Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

[h2]Infinity Ward revealsplans for CoD4 update[/h2]
Posted Nov 17th 2007 12:15PM by Dustin Burg
Filed under: News

Posted over on the official Infinity Ward forums, community relations guru fourzerotwo informs us that the Call of Duty 4 team has plans to release a title update for the game and previews some of the changes.

The main focus of the title update will be to upgrade and improve both the game's Xbox Live matchmaking and host selection (thank lord!), but it will also include a few gameplay enhancements as a bonus. Highlights from the upcoming update include host migration, addition of "N0M4D" control scheme, identification of party by background color and the fixing of various lobby related bugs. You can view the complete list of upcoming CoD4 changes after the break, but know that you'll have to contain your excitement for a bit. Infinity Ward has yet to announce a release date for the update, so begin your waiting ritual ... now!

Continue readingInfinity Ward reveals plans for CoD4 update

they need to fix ALOT of things in that game...

[h2]Bungie teases aboutHalo 3 news coming Monday[/h2]
Posted Nov 17th 2007 10:30AM by Dustin Burg
Filed under: News, Halo 3

This week's Bungie Weekly Update talks mostly about Halo 3's upcoming multiplayer map DLC, but nestled in at the end, the almighty Lukester dangles a tempting piece of Halo 3 news in our collective faces. What a tease.

Concluding the update, Luke mentions that since Turkey Day is next week there will be no podcast or Weekly Update posted. But, as a replacement for no updates, he hints at goodness that'll be announced early next week saying that "on Monday (November 19) folks are definitely going to want to check back in here at and keep faces pressed to their monitors like children breathing on school bus windows in November, because there will be news. Oh yes, there will be news."

So, what could the exciting news be? We're thinking that since the Weekly Update focused on the upcoming Halo 3 map DLC it'll either be the announcement of the official map names, screenshots from them or just general details for when the new content will hit the Marketplace. We'll keep our faces pressed up against our monitors come Monday, we just don't want to be let down. You hear that Bungie ... don't let us down.

[h2]Rocky and Bullwinkle headed to XBLA[/h2]
Posted Nov 16th 2007 6:00PM by Richard Mitchell
Filed under: News, Xbox Live Arcade

Of all the franchises we expected to hit Xbox Live Arcade (or video games in general, for that matter), Rocky and Bullwinkle was pretty far down the list. Don't get us wrong, Rocky and Bullwinkle fills many of our childhood memories with joy, but it's unexpected to say the least. Shock and surprise aside, the news is that The Bullwinkle Show is headed to Xbox Live Arcade this holiday season. We don't know much more about it, other than that it is being developed by Zen Studios (Pinball FX) and that it is a party game filled with "tons and tons of fun microgames." We'll see about that.
whats the highest level in cod
.::GAMERTAG:inmynikes PwNz JaE 0h 3N l0lz3rz::.​
the walmart preorders have been removed
You can't exchange it for a new one?
I purchased COD4 at bestbuy last night for 37.99. They didn't have any on the shelves, but I asked on of the employees and he told me to ask at theregisters. Sure as hell they ended up having plenty of copys.

Games nuts
Oh man, i think my xbox just had a meltdown, its not showing any red lights, but it keeps crashing over and over, any ideas what this could be?
Originally Posted by andycrazn

btw does anyone know how to take your CC off of xbox live?

i was wondering the same thing...i was trying to figure this out a couple nights ago..but theres no option that i can find to remove a credit card..
GOATMJxxlll wrote:

ayo Frank Quarry akavvvv

...i was trying to add you to my FL but your list is full so delete Mayor and get at me...

iight bet, imma delete someone right now ..
Originally Posted by the hater boxden

im not in the NT clan...and my mic stays plugged in...
i was having alot of problems with xbl and cod4 about an hour to 2 hours ago trying to get some search and destroy goin

its working good now for me atleast...

i dont see why tho
Thanks Jae, can't wait. I love Bioshock and am feenin for more...

Did they ever figure out what achievement number 51 is?
Originally Posted by hoosiers4life

Yeah, unfortunately, there isnt a costco near me. In the future, you better believe I will drive up the 75 miles to the north side of Indy to make sure this doesn't happen again, matter of fact, Ill probably buy my playstation there this weekend.
if you are saying bye to the 360 and going to the ps3, you still should send the 360 back for repair and sell it on ebay...

oh by the way, 360 arcade system for 265 shipped at for today only
Thanks for the picture nnarum, I always wanted to know which drive my refurbished console had. Kinda had a feeling it was a BenQ b/c I can hardly hear it.
Originally Posted by texasreppin713

ask PACMANVICK how good he is in




for those still lookin for rockband try Sears i stopped by earlier at around 830 and there were 4boxes or rockband just sitting there
it's far too valuable to their profits to be given out so freely
That's garbage - completely not true.

Live is most profitable for them when it's being used, because that means more games sold and more things in the marketplace potentially sold - they couldget away with giving the live service away for free if they had to (and using advertisements to make up the costs), but they're already charging anunnecessary amount for it

Live itself at this point in time costs them nothing, so giving out time lost to people who are already customers benefits them more than angering currentcustomers. It literally will cost them NOTHING to allow 2 additional weeks to each member of xbox live.. but it could cost them a lot of money long term ifthey don't rectify the situation (a situation that would cost nothing to fix) for all customers - that's just basic business. A complete no-brainerfor any company.
@ people acting like the gold guns are like golden tickets to willywonka's chocolate factory during games
Originally Posted by Pee11Jay

Has anyone tried to play Halo after playing COD4? Yep not happening for me. I tried once and H3 is mad boring in comparison.

I'm not going to lie. I still have love for Halo 3, but when I got back on it after COD 4, I was mad bored.
Playing COD 4 has made me better in Halo3 now though. I was laughing at myself at times because I kept holding down the left analog stick to sprint because I got so used to it on COD 4. I forgotthere isn't any sprinting in Halo 3.
What kind of errors are you experiencing?

What fails on your connection test?

Anyone know how the hell you rank up in Madden? I have over twenty wins in ranked mode and I have never moved up, I am still ranked a one.
Beacause you're number 1 you Madden Killa you!
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