Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Old one, but something I rewatched over the weekend.

Primal Fear, aka, Edward Norton's coming out party.

I'm not big on Richard Gere, but damn it, that movie is superb. Laura Linney, Gere, Norton all do great work. And for some reason, I loved Steven Bauer's character as well, he fit the storyline so great.
But Norton...........Jesus Christ. I remember watching that movie the first time, sort of step by step, wondering how they were going to spin it, how could they make the story unpredictable, was damn straight forward for 105 minutes, and then....... :wow:

Never heard a ton of love for the movie, but I will always remember Norton for it.
Personally, I don't like any of the names mentioned.

Edit - some more names being mentioned that the studio is interested in is Max Martini (Pacific Rim), Richard Armitage (The Hobbit), & Matthew Goode (Watchmen). :smh: Ewww....


Rumor: Warner Bros. Wants Older Batman for ‘Batman vs. Superman’
Posted on Friday, August 2nd, 2013 by Russ Fischer


When Zack Snyder and Warner Bros. announced that the follow-up to Man of Steel would feature a conflict between Batman and Superman, many questions were raised. The title is one; we’re using Batman vs Superman for the time being, but the final title could be different. The precise story is another question, especially since Snyder used a line from Frank Miller‘s The Dark Knight Returns to introduce the concept to an audience at Comic C0n. While we know that the film won’t be a direct adaptation of Miller’s series, that planted a seed of expectation in fans.

The other big question is: who will play Batman? Warner Bros. needs a new actor, as Christian Bale’s time in the cowl expired with the end of Christopher Nolan’s directorial run. Armie Hammer, once cast as Batman in a Justice League film that never happened, has been once name people are asking about. He says he doesn’t want to do it. Armie’s interest or lack thereof might not even matter, as the new rumor is that Warner Bros. is willing to cast an older actor in the role — fueling more speculation that The Dark Knight Returns will be more of an influence than Snyder suggested at first.

First up, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re still in wild speculation mode, as David Goyer is reportedly still working on the film’s script.

But talk at Batman on Film says that WB is looking at an actor in his mid-40s for a version of Batman who would be “a grizzled veteran who has been on the job for several years.” Names being thrown around — unofficially — include Jon Hamm, Gerard Butler, and Josh Brolin. The last seems like a great notion; I’d watch Brolin as Batman in a second.

Meanwhile, people are still asking Armie Hammer about playing Batman. The actor was cast in the role by George Miller when Miller was prepping his Justice League film a few years back. Hammer was an unknown at the time, but the film was called off, and he developed his own career through films like The Social Network and J. Edgar. Hammer told us that he wasn’t interested in playing Batman now, but the question continues to come his way.

Hammer is still on the Lone Ranger press trail, and after a recent question about playing Batman he told Metro ”I’m not actually a big fan of superhero films. If you have a guy who is supposed to be invulnerable, then what’s the point?” (Never mind that his Lone Ranger character may or may not be invulnerable, depending on whether or not you believe Tonto.)

With regards to appearing in Batman Vs. Superman, he demurred based on the fact that he and Henry Cavill are about to do The Man From UNCLE, saying “I think if Henry and I did that film and then a superhero film straight after, people might start to wonder about us…”
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2 great interviews with Wong Kar-Wai regarding The Grandmaster. The first interview is with Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner. The 2nd interview is with noted movie blogger Dave Poland. If you're a movie fan, check out his blog and/or youtube page.
Watched an awesome movie last night. I guess it was a chick flick, but it was REALLY good. Saw Rust and Bone. It's a French film that focuses on the unlikely friendship/romance between an aspiring street fighter/boxer and a girl who's life was changed due to a horrific accident at work. Solid flick.
One of the last films James Gandolfini filmed. It also stars Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Catherine Keener, & Toni Collette. It also stars Bono's daughter Eve Hewson. The director Nicole Holofcener also did a great flick called Please Give that my wife & I really liked also starring Catherine Keener with Oliver Platt, Rebecca Hall, & Amanda Peet among others. Trailer also below.
Last night I watched "Coffin Baby" :lol: that's a wild *** movie...

But if you like a lot of blood. It's the movie for you.
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Imfeel like he's gonna pop up during the Knicks season. But yeah... That's def had an effect
Man, I PM'd him multiple times, I been askin ya'll where he at, but nothin.

Every time I look his name up, it says online, or online 8 minutes ago, etc. Yet, nothing. I have no idea.

But we need him back, all the movie threads miss him.
He's building for a mysterious return. If he flat out didn't login I'd be worried but he stopped at 20k, maybe he retired.

Or he's like Sting in the rafters.
[Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts spinning around]

"What're you waiting forrrrrr?"
"What're you waiting forrrr huh?"

[Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts spinning around]
I'm not sure why ppl think he's a good actor or why I see his name mentioned for stuff so much. At this point I gotta think it's cuz ppl think his name sounds cool.
Yeah I haven't seen anything as of yet that makes me think of him as a good actor. Maybe in the future but right now, meh.
Yeah, I don't get the Armie Hammer push.

Other than looking like a movie star, I haven't seen anything that screams "put him in every movie"
Hammer did well in J Edgar with Leo but I don't want to see him as Bruce Wayne. I'd be really upset if they messed up The Dark Knight Returns story line...

Speaking of Leo, he's producing & trying to get made a viking film based on one of history's most fascinating people King Harald III (aka Harald Hardrada - The Tough Ruler). Dude had the stones to storm the shores of England back in 1066.
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