Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I swear Fool’s Gold with Matthew McConaghey, Kate Hudson, Donald Sutherland, and Kevin Hart had no business being good but it was a hell of a good time :lol: anyone seen it? Saw it for the first time, with a big group.
Late to the most host hated character list. I’m assuming she’s missing because Sons not considered as good as the others but Gemma Teller Morrow is high on my list.. Always hated her and then that stupid **** she did to Tara solidified it.
Ughh, sons. What a struggle that was to finish after S3. Maybe S2. Interesting how many folks disliked the wives of men like Baratheon, Clay, Tony and Walter over the far worse things they've done. Not saying anyone shouldn't, just observation. There's some layers in there to peel from a general perspective i'm not interested in doing.


Nosferatu coming in 2024.
Well on a somber note I decided to do some digging on Caillou as my son used to watch it when he was about 2-4 (show used to get on my nerves lol). Anyways I saw that the second person who voiced Caillou died in a car wreck at age 17, RIP to her.


He’s open for a check left hook whenever his parents want.

I would love to find a place where we can have an honest, open discussion about wtaf I just saw there. 😂
Because HAYL nah to that lil *censored*.
And there is no way in this lifetime or the next I would let a kid watch 2 seconds of that.
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