Official Soccer Jersey Thread

A kit is more than just a shirt you wear, it's a symbol of the team you support.
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I only support City, the Timbers and the US, so I obviously get those kits, but otherwise, I only buy kits if like the kit and can get a player I like from the team on it. Wouldn't ever wear another EPL or MLS jersey, but I wear other national team kits, just not around tournament time. 
yall cats get a grip, sports is a leisurely activity. if a jersey is fly, a jersey is fly. nobody cares about how loyal you are to your teams, including your teams :lol:

ish is kinda lame, now cats will probably hold out on info/help because of some facade of "loyalty" |I
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Nothing wrong with buying other clubs' kits, doesn't make someone less of a fan of a certain team imo.

I personally don't buy any other teams' jersey from La Liga if it's not Real Madrid, only team I follow religiously.

I've seen a few people, some NTers, call themselves R. Madrid fans and buy Barcelona shirts, but that's none of my business.
yall cats get a grip, sports is a leisurely activity. if a jersey is fly, a jersey is fly. nobody cares about how loyal you are to your teams, including your teams

ish is kinda lame, now cats will probably hold out on info/help because of some facade of "loyalty"
Beg to differ. A place like Oakland, if you dare to walk in the stadium with a Chargers, Broncos or Chiefs jersey, Raiders fans will most likely, more than care about your loyalty, lol.
yall cats get a grip, sports is a leisurely activity. if a jersey is fly, a jersey is fly. nobody cares about how loyal you are to your teams, including your teams

ish is kinda lame, now cats will probably hold out on info/help because of some facade of "loyalty"
People do care, it's just that we live in the States where people aren't as passionate about the sports as people in Europe are.
Y'all that don't care about wearing different club jerseys, maybe y'all aren't that passionate as others. If you wanna wear different club jerseys, go ahead, don't be calling us lames if we're not down to wear another kit.
Wouldn't be caught dead in a Utd, Chelse, or Tottenham jersey much like I wouldn't ever go near Cubs merch. I've made myself hate everyone on those teams. 
People do care, it's just that we live in the States where people aren't as passionate about the sports as people in Europe are.

we have sports in the states. sports isn't some foreign concept. im not out here browbeating somebody for wearing a miami jersey when they are from (pick a city). in the US we joke about fan loyalty, but its really not even all that serious. people wear all types of teams across the board. you find yankees gear and cowboys gear everywhere in america.
Y'all that don't care about wearing different club jerseys, maybe y'all aren't that passionate as others. If you wanna wear different club jerseys, go ahead, don't be calling us lames if we're not down to wear another kit.

agree that it's not lame for a person to not want to wear another kit.

but its lame to waste keystrokes in a soccer jersey thread typing out how you wouldnt do it. nobody asked or cares. i thought this was more for information gathering/sharing pics/pickups.
yall cats get a grip, sports is a leisurely activity. if a jersey is fly, a jersey is fly. nobody cares about how loyal you are to your teams, including your teams :lol:
ish is kinda lame, now cats will probably hold out on info/help because of some facade of "loyalty" |I
Same here, although I wouldn't say lame. Many people really are "passionate" or more like fanatical about the teams they support/follow. Everyone is different. I am a huge sports fan and love all my local teams for all my life but that doesn't stop me from wearing jerseys of teams I may like from other cities or countries, or buy simply because I like the colors, styles or just a particular player.
If I only bought the jerseys or gear of teams I fully support, my closet would be full of just blue with red/orange accents of stuff. I've grown out of the whole mentality that leagues/teams feverishly push, "if you're a fan of this team, you have to hate/despise the other team and their fan base."
From a multi billion dollar business perspective, creating that atmosphere among fans makes absolute sense and would encourage it at every chance.

Looks ok, but you can get the same stuff here:
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right on bro, but to clarify I never said being a loyal fan is lame. at all. guys can rock with or not rock with whatever they want for whatever reason.

lame is the browbeating/casting shade on someone who doesn't care about all the "loyalty" stuff
right on bro, but to clarify I never said being a loyal fan is lame. at all. guys can rock with or not rock with whatever they want for whatever reason.

lame is the browbeating/casting shade on someone who doesn't care about all the "loyalty" stuff
right on bro, but to clarify I never said being a loyal fan is lame. at all. guys can rock with or not rock with whatever they want for whatever reason.

lame is the browbeating/casting shade on someone who doesn't care about all the "loyalty" stuff
My bad bruh. Thought you meant being loyal was lame. I get what you mean now
After catching up on all current comments I decided to put in my two cents. Also my comment might be close to essay status so if you want to skip it go ahead. 

I think there are different types of fans. I think some of us are fans of specific teams and are loyal to those teams. I for one have been following Real Madrid since 1996 and I remember watching Roberto Carlos and Fernando Redondo. It was love at first sight and I have never looked back. I would never wear a jersey of another La Liga team simply because that is how I feel. And yes, I have seen and admired other Barcelona players but would not wear a jersey with their name. I was the happiest boy when Ronaldo went from Barcelona to Inter and then to Real Madrid. I admired Ronaldinho because I would be blind if I didn't but would never wear a Barça jersey. 

Two-faced "fans"...ehhh

And as I grew up players would switch teams and I would follow them. I followed Inter during their Ronaldo, Zamorano, Vieri era. It was the other team that I could simply not miss on tv. As I grew older I managed to watch the EPL and would follow different players but never rooting for a specific team simply because I was enjoying football at its best. I did realize though that when certain teams lost it bothered me. I grew a soft spot for Manchester United and to this day I enjoy the team culture and aspect. However, when they faced off in CL against Real Madrid, I rooted for Real Madrid unconditionally to the death. But I can wear a Gerrard jersey because I feel he's been a classy player and I enjoyed watching him. Or I could wear a Tevez jersey because I loved watching him in Boca Juniors. Or I can wear an Oscar shirt because I enjoy his game. But notice how I didn't say I was a Man. Utd. die-hard fan up there^

What I am trying to say is let's just enjoy this. Don't claim false loyalties because football is a culture. Sure you can cheer for other teams in other leagues because that's the fun part. Football is so broad that we can enjoy other leagues and teams. Simply put, respect a team's history and the opponents history by not flip flopping. That's my opinion.

#HalaMadrid #BuryMeInWhite 
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I feel like being from the UK, and supporting a small club, my hometown club in Leicester City, I have a different perspective of how I became a fan.

Thing is, I didn't become a fan, it was decided the day I was born. Yeah, we don't win much, and winning the Championship and getting promoted to the PL is one of our biggest achievements, but I wouldn't change it for the world. We haven't won 5 European cups, or 20 title or even an FA Cup, so moments like last season make it worth supporting a team like us.
And I was at Nottingham Forest a couple of seasons ago, to watch this....

And it was amazing to secure a play off place in that manner.

And I was at Vicarage Road against Watford a in the play offs just days laterand I can 100% guarantee most of you will never feel as low as I did that day after this.

But whatever, Premier League here we come. If we get relegated, Then so be it. I'm born and bred LCFC. Sorry for the essay, I'm emotional :rofl:
I feel like being from the UK, and supporting a small club, my hometown club in Leicester City, I have a different perspective of how I became a fan.

Thing is, I didn't become a fan, it was decided the day I was born. Yeah, we don't win much, and winning the Championship and getting promoted to the PL is one of our biggest achievements, but I wouldn't change it for the world. We haven't won 5 European cups, or 20 title or even an FA Cup, so moments like last season make it worth supporting a team like us.
And I was at Nottingham Forest a couple of seasons ago, to watch this....

And it was amazing to secure a play off place in that manner.

And I was at Vicarage Road against Watford a in the play offs just days laterand I can 100% guarantee most of you will never feel as low as I did that day after this.

But whatever, Premier League here we come. If we get relegated, Then so be it. I'm born and bred LCFC. Sorry for the essay, I'm emotional :rofl:
@HEGGSY  SEEE!!!!!!!!! That's the stuff I love to read. There's this connection. Had I been born somewhere else I am sure it would be the same. That's the thing with football. We love our clubs even if they don't win. It's like having a wife that will never cheat on you and going through thick and thin! 

I have salvadoran roots so I get to hear all about my dad's experience with his local boyhood club. And I love to hear about it because they're humble team in CONCACAF. We haven't won a region title since like the late 70s. But hey, love is love. 
So turns out that I'm staying at the same hotel as Real Madrid and got a chance to meet a few of the players and management. I was a few feet from Ronnie but a few stupid guests decided to start shouting the players names when we told not to do so (Hotel management allowed for us to wait in the lobby and let the players come to us) and then this **** jumped the ropes. Now the hotel and RM security aren't allowing the guests to ask for autographs :smh: >:

Oh well, I should be grateful that I got to meet Florentino Perez, Ancelotti, Pepe, Alonzo, Casillas and Sergio Ramos.

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