Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Do the Warriors want to be over the luxury tax if they did try to go after Smith or Brand? More than likely he isgoing to get 11-13 mil a year, then you have to give Ellis around 9-10, Biedrins 7-9 a year. That's 3 players taking in 27-31 mil in one off-season.That's if hoopshype salaries are right with ya'll having [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$30,060,290 on your roster right now. One thing you got to learn, be smartwith your money Mullins. I can't believe he is going after Brand, who isn't a team changing player. Signing Brand isn't going to make the Warriorsno better than 9th seed in the West I believe. If I was the Warriors, I would let my young core develop and wait til next off-season or the off-season afterthat to get someone else. It's like Mullins is just throwing his money at anybody he can get whether its Smith, Brand, Arenas, etc. What direction is theteam really going?
i'm guessing it'll have to be like 12-13 million a season for Monta, Andris for maybe 10 mil/season.
I hope it's much less but those are real conservative...i'm hoping it's like 10/yr for Monta and a little less than that for Andris.
OMG!!!!!! TAKE THAT DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
what happened?

i thought i put a mullin avy up, was it something else?

gotta stick with the safe DeSean Jackson avy then.
So what does this mean when Davis comes back to the bay area? Do we give him a standing ovation like we did Richardson or do we boo him out out of thecoliseum?
boo his +@$ out. he didnt leave on good terms.. at least not on my page even though its because of the broke +@$ warriors
I'll clap for him. The man wanted his money. Now Brand can get his and come play for the Warriors ...
Just think about what this franchise was like before he arrived, and what it's like now. He gave the Warriors some credibility again, so for that I willshow him respect.
I think I won't clap or boo. He WILL get booed though because he really left a bad taste in a lot of Warrior fans' mouths with the way he opted out soabruptly like that.
He is nowhere near as loved as J-Rich is though, J-Rich was with us through all the bad times and never really gave up on us, and was a casualty of us needingto gain more cap room.
Originally Posted by MiteeMark

So what does this mean when Davis comes back to the bay area? Do we give him a standing ovation like we did Richardson or do we boo him out out of the coliseum?

You can't be mad. Like I said before, who wouldn't want to play for their hometown team, especially since they gave him the deal that the warriorswouldn't.
Originally Posted by patrickcakes

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Dr 715

Acid was nervous he put some compromising picture as his avy



So I'm guessing if we sign Monta anywhere near 10 mil it would be a steal then? Will our offer to Brand affect how much money we're able to sign Montaand Andris to or can we handle that max contract with room for Monta and Andris?
yeah, brand's deal wont' limit how large an offer we can extend monta and andris. I don't think Mullin would throw money at Brand like that if thatmeant Monta and Biedrins would have to leave.

And i will DEFINITELY be booing Baron when he comes back. He's dead to me now.
[h1]Ellis Chased By Cavs And Heat, Has Interest In Knicks[/h1]

Jul 04, 2008 12:43 AM EST

Chris Mullin intends to re-sign Monta Ellis but the Cavs and Heat are pursuing potential sign-and-trades to acquire Ellis.

Alan Hahn of Newsday also cites a person close to Ellis saying that the budding star "would be very interested in the Knicks" and especiallyplaying for Mike D'Antoni.

The Knicks are monitoring the situation but won't make a formal move unless Mullin signals that he's ready to talk about parting with Ellis. DonnieWalsh and Mullin have a close personal relationship.
if we're going to S+T Ellis, no way in hell the Cavs get him
. the Heat could be interesting though...but why would they want him? It seems like bothWade and Ellis need the ball to be effective...
<----this guy is smarter than knowing to part with Ellis to NYK. i hope.
If Mullin can't find a way to secure Ellis long term, and he ends up getting traded/leaving, there will be riot in the streets.

Losing your starting backcourt in one offseason?

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