Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I have a theory. I think we gravitate to gore and violence when we're young cause we don't really understand it. We have this natural instinct to want to test our bravery when we're young so we seek out ways to see where the edge is and how close we can get to it because we don't know anything about it, much less ourselves. It's the reason why we climb trees, jump from high places, lie to our parents, steal a candy bar, watch scary movies, and get into fights. We're learning where the line is between ourselves and the world and we're trying figure out what we would do once we find it. The older we get, the more we understand where the lines are and no longer really need to seek it out.
Good theory. But Human Centipede was just a straight up piece of **** drenched in garbage.
Goonies, Stand By Me, Sandlot, :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:

I could wax poetic about these films till my lungs collapse. They don’t really make good childhood adventure movies anymore. Stranger things is like the ultimate throwback to that style, but before that, I can’t even remember the last successful one. Super 8 was close but not really successful.
I saw one of the Paranormal Activities on LSD and that was a tense experience even though they don't phase me much sober :lol:

completely different movie while tripping. Goat movie to watch while tripping is enter the void. Was stuck replaying the main title sequence in awe for a while before I let the movie play.
Just finished Hill House.

MAN! Very well crafted! Obviously I'm not a fan of the horror genre, but if the genre as a whole put out more products like this, I'd be a fan. The questions, the suspense, the answers, the different directions this thing went, how they created different moods, created different perspectives of the same scenes, the cinematography, the acting, and of course the toughest thing for every product in the horror genre: the attempt to sell the product as something that takes place in our life. Ultimately that's what we're looking for, and this gets an A+ in that department.

Prisoners HURT. I was down for a couple days after watchin that. Loved it, but such a tough watch.

And Ska, it's Jackman, not Hackman. I just saw Hackman again the other night when I watched Enemy of the State for the 900th time. :pimp:

I've never seen Enemy of the State and was literally about to watch last night because I happened by it scrolling Xfinity. Will it hold up if I give it a go?
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