Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Watched Margin Call tonight. Excellent movie. It's rare you find a film that's set almost entirely in a stock firm, with no violence or sex, that keeps itself interesting and tense throughout. 8/10.
Ill, I don't understand, is there a vote somewhere in there?  It says 0 for everyone, do we all suck, or what's goin on there? 

Nos, agreed, I loved Margin Call.  It was a movie about a board meeting, yet I was still enthralled the whole time. 

I watched Ides of March last night.......I liked it alot, but I did not like the ending at all.  I do not like the open endedness.  I don't like not getting to see Clooney tell Capote he's fired.  I don't like the way they end the movie with Gosling.  I don't even like what they did to the Anna Panquin clone Rachel Evan Wood.  I was mad about all of it.  Why not play out the finish, give us a result and then end it?  It was funny that I was wondering why they picked Ides of March as the title, then when I saw how it was playing out, the meaning took shape, interesting way to do that.  Solid overall, but not what I was expecting.  The whole spiral started over a damn meeting, a 5 minute meeting.  Big whoop.  Gotta have more juicy than that, and not this little single small problem at 2:30 in the morning.  Makes no damn sense.  The way Gosling calls back, after 2 "dates", come on.  Seemed a bit forced right there.  7.5, maybe an 8 just off the cast alone, and the dialogue was decent, just some stuff they could have ironed out a lil better. 
I watched Who's That Knocking at My Door last night for the first time.

Thankfully Mean Streets came out soon after, because this one was definitely an odd one from Scorsese. I understand it was his first ever, straight out of NYU, but besides signature camera work, the story (plot announced half way into the movie) and ending had me
Originally Posted by CP1708

Ill, I don't understand, is there a vote somewhere in there?  It says 0 for everyone, do we all suck, or what's goin on there? 
I just put zeroes as place holders. It's just a template to make sorting and totaling scores easier.
Spoiler [+]
Winner was Big J narrowly beating out Noskey, with an aggregate score 78-75. JPZ placed third with 65.

Margin Call was a great film, but a minor complaint, there were no breaks from the high amount of tension. Never really gave you time to breathe. Acting was superb, but nowhere near Glengarry Glen Ross status, which some people have suggested.

Saw The Green Hornet and Melancholia last night. 

Even though The Green Hornet met my low expectations, it surprisingly had potential. I could see a sequel being made. Kind of surprised that Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine, Be Kind Rewind) directed it because the action scenes were very well done.

Melancholia should have been boring, but I couldn't look away and I was entertained. Acting was very good (my favorite Dunst role to date) and IMO, the "sci-fi element" was better utilized han it was in Another Earth.

And I don't think I've gotten an answer yet, but am I the only one who is thoroughly not impressed with Animal House? Or is its' fascination purely for it's genre changing impact?
And I don't think I've gotten an answer yet, but am I the only one who is thoroughly not impressed with Animal House? Or is its' fascination purely for it's genre changing impact?
I haven't ever sat down and watched this yet.  Everyone thinks I am so old, but this was before my time, so I never checked it out.  I did find it cheap as hell on Blu Ray a while back, so I picked it up, just haven't had time.  When I do get around to it, I'll post in here and ping you. 

Very nice work on the vote, I think we're pretty close to having enough, I have a couple more folks to ask, I think I'll announce sometime Monday or Tuesday. 
Animal House is a funny movie. Probably wouldn't crack my top ten comedies, unless I considered impact heavily. It was really important for the raunchy/gross out comedy genre and has just become a classic over the years. Between Belushi, the Shout scene, Toga Party, etc. there's just a lot of memorable moments in the film.
I'm sorry but I can't fathom someone not enjoying animal house. Watched it about 4 times between the ages of 14 and 24 and it only gets better every time.

Use to love seeing bellushi speech at MSG
Am I the only one who watched I Am Number Four and had the "leader" of the "rival species" remind them of Christoper Walken?

That was probably the most entertaining part of it. Never seen or read Twilight, but I imagine that's about the gist of it.

That girl, though...
I paid very little attention to anything that didn't involve Dianna Agron in that movie.
Kev, honestly I am surprised you sat thru Number 4.  As you have seen MrO murder that flicks soul over and over again. 
  I thought it was eh, but had more than I actually expected if that makes sense.  Coulda been better, but harmless, will never watch it again I'm sure. 

Ok, the results are in.  Much better job voting by everyone this time, I thank you all for that.  Voting SUCKED in the other drafts, was like pullin teeth.  Ya'll were quick with it this time, makes it much easier for me. 

That said, you all @#$%^& up.  The winners are:


I picked two out of three, just not in order.

A deserved win for Chester, strong team top to bottom.

I was still robbed.
Kev, honestly I am surprised you sat thru Number 4.  As you have seen MrO murder that flicks soul over and over again. 
  I thought it was eh, but had more than I actually expected if that makes sense.  Coulda been better, but harmless, will never watch it again I'm sure.
I don't turn a movie off once I've committed to it, no matter how bad it might be. I have to justify wasting the time to myself. This 2011 list has me watching all kinds of nonsense.

Since it's out there, I voted for MrO, Chester, then Noskey.
I'll watch just about anything once.  And I don't stop either, so good work.  Sorry we keep giving you crap to "enjoy" from 2011. 
  Why don't you let us put you onto some old Goodfellas, Casino, Pulp Fiction, Heat type movies, get you away from all that I am Number 4 you prolly cursing us out for. 
  I know you ain't watch any of those, you just keep it quiet better than others. 

Men In Black 3 preview. 

GI Joe 2 preview 


If Batman dies or is left incapacitated at the end, I swear I might cry. Would be so freaking epic and I hate even using that word.
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