Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I remember someone mentioning it days back but I agree, PopStar looks funny as hell. Can't wait.

Sidenote: The Night Manager is pretty dope.
Penny Dreadful is LIT


Dr. Jekyll on his grind
I love how they're bringing all these classic characters into the show and it all works well together.

Whoever is in charge of the music and dialogue in this show deserve an award. Every episode feels like I'm watching pure poetry 
zero desire to see this.. have yet to watch the other 2..

I don't think there's a Tom Hanks movie that has come out in the last 15 years that I saw the trailer and thought, "man, I really want to see that." And its not that I don't like Tom Hanks, but that the project he picks don't interest me.

(To be clear - I am not counting Toy Story 3 as a "Tom Hanks movie").
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Finally got around to watching 10 Cloverfield Lane. I love movies like this.

It reminded me of those infomercials where you think it's over and you know what they're selling, but then they hit you with the "but WAIT, there's more!"
Sidenote: The Night Manager is pretty dope.
started it today. got 2 episodes in. show is pretty dang good so far. very glad i still haven't caved and started watching that awful quantico again :lol:

Elizabeth Dibecki is the real deal.
I knew I recognized her, that's the bird from Gatsby, Daisy's home girl. The one from Gatsbys party not the little drugged up party
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This is THE MOST hilarious thing I've come across. This guy is BEYOND DELUDED


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is why I love the internet. Without it I probably am never made aware of this guy and his delusions of grandeur. Dude is like the guy who thinks he created Deadpool calling Liefeld a thief x10000000000

Parts that had me crying:

12 Mar
Michael Bennett ‎@Owljamesknight
@mrmarkmillar So why did you steal 2008 Owl Unlikely Crusader and 2012 Owl Knight's Quickening instead of just working with me???......
Michael Bennett ‎@Owljamesknight
@mrmarkmillar So why did you hack into my phone at 8:10:05 am GMT on 10/9/12 from Algeria IP instead of just working with me??..
12:35 PM - 13 Mar 2016
Retweets likes


From Owl Knight’s Quickening he stole my new beginning the perimeter wall around Towne City that protects the city from the Monkey People and put it in the movie World War Z as the Israel perimeter wall, built to keep out the zombies that act more like Monkey People than zombies. World War Z was based on a 2006 book but the Israel Perimeter Wall was a Hollywood rewrite. The Movie World War Z was made by the film company responsible for Kick-*** 1, Plan B Entertainment.
He put the Towne City Perimeter Wall around Mega City One in the movie Judge Dredd. Also in Judge Dredd there are arbitrary shots of skateboarding like in Owl.
He also put a perimeter wall around the city in the Fox TV show Almost Human.
It is possible Mark Millar put the Towne City Perimeter Wall in the Movie Pacific Rim as well.

Son said Millar hacked his phone from Algeria to steal more material!

IS THIS REAL LIFE? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
CP, what's the deal with Rogue One? If you've written already on it, please link me. Thanks.

Rogue One is the first “anthology” film in the Star Wars universe. It’s set right before A New Hope (the film that started it all) and it is the story of how the rebels got the Death Star plans that Leia puts into R2-D2. “Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope….”

So in terms of timeline, we’re talkin Prime Vader era, possibly Boba Fett, etc. The Empire at its strongest, before the Rebel Alliance had Luke or Han on their side.

I’ve said it a couple times on here before, but even as thrilled as I was for Episode 7, Rogue One has always been my most anticipated of the new era Star Wars films. Because I’ve said forever and ever and ever, spinoffs can, and should happen in this universe. We don’t always need to be focused on the Skywalker family, and Rogue One is going to be the first of that belief. Next will be the Han Solo spin off, and I suspect shortly after that, we’re going to see a Fett spin off someday. Then, who knows? Bane era, Old Republic, Jedi/Sith War, Thrawn? :nerd: Endless possibilities.

Rogue has a chance to blow people away in terms of not having to follow any path laid out by George other than the plans eventually need to reach Leia to synch up with what we already know, outside that, they can do anything they want. Seeing At-At’s on the beach, more Chrome Stormtroopers, hero’s not named Skywalker, Forest Whitaker whoopin ***, all new territory, but still in the Star Wars playground.

I don’t think it will make the money that TFA did, but it could be more critically acclaimed so to speak since expectations are so unknown. It can also open the door for new characters to emerge that can eventually spin off into their own parts of the galaxy in time. Something I’m counting on, actually.

And as maybe just a small bonus, we might get a chance at seeing Vader unleash, and that, even if for a scene or two, could be something totally epic.
Sidenote: The Night Manager is pretty dope.
started it today. got 2 episodes in. show is pretty dang good so far. very glad i still haven't caved and started watching that awful quantico again :lol:

Elizabeth Dibecki is the real deal.
I knew I recognized her, that's the bird from Gatsby, Daisy's home girl. The one from Gatsbys party not the little drugged up party

Yeah, she's a nice tall drink of water. Seeing her in The Night Manager commercial has me wanting to check it out. I think she's in the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel.

Just saw this on Twitter and don't know what it's about, but I might see it just because I don't think I would have expected to see all those actors in the same movie. Eclectic cast.
CP, what's the deal with Rogue One? If you've written already on it, please link me. Thanks.

Rogue One is the first “anthology” film in the Star Wars universe. It’s set right before A New Hope (the film that started it all) and it is the story of how the rebels got the Death Star plans that Leia puts into R2-D2. “Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope….”

So in terms of timeline, we’re talkin Prime Vader era, possibly Boba Fett, etc. The Empire at its strongest, before the Rebel Alliance had Luke or Han on their side.

I’ve said it a couple times on here before, but even as thrilled as I was for Episode 7, Rogue One has always been my most anticipated of the new era Star Wars films. Because I’ve said forever and ever and ever, spinoffs can, and should happen in this universe. We don’t always need to be focused on the Skywalker family, and Rogue One is going to be the first of that belief. Next will be the Han Solo spin off, and I suspect shortly after that, we’re going to see a Fett spin off someday. Then, who knows? Bane era, Old Republic, Jedi/Sith War, Thrawn? :nerd: Endless possibilities.

Rogue has a chance to blow people away in terms of not having to follow any path laid out by George other than the plans eventually need to reach Leia to synch up with what we already know, outside that, they can do anything they want. Seeing At-At’s on the beach, more Chrome Stormtroopers, hero’s not named Skywalker, Forest Whitaker whoopin ***, all new territory, but still in the Star Wars playground.

I don’t think it will make the money that TFA did, but it could be more critically acclaimed so to speak since expectations are so unknown. It can also open the door for new characters to emerge that can eventually spin off into their own parts of the galaxy in time. Something I’m counting on, actually.

And as maybe just a small bonus, we might get a chance at seeing Vader unleash, and that, even if for a scene or two, could be something totally epic.

is vader in it :nerd:
I love Felicity Jones so seeing her added to the Star Wars family was a great sight.

Took a little longer than they thought, but she's finally becoming the big A-list star that all the people who were involved with/loved Like Crazy thought she would be.

And Rouge One looks awesome. I'm 1000% in first week it releases.
Agreed.. glad to see her getting her big leading role like this.

Newest Every Frame a Painting released today.. it's been mentioned before but it's a great resource in learning more about filmmaking and analysis.

Vimeo posted too in case the Youtube one gets pulled.

CP, what's the deal with Rogue One? If you've written already on it, please link me. Thanks.

Rogue One is the first “anthology” film in the Star Wars universe. It’s set right before A New Hope (the film that started it all) and it is the story of how the rebels got the Death Star plans that Leia puts into R2-D2. “Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re our only hope….”

So in terms of timeline, we’re talkin Prime Vader era, possibly Boba Fett, etc. The Empire at its strongest, before the Rebel Alliance had Luke or Han on their side.

I’ve said it a couple times on here before, but even as thrilled as I was for Episode 7, Rogue One has always been my most anticipated of the new era Star Wars films. Because I’ve said forever and ever and ever, spinoffs can, and should happen in this universe. We don’t always need to be focused on the Skywalker family, and Rogue One is going to be the first of that belief. Next will be the Han Solo spin off, and I suspect shortly after that, we’re going to see a Fett spin off someday. Then, who knows? Bane era, Old Republic, Jedi/Sith War, Thrawn? :nerd: Endless possibilities.

Rogue has a chance to blow people away in terms of not having to follow any path laid out by George other than the plans eventually need to reach Leia to synch up with what we already know, outside that, they can do anything they want. Seeing At-At’s on the beach, more Chrome Stormtroopers, hero’s not named Skywalker, Forest Whitaker whoopin ***, all new territory, but still in the Star Wars playground.

I don’t think it will make the money that TFA did, but it could be more critically acclaimed so to speak since expectations are so unknown. It can also open the door for new characters to emerge that can eventually spin off into their own parts of the galaxy in time. Something I’m counting on, actually.

And as maybe just a small bonus, we might get a chance at seeing Vader unleash, and that, even if for a scene or two, could be something totally epic.

is vader in it :nerd:

From the stuff I've heard/read, likely. :wink:







what about the rumors of people being cast to play boba fett? unless they cast someone who looks like the actor who played jango or at least looks maori, it's going to irritate me for the lack of continuity. this is not an issue of ethnic inequality. boba is a clone. ewan mcgregor looked like a young alec guinness in the prequel. young/small jabba looked pretty crappy though.
what about the rumors of people being cast to play boba fett? unless they cast someone who looks like the actor who played jango or at least looks maori, it's going to irritate me for the lack of continuity. this is not an issue of ethnic inequality. boba is a clone. ewan mcgregor looked like a young alec guinness in the prequel. young/small jabba looked pretty crappy though.

Non issue.

Boba was an unaltered clone. So he could still look a little like his father, but doesn't have to be exact. And honestly, they could do Fett films where he never takes off his helmet. So it would be easy to work around.

However, I don't know if Fett will appear in Rogue or not. I'm a million percent positive we will see Fett again at some point, I just don't know when yet.
Non issue.

Boba was an unaltered clone. So he could still look a little like his father, but doesn't have to be exact.
yes, i'm good with that but take this as a starting point and then extrapolate.


tom hardy or michael b jordan would be too much of stretch for me. but then again, the difference in physical appearance between young michael jackson and molester michael jackson is pretty drastic. helmet on through the whole movie in a boba fett feature would be weird but i guess doable.

edit: well.....maybe tom hardy cause the dude looks like this grown up:
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