Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I’m reserving judgment on Barbie until I know more about it.

It’s a got a good cast and a solid directing/writing team.
The Bob Saget tribute with Jim Carey, Chris Rock, Jeff Ross, etc. is funny and sad AF at the same time.
C CP1708

How this film has an audience score of 58 is beyond me. Most people just don’t know good film. That is a work of art. Directors debut too….easiest watch I’ve had all year. Maria Bello could have been in it more but, it was a Father/Son story so, I understand. Good one to watch with your Sons. 7/8 feels low.
I have my doubts about her ability to pull off the accent, but I'll be seeing the movie as soon as it's available
How this film has an audience score of 58 is beyond me. Most people just don’t know good film. That is a work of art. Directors debut too….easiest watch I’ve had all year. Maria Bello could have been in it more but, it was a Father/Son story so, I understand. Good one to watch with your Sons. 7/8 feels low.
Saw this. I liked it too. Lol at Patton Oswalt being a meth head.
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