Official Uncle Denzel gif & img thread

Uncle zel calls out plays and attempts to legitimately coach strangers during pick up games even though he doesn't play D or make back to the other side of the court the majority of the time.
I pass the ball to Unc with the assumed risk that I wont get it back, he keeps the ball at the top of the key and gives all of us the wave off signal. He plays iso ball.
Uncle Zel is the only dude who uses the backboard to make 3s.

After scoring some points he'll tell you he had a scholarship to play ball at (insert good D1 program here) but he got "sidetracked" (hustling, didn't have the grades, had one of your many cousins, etc.)
Uncle zel calls you a ***** if you call a foul. Uncle zel calls foul if anyone touches him
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When the game is tied for game point and uncle zel has the ball he will ISO drive to the hole over and over and call foul each time until the ball goes in. If the ball goes in he'll claim he did not call foul
Uncle Zel got hired as the girls basketball coach at the local middle school.

First day of practice, he gathers the girls up around a hold TV and tells them "I ain't here for no games, I'm gonna turn y'all into winners. Now lemme show you what real basketball is, and how we gonna be playing from now on......."

Pops in a vhs highlight tape of 1988 Detriot Pistons :smokin
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Uncle Zel got hired as the girl basketball coach at the local middle school.

First day of practice, he gathers the girls up around a hold TV and tells them "I ain't here for no games, I'm gonna turn them into winners. Now lemme show you what real basketball is, and how we gonna be playing from now on......."

Pops in a vhs tape of 1988 Detriot Pistons highlights
Out of reps, but looks at the biggest girl and tells her to model her game after Laimbeer/Mahorn.
Uncle Zel pick up game consist of going up to 100 points..

If you don't agree to his terms.. Uncle Zel doesn't play because playing up to 15 points is a waste of his time..
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Uncle Zel always taps your elbow when your shooting.

Uncle Zel will post up whenever he has the chance. He'll even back you down from the 3 point line.

Uncle Zel still rocks his high school b-ball jersey when ballin.
Uncle zel will uncall your foul calls and proceed to explain why for 10mins until finally everyone just gives up and gives him the ball
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