Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

maybe I should start watching The Nanny

Wait till you hear her laugh.
“I didn’t like the first 2 Deadpool’s, and don’t like these types of movies in general”

*Proceeds to purchase a movie ticket for the 3rd film in the series*

yeah i still enjoyed the movie despite him. seeing wolverine on screen is always worth the price of admission. beautiful cinematography and fight scenes and having all the other heroes around was great. the music and score was entertaining. and when he’s not talking his fighting style is entertaining. the best deadpool scene is in the original x-men when they shut his mouth. simply put he’s not funny and his schtick has gotten so old for me after 20 years of seeing it

i can understand why others love and rave about this movie. to me it was a good watch but per the notes i made it’s still not my preferred style of movies. i’ll still support it in general for the genre same way I watched the Acolyte even though it was trash
I think we are having a misunderstanding.

i enjoyed the movie, it was reasonably funny and entertaining.
I just thought the emotional story line of deadpool wanting to be in the avengers and getting his girlfriend back were underbaked and not convincing.

by "believable" i don't mean that like it's illogical or it doesn't make sense, it makes sense. it just feels contrived and rushged.

Deadpool 1 the cancer storyline and the relationship with vanessa had much more time to breath so it felt more real.

these criticism don't mean i think the movie is bad or unenjoyable.
like i said, it's amusing, the jokes are funny.
Sums up how I feel.

I felt like No Way Home balanced emotional stakes and fan service and cameos much better than this one. This movie was entertaining as hell, I was smiling ear to hear the whole time, but when I thought about it and critically, it didn't stand out to me beyond the cameos and love letter to Fox and Marvel. Some stand out dramatic scenes, X23, Wolverine, etc but I get what osh is saying.

I'll probably end up seeing it multiple times in the theaters, but I can still say it was lacking in areas.
I hear you guys, but you're both making it sound like wanting to be an Avenger WAS the emotional storyline.

To me, it wasn't. Saving his timeline from the TVA was the emotional storyline, saving his friends + Vanessa, and that was fleshed out just fine.

The Avengers stuff was a plot device to have Happy and make some Tony Stark jokes.

But maybe thas just me.
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