Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I'm watching Trouble With the Curve and suddenly feeling very excited about Lois Lane later this week. I love this woman.

I haven't heard anything about DDL with QT. But that matchup would rule, all.

Amy Adams reminds me so much of Pam from The Officr
I'm watching Trouble With the Curve and suddenly feeling very excited about Lois Lane later this week. I love this woman.

I haven't heard anything about DDL with QT. But that matchup would rule, all.

Amy Adams reminds me so much of Pam from The Officr
It's funny cuz when Amy was on the show they didn't really seem similar to me. Then after when I seen her in other roles it became really apparent.
GI Joe 3 moves on with same director as 2.

I dig it. :smokin

Orlando Bloom is back for this one? :wow: :pimp:
That preview looks great, much better than that crap 1 was. :lol:
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I had no idea True Blood was starting this Sunday. 2 seasons ago I would have been on top of that.

Film Noir month on TCM 
Yeah The Purge wasnt good. At all.

The only thing good was the concept. The acting was poor. The script was even worse. Ethan Hawke was just okay; he was much better in Sinister though, a similar kind of film.

Everything was extremely predictable and unbelievable. The main villain was kind of cool but not fleshed out enough. Everything about the family was annoying, down to the boyfriend.


The only thing I like about them going on wih a sequel is that they can redeem themselves.
Caught a midnight showing of This Is The End. Go see it, pretty damn funny overall.

Would love to see it again just to brush up on the quotables alone. Jonah had a bunch, so did McBride and Robinson.

Seth Rogen drinking his piss literally made me spit out my water :rofl: . Good thing I set in the aisle seat.
I just saw The Eagle a few hours ago and I can say whether it was the story or dude impressing me I'll probably be ditching any apprehension I have when I check movies with Channing Tatum in it. Still think that White House Down will suck for the most part, especially with it looking like Jaime phoning it in for a check or just do any type of action light comedy but other stuff with Tatum will get a fair shake with no pre-judging. So dude for me is on that tolerable, slightly likeable above mediocre possible above average tier where I almost welcome seeing in certain movies.

Even though the movie aint really care about accents he pulled off the role nicely. I can see him thriving in those actions flicks if he did more of hand to hand/weapon types instead of strictly guns and explosions. Son could be a watered down version of Bruce Willis and Jason Statham if he picks his movies right. I can even see him doing some type of superhero flick franchise and get by like Chris Evans is currently.
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I don't understand cable channel programmers, all the movies skinamax has at its desposile & they put wild orchid on at 9... They at least could've aired 9 1/2 weeks instead of its idiot bastard cousin... I never understand the logic in these people...
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It used to drive me nuts when Family Guy would play the same five episodes on TBS every Monday or when the Simpsons would only show their newer episodes week nights at 7est. Later on, I figured the Simpsons stuff was for DVD sales, draw viewership to Sundays, but I still can't understand why FG only shows the same ten episodes every week.
so im watching the bill simmons podcast with louie ck and im suprised

how successful bill seems to think louie on FX  is so i look up the ratings for

louie and the finale for season 3 did 0.4 aka 400,000 im suprised its

doing that bad...thought the show was a hit
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I haven't watched an episode of Louie in a year or two. Loved the show, will def watch them when I'm in the mood, but it's a tough show for the mainstream.
So is it really not that impressive, the list of credits Hans Zimmer is in? I mean... when I was scrolling through his iMDB... like I said... DAAAAAAAMMMMMN.

But maybe being a part of so many impressive movies is a little more pedestrian than I thought. :lol:

Or maybe y'all just some hatin' *** haters.

I think most of us already knew Hans Zimmers work, or at least an understanding of it :lol:
Maybe I'm just in a good mood, but I'm enjoying Family Tree on HBO. Don't see it having a long run, but it's making me laugh now.
I expect this to be hilarious

:rofl: 5 musketeers talk already got me. Seems it'll be similar to Shaun of the Dead and Paul.
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