Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

With GoT and HotD is I'm a very casual fan. Meaning while Ive never read the books, but I've watched all seasons and episodes of both shows. Albeit passively most of the time while watching football or basketball or something. I follow most of the storylines as they play out retain some of it but can't name any of the characters 😂. What I love about it tho is I can just pop in on any episode of any season not have any idea wtf is going on I'll be like 😮😒😬😮🔥 Sometimes I'll have some vague familiarity with what's about to happen but most of the time it's like I'm enjoying it for the first time.

cant wait for this to reach the states
Saw this yesterday. It was pretty pretty good. I went in really blind and I don't know if that was better or worse. Emma stone crush the roll. William Dafoe was really really good in it as well but Mark ruffalo was absolutely hysterical. He might have stolen the movie he was so freaking funny. Didn't think you'd be as funny as it was since I went and blind. I didn't know there'd be as much sex as there was in it. It's kind of got me thinking about the movie after the fact which is always a great sign. I would see it again for sure. Knee jerk reaction 88 out of 100 can probably hit the 90s
Also saw blurban Reddit that the director of Scream 7. Formally exited the movie recently... Let that franchise die man

Rewashed it's a wonderful life today. That movie is a classic for a reason. So funny. So charming in the end scene just gets me every time
Random thought, but it boggles my mind that people don't actually buy a physical copy of a movie that they love. :lol:
"Well, some people don't have a way to play a disc."
Yeah that's also mind-bottling.
Kind of figured Aquaman 2 would tank after what happened with The Flash (and the way things have been trending with comic book hero movies generally).

And also, as darthska darthska mentioned, it looks from the trailers like it’s bad.
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