Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Anyone see Noah?

No spoilers in my next paragraph, copied from the Noah thread:

It was a long movie but it was fast paced in the sense there was a lot of story to tell. The actual movie was slow at times though....if that made any sense. 

All in all, good flick, worth a weekend night showing. Woudnt see it twice though.

Jennifer Connelly wasnt that great though IMO.
I'll always associate it with that. Same way if I see anything about Charlie Bartlett I'll think back to another girl and I first hung out while "trying" to watch that movie... in the end I think I would have preferred watching that movie. :smh:

I had a whole list of great movies to watch because she hadn't seen any of them. Not all the memories are bad, saw American Hustle, Wolf of Wall Street and Anchorman 2 in theaters together and that was awesome :lol: Plus Good Will Hunting.. and got 15 minutes into The Croods before other things came up.. so yeah :lol: not all bad

I'm good, though.
I need to give Thor 2 another watch because I wasn't that impressed with it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right state of mind, but I wasn't blown away.
the avengers was average. awaiting to see what they do with thanos. i felt they could of given us much more but too many heroes to give in-depth character development outside of respective films.
I need to give Thor 2 another watch because I wasn't that impressed with it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right state of mind, but I wasn't blown away.
Thor 2 was good, but at the same time there was nothing mind blowing about it to me.

So it wasn't just you.
I need to give Thor 2 another watch because I wasn't that impressed with it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right state of mind, but I wasn't blown away.

There wasn't much to it. It fixed all the problems from the first movie, but all it is is a bunch of, see we heard you didn't like _____ or there wasn't enough _____ in the first one, so here it is. And our effects don't look like they're from '97 anymore!
anyone got any good B-movie recommendations like Faster Pussycat Kill Kill and Motorpsycho?

These are of varying degrees of exploitation and are generally not very good at all. :lol:

The Wild Angels
Satan's Sadists
The Glory Stompers
The Savage Seven
Hell's Belles

I'd also recommend Machete Maidens Unleashed and Not Quite Hollywood which are documentaries about exploitation films that were made in the Philippines and Australia, respectively.
Thor 2 sucked.

Its hard for me NOT to like a comic book movie and that movie was boring.

its the worst of the Avengers movies to me. I loved the 1st one though.
[quote name="CP"]Erin Brokovich just started. There goes my night.

Love this freakin film. :pimp:[/quote]"They're called boobs, Ed." :smokin
Iron Man 1
The Incredible Hulk
Thor 2
Thor 1
Iron Man 2
Captain America 1
Iron Man 3

I haven't seen Captain America 2 yet.

Basically nailed it.

I don't know how to take Hulk. If Norton would've stayed, that's where I'd put it...but it almost feels like a lost tape.
And the Thors...Thor 2 has everything Thor 1 was missing. And Thor 1 has everything Thor 2 is missing. :lol:
I'd maybe swap em, cuz what Thor 1 has is substance. What Thor 2 has is badass action scenes and effects.
And finally...someone agrees on Cap. :smh:

Thor 2 sucked.
I wouldn't go that far, but I feel like comic fans overdid the praise in a "thank you for not being IM3" kinda way.
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Iron Man 1
The Incredible Hulk
Thor 2
Thor 1
Iron Man 2
Captain America 1
Iron Man 3

I haven't seen Captain America 2 yet.

Basically nailed it.

I don't know how to take Hulk. If Norton would've stayed, that's where I'd put it...but it almost feels like a lost tape.
And the Thors...Thor 2 has everything Thor 1 was missing. And Thor 1 has everything Thor 2 is missing. :lol:
I'd maybe swap em, cuz what Thor 1 has is substance. What Thor 2 has is badass action scenes and effects.
And finally...someone agrees on Cap. :smh:

Thor 2 sucked.
I wouldn't go that far, but I feel like comic fans overdid the praise in a "thank you for not being IM3" kinda way.
Yeah, you're right about the Thor movies. I might switch them now that I think about it. Although when the mother died, it gave me plenty of feels.

And you never really felt Malekith was a real threat to Thor. Loki is such a good villian, it might hamstring the Thor franchise.
Thor 2 was good, but at the same time there was nothing mind blowing about it to me.

So it wasn't just you.

Agree. It was a lot of images/concepts that have already been done by other franchises (LOTR, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc), but they put it all together well enough for it to be entertaining.

Also, someone mentioned Loki being a good villain, which is true. However, in general, I think the villains in the Marvel movies I've seen have been kind of lacking. None of them have been that menacing or inconic in the way that, say, the Joker in Dark Knight was, or even Doc Oc in Spider Man 2. Maybe its because I've never read any of the comic series behind the movies, but I think they can do a better job with the villains.
It's funny, but Doc Oc gets mentioned alot, but I never really took to him. He is no better as a villian than any of the Marvel non-villians are.

Joker is Joker, and just not worth mentioning with any others. That level won't be reached again. Bane was a bad ***, and looks like a fluffy cat next to Joker.

I thought DaFoe's Goblin was better than Doc Oc, but I'm probably giving Spidey 2 a look again this week sometime, maybe I'll refresh and change my view.

mronegative mronegative if you would. Did you happen to watch the final season of Breaking Bad.......? :nerd:

Stop holdin out man. Let it flow. Type the words.
The humor in that trailer seemed so forced... :rolleyes

I didn't so much as smile or almost chuckle... Kept waiting to though...
I watched Mistaken for Strangers over the weekend.

It wasn't really what I was expecting going in, but I enjoyed it. If you like The National or music documentaries in general, check it out.
I haven't been able to catch any new movies that's out on video since they are backed up on Netflix. Watched this vigilante movie called Boy Wonder. It's about this smart high schooler trying to find the killer that murdered his mother when he was younger. The movie had a good flow and I thought the movie had a good unpredictable ending. The female detective looked familiar but I couldn't remember what movie she was in(does quick Google). Other than her, the casts are unknown. I would check it out if you like that type of movie and have nothing to watch.

The Family was pretty good. Didn't watch a trailer so I didn't know what to expect that much. Which was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed it.

Watched The Counselor the other night, kinda boring and the ending sucked. Good cast though.
The humor in that trailer seemed so forced... :rolleyes

I didn't so much as smile or almost chuckle... Kept waiting to though...

My reaction as well. Kind of smiled at the joke about "the cloud" and that's about it. I'll probably catch it on cable/satellite one night when I don't have anything else going on, just like I did with Bad Teacher.
I think that's why I loved 21 Jump Street so much the other night...

Comedies just aren't the same anymore.
Very forced jokes, very cliche, very corny.

21 jump street had a lot of clever and unexpected comedy, nothing seemed forced and everything just seemed natural.

What happened to the days of Wedding Crashers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Superbad...

Just hasn't been the same lately :smh:
I think that's why I loved 21 Jump Street so much the other night...

Comedies just aren't the same anymore.
Very forced jokes, very cliche, very corny.

21 jump street had a lot of clever and unexpected comedy, nothing seemed forced and everything just seemed natural.

What happened to the days of Wedding Crashers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Superbad...

Just hasn't been the same lately
I thought This is the End was absolutely hillarious.  Though, the first time i watched it i thought it wasnt funny at all.  Then it was on Starz or something and nothing else was on and i watched the last 3/4 of it, and thought it was pretty good.  Everytime i watched it since then, it has just gotten funnier and funnier.
i dont rock with comedies too much, i mean strictly comedies, not mixed with other genres.

my favorite is 40 Year Old Virgin.

loved This Is The End

loved 21 Jumped Street. its the first role that i didnt find Channing Tatum corny in. i felt like dude finally found his niche lol

Doghouse is really good to me. its a zombie/comedy movie in england.
Here's how I would rank the Avengers films...

The Avengers
Thor 2: The Dark World
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man
Captain America: The First Avenger
Iron Man 3
Iron Man 2.

I had really low hopes for Cap 2, but I've grown more and more anticipatory.

I have high hopes for Guardians though. I expect it to be Top 5. :pimp:
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