FB is sitting at around 20x PE. I considered selling at a loss this week (bought at $165) to offset other cap gains, but I’m not convinced I will, cause I think it’s def a long term winner. Decisions decisions.

This market has a lot of good buying opportunities. AAPL and GOOGL looking like great buys right here. Hell even FB don’t look half bad even though management is indeed trash.
my mom works for wells fargo securities so she keeps me up to date with my portfolio... i was telling her to sell my facebook this morning and her stock broker said to keep it... so i guess i will for now... just seems so discouraging looking at the price for it now :smh:
Realized most of my baked-in gains from the last couple of years and now sitting on some cash to deploy in the down cycle. Where are you guys parking your money when the markets collapse?
I’m parking my money in stocks and cash. Cash simply to buy more stock that I want long term. These are times to build/add to long term positions.
Yup, just buying more and more. Not gonna try to guess on the bottom. The lower it goes the more shares I get. It sucks to lose thousands every day and buy knowing it will probably keep dropping but I know I will be happy in the future.

I was young during the '08 collapse so I couldn't fully capitalize on it; so I'm hoping we get another golden opportunity to load up on super cheap shares.
If we drop another 50% will you still have money to invest? Be careful averaging down. There’s plenty of more to lose here. Have a scaling plan.
I’m parking my money in stocks and cash. Cash simply to buy more stock that I want long term. These are times to build/add to long term positions.

Only if you think this market has bottomed out - I definitely think there's room to move lower. I'm looking at 3-yr & 5-yr averages on valuation multiples and things are still looking real rich. I also don't think we've seen enough of an economic slowdown to justify saying we're nearing the bottom now. Private markets are also still quite expensive. I'll probably hold out until we see how these massive 2019 IPOs fare and where the Fed lands on rate movements. Very curious about how the overall markets will react to these events.
If we drop another 50% will you still have money to invest? Be careful averaging down. There’s plenty of more to lose here. Have a scaling plan.

Yes, I'm adding from my paychecks, my income is well secured for the future and my expenses are very minimal. I also have emergency money set aside.

I don't need my portfolio money at all, if it suddenly vanished I'd still be ok.

If I only had a limited amount of money to buy with I probably wouldn't buy right now, I feel a steeper drop is coming, but no one knows how steep or when; so I'd rather not bother playing guessing games. I have a separate trading account for that.
at some point in the near future I will for sure be buying apple

I predict apple will be im the 140s by January. Im holding out until that point before i even start nibbling. I have no doubt they’ll bounce back, but they have so much going against them right now, so im waiting for a better price.
I think with yesterdays news, we are now officially on our way down, which means I'm finally getting back in. Question for my bros--how much would you recommend sizing in by with stocks like FB, APPL, etc?

Sure I’ll play using SPY. 220 first then some chop then 150 is where we bottom out.

I can't imagine we get another 40% drop from here. That'd be a hell of a correction considering we're already at 15%. I wouldn't mind it though... rather buy shares at those levels than current levels.
Figure out your max risk and scale in in 1/8s if you think we’re going much lower or 1/5s if you’re not as bearish.
I think with yesterdays news, we are now officially on our way down, which means I'm finally getting back in. Question for my bros--how much would you recommend sizing in by with stocks like FB, APPL, etc?

I decided to realize $3.5k in losses on FB today to help offset the gains I realized this year which were pretty big strong. I was buying at $135, $160, $170 and $180 over the last 1-2 years :smh: Hoping to get back in early 2019 after the 30 day period expires at below current price. We shall see.
We are officially in a bear market gentlemen; we were at all time highs just 3 months ago. Insane.

Very fun to watch this, some tremendous buying opportunities; just feel bad for those near retirement who are getting their 401k's demolished.

Red Christmas. Historic.
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