i don’t want to be in the chat. will either feel bad for not listening or listen and feel bad when it goes sideways. Gotta close my eyes and auto deposit money into SPY or better yet VOO every month.

That said, what’s the next gonna go boom stock!?
Yo...whatever happened to DeyknowYayo (or I think that's what he went by)? I think he started the stock market thread before this one. He and BenBaller even made a bet on the eventual state of the market.

tkthafm tkthafm I believe. He was early but not wrong.

No joke, till this day this dude has been the main consistent poster in this thread. Most of his picks were spot on.

I think he shorted everything, when the world was turning greedy and investing into everything. Not just TSLA.

Not surprised he doesnt post on NT after retiring early.
No joke, till this day this dude has been the main consistent poster in this thread. Most of his picks were spot on.

I think he shorted everything, when the world was turning greedy and investing into everything. Not just TSLA.

Not surprised he doesnt post on NT after retiring early.
Yea but wasn’t he preaching about “it’s all fake” and saying to short everything when feds were easy and market was ripping… then when the music stopped I can’t remember him even posting… yes he was “right” (sort of) and early, maybe too early. But who knows, he can post a picture of a beach and say he’s retired
Yea but wasn’t he preaching about “it’s all fake” and saying to short everything when feds were easy and market was ripping… then when the music stopped I can’t remember him even posting… yes he was “right” (sort of) and early, maybe too early. But who knows, he can post a picture of a beach and say he’s retired
Yeah. As long as he managed his risk and margin, which I'm sure he did, he would have made multitudes of his short positions. Rolling positions over during the rip would have been expensive, but he seemed to know what he was doing and if so, there's a reason his only post since QT was that he's retired :lol:
Yeah. As long as he managed his risk and margin, which I'm sure he did, he would have made multitudes of his short positions. Rolling positions over during the rip would have been expensive, but he seemed to know what he was doing and if so, there's a reason his only post since QT was that he's retired :lol:
Hope he is flourishing, but I have my doubts lol
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