Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Anyone ever seen? Thinking of checking it out .


Get stoned and maybe even eat some mushrooms and throw it on
Anyone watch Sasquatch on Hulu yet? I peeped the trailer and it looks super interesting. But trailers can make anything look interesting.
My girl already knows those Hallmark Christmas movies end the same way every time and still watches them anyway. She just likes the on set decor and clothing the women wear :lol:.
started watching stowaway and right off the rip i see a huge plot hole: they must do personality profiling and psychological testing beforehand right? well there's no way in hell they would allow anna kendrick onto that mission. two years locked in a spaceship with her would be pure hell for even the strongest person in the world.
Mortal Kombat........

Can I mix them? Can I take the two movies and merge them into one?

Cuz......and I'm serious here, Sonya is Bridgette Wilson, ok? I'll hear no arguments.

But they way upgraded Sub Zero and Scorpion in this one. Jah from Fast 6 and the Raid is LEGIT. Dude from Wu Assassin is LEGIT.

They went with a nod to the OG music........no, just use the God damn OG music you ***.

It.......well.....it at least TRIES to be serious. It tries. We're talkin about a ridiculous arcade over the top video game that you try to create a storyline with, you know that going in......so don't be mad when a dude splits a woman in half with a hat. Don't mock a dude who freezes your blood and stabs you with it. Don't be an ***hole. Nod at the realism to the game and keep it pushin.

Guy shoots a laser out his eye.
Guy can freeze stuff.
Guy can bicycle kick somehow.
Guy is made of lightning.
Girl wears a green tank top every scene.

These are the rules. Don't be mad at them.

This film(s) merged together isn't terrible, it tries really hard, we all watchin it regardless, they gave it a lot of heart, so give it that credit.......


Mortal Kombat........

Can I mix them? Can I take the two movies and merge them into one?

Cuz......and I'm serious here, Sonya is Bridgette Wilson, ok? I'll hear no arguments.

But they way upgraded Sub Zero and Scorpion in this one. Jah from Fast 6 and the Raid is LEGIT. Dude from Wu Assassin is LEGIT.

They went with a nod to the OG music........no, just use the God damn OG music you ***.

It.......well.....it at least TRIES to be serious. It tries. We're talkin about a ridiculous arcade over the top video game that you try to create a storyline with, you know that going in......so don't be mad when a dude splits a woman in half with a hat. Don't mock a dude who freezes your blood and stabs you with it. Don't be an ***hole. Nod at the realism to the game and keep it pushin.

Guy shoots a laser out his eye.
Guy can freeze stuff.
Guy can bicycle kick somehow.
Guy is made of lightning.
Girl wears a green tank top every scene.

These are the rules. Don't be mad at them.

This film(s) merged together isn't terrible, it tries really hard, we all watchin it regardless, they gave it a lot of heart, so give it that credit.......


Could. Not. Disagree. More.

But if unrealistic puts you off, how THEEEE EFFFF are you such a Fast fan?!

Just make this **** a TV series, dunno about waiting 1-2 years for each iteration and spending money. Fast franchise knows what it is, this has no clue. It's not even a good fan film, barely anything given to the beloved characters vs the boring avatar they created. Punching up the catchphrases at random stupid moments didn't help. 3/8 sounds right.

I half expected someone to call people out for saying stupid slogans at random but it never happened. Like alrighty then :lol:

also thought it was funny that each character introduced themselves so awkwardly. Pop up on screen, look threatening, then announce “I AM random character!” Just funny for what it was.

imagine a Christopher Nolan mortal kombat tho :wow:
:lol:So stupid. I get it's MK but there's a better way to do it.

Also I get putting in some of the og elements without explanation, but you can't just do that with **** you make up and introduce.
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