Old washed Supreme Thread vol. LOCK IT UP!!!

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How? by not dropping what people speculated at with no official word? 
Where is homie with his gut feeling? He see this coming?

me and my gut still here b :lol:

read my post after...

some of yall took me serious is funny

others caught on to it tho :tongue:
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At my school, I wear a decent amount of preme to be known as the preme lord 
 but I'm sick of people always asking me when these will drop.  Like I don't work for them, and I came to a point where if someone will ask me a question my only response is "Don't ever talk to me about sneakers!" 

Don't get me wrong, I'm always on NT and I love reading and watching videos about sneakers, but in real life I hate talking about sneakers.  The worst part is, it's always these "what are those" wearing muhhh fuhhs who's always talking about sneakers.  I never, ever, not even once bring up the topic of sneakers.  It' s always these cornballs, like they want to be my friend and but NO. I straight up don't acknowledge them, or if I have to answer there questions with one or two words. 

Q. What are those? A. Sneakers.

Q. How much did you pay for those? Retail.


I love you SupNT.  NT in general, wish I knew more people here in real life. 
you're delusional. they're not complimenting you. they like supreme. not you.

Seinfield once said, those are the worst kind of compliments.

Nice tie.

Thank you.

No they're complimenting the tie, not you.
At my school, I wear a decent amount of preme to be known as the preme lord :lol:  but I'm sick of people always asking me when these will drop.  Like I don't work for them, and I came to a point where if someone will ask me a question my only response is "Don't ever talk to me about sneakers!" 
Maybe you should just stop wearing Supreme...
Guessing middle school or high school by the way that post was worded... leaning more towards middle school.
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