Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Rey is Bae... I'm all in on Daisy Ridley. What a performance. She's sort of the 'vanishing point' of this new trilogy, and I'm in love with it. Have never been this far in on a female lead in an action setting, and we have two more films to go. Brilliant casting - she's terrific.

Obi-Wan's daughter? :nerd:

She was awesome. Kind of reminds be of Kiera Kinightley, but I like Daisy better. Pretty brilliant too for the writers etc. to make a female the seemingly most powerful of the new characters. Just going to expand the reach of the film. Disney princesses are fine, but now girls can also have a bas-*** Jedi girl to root for. I like it.

Feel like she's too young to be Obi-Wan's daughter. Luke seems more likely to me. Can't wait to find out though.
My theater showed zero previews. :pimp:

So jelly -

I had to sit through:

New Mike Bay movie
Kung Fu Panda 3
CA - Civil War
Batman v. Superman
Jungle Book
Independence Day - Resurgence

(and a couple more that I'm forgetting)

Also got AMC/IMAX promos, don't talk during the movie and turn off your phone, report suspicious characters, and so on . . . and so on . . . and so on.

It got to the point the whole audience was laughing/groaning each time another preview screened.
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My theater showed zero previews. :pimp:
I assume this is only a good thing for you cuz you watch bunch of movie trailers anyway :lol:

I like the preview experience to see how other ppl react to upcoming movies. Sometimes they're needed for a good laugh or an unexpected one.
I generally like previews so long as they don't go overboard. It was cool seeing Civil War, Independence Day, the Jungle Book, and a couple others on the big screen with surround sound.
Master Zik Master Zik ,

The Keira comp I completely get, there's something about Rey that has parallels to KK in The Curse of the Black Pearl, but I like Daisy better as well.

His age/her age seems to be the key issue, but the scene where she commands the Stormtrooper to take off her shackles, leave the door open before leaving felt so much like

I'm not ignoring the Return of the Jedi bit where Luke did it though too... that certainly is the same thing which is why I think that scene with Daisy/stormtrooper is one of the most important scenes of that movie -> because it narrows it down to two people (imo) who could be her father. She looks more like Obi-Wan from the Phantom Menace-era more than she's looked like Luke in any of the 4-6 movies. Ben would've had to be gettin it in at what age though?
She also looks a lot more like Padme. She's way too young to be Obi-Wan's daughter.
So Episode 7 takes place 30 years after Episode 6

... which means 33 years after Episode 4.

Ben was 59 when he died... so she would have to be 33 at a minimum if this theory were to have legs. For that to work, Ben would've had to be cradle-robbing probably when he was 55-59 (four years before and leading up to A New Hope), and I'm sure that cradle-robbing wasn't frowned upon on Tatooine :lol:

Maybe this is me just thinking that Luke being her father would be predictable and I'm looking for something else. Dunno.
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So the Sith take over and all the jedi start breaking all the codes then? :lol: Knocking up any chick willing to give them some? Does Yoda have a kid out there then :nerd:

I've seen ppl speculate so far on Luke, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu having children out there :lol: I mean damn.

For Obi-Wan it doesn't' make sense unless it was with an alien that ages slowly or something. Whether you're talking Ewan or Alec too much time has passed for him to have a kid we don't know about unless it got frozen in carbonite :lol: I'd find it beyond troubling for him to have a kid but still look over Luke for 20 years or w/e and ignore his own child he could've trained (and yeah there could be story reasons for him not to know but by now the kid would be middle aged at the least.
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My theater showed zero previews. :pimp:
I assume this is only a good thing for you cuz you watch bunch of movie trailers anyway :lol:

I like the preview experience to see how other ppl react to upcoming movies. Sometimes they're needed for a good laugh or an unexpected one.

True, I see everything asap, but I would have LOVED to see a Deadpool, Civil War, Bat v Supes or even Rogue One trailer, but for this occasion, straight to the point was much welcomed.
She also looks a lot more like Padme. She's way too young to be Obi-Wan's daughter.

Agree, but I suppose Obi-Wan's grand-daughter could be a possibility. Would create a nice symmetry with Kylo Ren being Vader's grandson
That's 20 years on Tatooine. 20 years of sandstorms and time apart from The Jedi Order... I'm open to anything. :lol:

She could be 33, since A New Hope took place 30 years after Revenge of The Sith, and then Return of the Jedi was only three years after A New Hope. No, she doesn't look 33, more like 25 - maybe younger - but did Ben Kenobi look 59 in A New Hope? That's what he was, supposedly :lol:

There's got to be a reason the force - untrained - is SO much stronger in Rey than it is in Kylo Ren - who's trained - right? Do you think it's just because of that possibility of her being Luke's daughter while Kylo is Leia's daughter (meaning, the difference in 'The Force' -> how that impacts offspring, would give Rey that innate sensibility much more than Kylo)? The difference between them while she was untrained / him untrained seems pretty significant.
Stop thinking of the Force as only strong because of mommy or daddy.

The Force is The Force. You are strong in it, because you are, not because of who your parents were. That midi clorian stuff is lame. No one cares or asks about Yoda's parents, or Palpatine, or Obi Wans. You can be trained to use the Force, if you aren't, it does nothing for you.

Certainly it helps to be born of Jedi or Sith bloodlines, sure, but you don't HAVE to be born from them to become strong with it.
You can be trained to use the Force, if you aren't, it does nothing for you.

Which contradicts what happened in Episode VII (think woods).
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While talking about the midichlorians Qui-Gon did say something interesting about listening to them since they tell them the will of the force and that once Anakin quieted his mind he would be able to hear it too.

So really, once you get on your Buddhist meditation grind and accept patience as a virtue you can become stronger with the force.

If the force really has a will of it's own and is near sentient then it really doesn't matter who your parents are, the force will choose you and your destiny will be set.

I like the idea of that simply cuz it opens things up more. Now we can bring in new characters and their journeys down the line instead of making this a Skywalker family thing. George had said something about the story being about fathers and sons or w/e, you can open that up so it's not just one family.
That's 20 years on Tatooine. 20 years of sandstorms and time apart from The Jedi Order... I'm open to anything. :lol:

She could be 33, since A New Hope took place 30 years after Revenge of The Sith, and then Return of the Jedi was only three years after A New Hope. No, she doesn't look 33, more like 25 - maybe younger - but did Ben Kenobi look 59 in A New Hope? That's what he was, supposedly :lol:

There's got to be a reason the force - untrained - is SO much stronger in Rey than it is in Kylo Ren - who's trained - right? Do you think it's just because of that possibility of her being Luke's daughter while Kylo is Leia's daughter (meaning, the difference in 'The Force' -> how that impacts offspring, would give Rey that innate sensibility much more than Kylo)? The difference between them while she was untrained / him untrained seems pretty significant.

Was saying to my brother today that it was a little unprecedented how Rey went from 0 to Jedi in the course of like 30 minutes. :lol: Here's a crazy theory I just came up with -- what if she's Vader's daughter :nerd:. Not that Darth knocked anyone up or anything. But what if the Emperor had another Vader offspring created sometime close to when ROTJ took place? Then he/she (probably she) got dumped somewhere after the Empire lost.
You can be trained to use the Force, if you aren't, it does nothing for you.

Which contradicts what happened in Episode VII (think woods).

No, it doesn't. Rey is trained, but has memory loss or some nonsense.

Luke was 18, never even heard of the Force and after one convo with Ben in a mudhut started learning. Force did nothin for him the 18 years prior.
JJ is just ignoring all the stupid garbage lucas came up with in the prequels

plus luke is the last jedi, he was never told not to smash and I doubt force ghost obiwan is popping up trying to cock block him

I think a lot of the problems with Rey being a strong force user are more so people overrating kylo's powers.
JJ is just ignoring all the stupid garbage lucas came up with in the prequels

plus luke is the last jedi, he was never told not to smash and I doubt force ghost obiwan is popping up trying to cock block him

I think a lot of the problems with Rey being a strong force user are more so people overrating kylo's powers.

Maybe. So that would mean that even if if Rey's parentage winds up being irrelevant, at least we won't get any kind of immaculate conception garbage that George pulled with Anakin in the second trilogy. I can live with that.
Speaking of Kylo, Adam Driver was really an excellent casting choice for that role. He really pulls off being simultaneously threatening, creepy, petulant and a little vulnerable.
Rey gonna be Obi Wan's granddaughter. Why would she have a British accent when Luke didnt have one? And I'm sure Obi Wan had a child between Ep 3 and 4, giving his child 30 years to have Rey, maybe a couple years after RotJ.

But just a theory.
That's 20 years on Tatooine. 20 years of sandstorms and time apart from The Jedi Order... I'm open to anything. :lol:

She could be 33, since A New Hope took place 30 years after Revenge of The Sith, and then Return of the Jedi was only three years after A New Hope. No, she doesn't look 33, more like 25 - maybe younger - but did Ben Kenobi look 59 in A New Hope? That's what he was, supposedly :lol:

There's got to be a reason the force - untrained - is SO much stronger in Rey than it is in Kylo Ren - who's trained - right? Do you think it's just because of that possibility of her being Luke's daughter while Kylo is Leia's daughter (meaning, the difference in 'The Force' -> how that impacts offspring, would give Rey that innate sensibility much more than Kylo)? The difference between them while she was untrained / him untrained seems pretty significant.

Was saying to my brother today that it was a little unprecedented how Rey went from 0 to Jedi in the course of like 30 minutes. :lol: Here's a crazy theory I just came up with -- what if she's Vader's daughter :nerd:. Not that Darth knocked anyone up or anything. But what if the Emperor had another Vader offspring created sometime close to when ROTJ took place? Then he/she (probably she) got dumped somewhere after the Empire lost.
That sounds like something he would do.

I like the idea of right when you think all the Sith are dead more just pop up after some time. Yoda's and Mace's unwillingness to believe the Sith are back just showed how well the Sith could hide themselves and how the Jedi didn't have that good foresight about everything with the force.
Want to be clear on something, in Ep I Obi-Wan loses is lightsaber while fighting Darth Maul and picks up Jinn's to defeat him and that's the lightsaber he uses from then on right? and the original lightsaber he had is never recovered (I assume down the line he just switched to another blue one since Jinn's was green I think).
That's 20 years on Tatooine. 20 years of sandstorms and time apart from The Jedi Order... I'm open to anything. :lol:

She could be 33, since A New Hope took place 30 years after Revenge of The Sith, and then Return of the Jedi was only three years after A New Hope. No, she doesn't look 33, more like 25 - maybe younger - but did Ben Kenobi look 59 in A New Hope? That's what he was, supposedly :lol:

There's got to be a reason the force - untrained - is SO much stronger in Rey than it is in Kylo Ren - who's trained - right? Do you think it's just because of that possibility of her being Luke's daughter while Kylo is Leia's daughter (meaning, the difference in 'The Force' -> how that impacts offspring, would give Rey that innate sensibility much more than Kylo)? The difference between them while she was untrained / him untrained seems pretty significant.

Was saying to my brother today that it was a little unprecedented how Rey went from 0 to Jedi in the course of like 30 minutes. :lol: Here's a crazy theory I just came up with -- what if she's Vader's daughter :nerd:. Not that Darth knocked anyone up or anything. But what if the Emperor had another Vader offspring created sometime close to when ROTJ took place? Then he/she (probably she) got dumped somewhere after the Empire lost.
That sounds like something he would do.

I like the idea of right when you think all the Sith are dead more just pop up after some time. Yoda's and Mace's unwillingness to believe the Sith are back just showed how well the Sith could hide themselves and how the Jedi didn't have that good foresight about everything with the force.

You'd be floored at what's in the EU about what he prepared for. Stunned.
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