Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I kind of see where you're coming from, especially in a Bourne role.

It'll be interesting, I'll give him a shot, but I'm cautious.

Anyone a fan of Rob Zombie? I'm really stoked about his upcoming film The Lords of Salem.

I think he's a bit underrated as a genre director. No, I'm not a huge fan of what he's done to the Halloween franchise, but it's something different, which is more than what a lot of remakes do. What I loved was his first two films, House of 1000 Corpses and especially The Devil's Rejects. His original stuff is what makes me anxious to see that film. I loved both of those, and it was awesome to see how different they were considering they were dealing with the same characters.
Planning on knocking out three or four movies in theaters tomorrow... going to do one of those marathons for the price of one admission

Mission Impossible 4, Tower Heist, J. Edgar, Sherlock Holmes 2.

I'll for sure be reporting back, I don't know for sure if I'll be catching all of them, at the very least three.
Oh, and I still have yet to see the third Bourne film. I've seen the first two, and based on the summaries you have all provided I should probably check out the last one. To kind of put a closure on the series even if it's just for me anyway
. I thought 'Identity' and 'Supremacy' were good flicks, not anything I'm jumping off the couch about but something decent. I guess I'm just not a big Matt Damon superfan.

As for the breakdowns of Wahlberg, Renner, Damon, etc... I think we all gotta come to the conclusion that there are FEW actors/actresses that DON'T have muddled resumes. Leo is so good BECAUSE he's the exception. He's everyone's favorite because all of his films are hits. He's wonderful and the critics rave, like clockwork. It's as rare as candy (who's going to catch that reference?).

Even superstars like Pitt, Clooney, Deniro, Pacino all have black marks, and those guys are considered legends in one way or another.

If you're in the business long enough, you're going to have several films you're embarrassed about. Actors aren't always flawless when picking scripts, money has a lot to do with role choices, among other things. There are many out there that care about their craft, but there are just as many that are in it solely for the money just like athletes. We just shouldn't be too hard on them is all.
Take out Tower Heist and go see Hugo. We need to have some people go see this man...

It's a shame that people aren't giving it a chance because it's a "family film."
I remember those days

...if I was trying to watch that many movies in a theater in one day, no way I see J. Edgar.
That'd be the one I start passing out in. Or at least try and see it first, maybe?

And I agree on the resume thing. But it just feels like some of these really talented actors are being wasted on some Look who bought a zoo fluff and Ed Norton's got dreads so you know he's serious.

We're losing recipes.
I never felt comfortable by going to multiple movies but just one admission. Always felt bad, and my theaters around me are pretty stringent on prohibiting it.
Been a while since I dropped in here. The latest fantasy draft drove me away a little bit. I'm just not a big fantasy guy -- even when its a movie character draft in the sports and training forum of a sneaker message board. But I digress.

I just read that HBO cancelled Bored to Death, Hung and How to Make it in America. I'm not surprised any of these shows got axed, but am disappointed about Bored to Death and How to Make It since I enjoyed both. Oh well, hopefully HBO will come up with something interesting to replace the shows that are going away.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Even superstars like Pitt, Clooney, Deniro, Pacino all have black marks, and those guys are considered legends in one way or another.
Sadly, it seems like DeNiro and Pacino make bad films as often as they make good ones these days. 

DeNiro and Pacino are also made men, they can do whatever the hell they want when they are in their 70's, hell I wish they would load up Grumpy Old Men 3 to be honest. 

Marky Mark is not in his 70's, so his excuse for tons of crap is not acceptable.  Not when he gives us glimpses of greatness.  I get doin a favor for someone, or doin an easy role for a bit while you wait for a hard role or whatever, but not years worth of that stuff. 

BTW, in terms of resume
American Psycho
Batman Begins
Harsh Times
The Prestige
3:10 to Yuma
I'm not There
The Dark Knight
Terminator Salvation
Public Enemies
The Fighter
Dark Knight Rises
Lawless (upcoming)

That's solid.  Some fluff in there, some other smaller roles mixed in, but that's some great work.  And honestly, I think he is underrated a lil bit.  Certainly known, well known even, but he's better than people even realize, he's just a douche is all.  But what great ones aren't? 
Newest addition to my 'incredible movies you've never seen or heard of' list: White Oleander

Wow. LOVED it.
Really, really good... I was worried Scorsese's style would be lost on a 3D family flick, but damn.. It's a complete departure from anything I've seem of his, but you can still feel his fingerprints all over it. It looks amazing. It's really gripping. Great, great adaptation.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Really, really good... I was worried Scorsese's style would be lost on a 3D family flick, but damn.. It's a complete departure from anything I've seem of his, but you can still feel his fingerprints all over it. It looks amazing. It's really gripping. Great, great adaptation.
I'll probably see it now because you all are recommending it, but wasn't planning on it previously.  I wasn't against it because its a family movie, its just that the trailers/commercials didn't grab me at all.  I'm going to give it a chance though. 

Newest addition to my 'incredible movies you've never seen or heard of' list: White Oleander

Wow. LOVED it.


Keep your lame movie about some lowly, British electronic store manager forced to conquer a zombie attack; I like movies that challenge the viewer and force the audience to sit and pay attention to the parts of the world they are most likely intentionally ignoring or just altogether ignorant towards, movies like White Oleander, Powder, Precious, Enough, and The Green Mile.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Newest addition to my 'incredible movies you've never seen or heard of' list: White Oleander

Wow. LOVED it.

Keep your lame movie about some lowly, British electronic store manager forced to conquer a zombie attack; I like movies that challenge the viewer and force the audience to sit and pay attention to the parts of the world they are most likely intentionally ignoring or just altogether ignorant towards, movies like White Oleander, Powder, Precious, Enough, and The Green Mile.

It's not about appreciating those kinds of movies. It's about not appreciating Shaun of the Dead.

Nowitness, did you see it in 3D? I hope you did.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Newest addition to my 'incredible movies you've never seen or heard of' list: White Oleander

Wow. LOVED it.


Keep your lame movie about some lowly, British electronic store manager forced to conquer a zombie attack; I like movies that challenge the viewer and force the audience to sit and pay attention to the parts of the world they are most likely intentionally ignoring or just altogether ignorant towards, movies like White Oleander, Powder, Precious, Enough, and The Green Mile.
Enough?  The one with Jennifer Lopez?  I'm not saying its bad, but it wouldn't have occurred to me to put it in the same category as Precious or White Oleander. 

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