining, they should be figuring out how to win senate seats in West Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina ect
TBH best you could’ve hoped for and much better than even that.

Yup.. basically

He went as left as possible with a 50/50 senate with Manchin as the 50th vote.

No one on the left should be complaining, they should be figuring out how to win senate seats in West Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina ect

If you're talking about within the context of US politics, I agree, he's pushed it as far as it can go within the current context. Like you and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford s aid four years ago, a Sanders presidency would not have been all that different from this current Biden Presidency and that is true and the political left should reward him electorally for that.

Although we could and should chip in with electoral efforts for the US Senate, easily the most powerful legislative body on Earth, the biggest take away IMO is that the system is on a rotting and crumbling foundation and fellow leftists, who think that electing slightly better politicians to elected office will fundamentally change things, are misguided. In every election, primary or general, vote the leftmost candidate and whatever the results, move on and figure out how to directly apply pressure to capital and the state.
I really don’t get why like everyone doesn’t unify and just vote as many left leaning people into office as possible. Like we have 500k elected officials and if we could get the overwhelmingly majority of them to be people that are well educated (MBA or equivalent like JD, MD etc) we’d be able to do some much so easily. It’s just basic resource allocation.
Why do they always use white women and cries of rape as a battle cry. Throughout US history and in Gaza for the assault on Palestine
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