Orange Is The New Black // Netflix Original Series from the creator of Weeds

Seems lots of folks here don't like Pipers development in s3. I personally like it. It's different from what she was when she started. You can't expect the series to be interesting if everybody is the same old them with no transition to something else. I like that she's become more hardened. But there are consequences to that, which I'm sure we'll see in s4. She has no crew, no backup. How is her business going to sustain itself? But SoSo or whatever her name is, I don't see the purpose of her at all.
piper's bored and needs something to do in prison. She's definitely enjoying being in charge / the boss of a few people. I didn't mind it at first until alex made a great point. She told piper that the girls were excited about making a few dollars a week because they come from poor backgrounds. Dunno how Flaca even went to jail for selling what she sold. Wonder if that would get a conviction in real life.
Whatever she sold, it was connected to the guy that jumped off the roof. He used what he bought and mixed it with drugs or something, I don't remember.
Nah, he licked those pieces of paper with nothing on them. Cops saying he thought they were drugs and caused him to act the way he did. I guess it's a placebo effect charge.
Wasn't it just like removable tattoos? I think they were saying you could get high off that iirc
It was just pics of stuff like happy faces she printed on paper. They were supposed to think it was acid which I think is sold on pieces of paper.
so none of yall know how to use the spoiler tag right? none of you?
I stayed away from this thread till I finished off the should have done the same.
yep....hard to regulate spoilers when the whole season drops at once 
First off I wanna say compared to Season 1 & 2, this one was weak ...

I peeped SoSo from the jump but wasn't entirely sold on her, season 3 pulled me all the way in :smoking

Characters I'm tired of: Piper, Alex, Norma & her cult, the meth crew, Daya's mother, Sofia, & Healy

and all that hype for Ruby Rose :smh: chick looks like Bieber with a chest and make up. Body for small frame needs a whole lot of tightening and most of all her smile/teeth are like a 6/10

Happy to see Fig back ... and getting that work :smoking

Soso, Fig, Pousey, Flaca, and Tricia :smokin
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You think donut guy is going to start raping Maritza too? I hope not, I love her.
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Oh yeah Yahoo just reminded me .... so Bennett just disappears out of nowhere

after he didn't show up for 2 episodes I was thinking he's trying to find a way to get those kids in a better environment .. sure enough at the end DEA comes in. Im almost positive Bennett had something to do with it. He prob thinks he has some mastermind plan that's gonna get him Daya's baby

I was seriously on my last lil nerve with the Norma cult. If they showed that Mr. Bean lookin as woman and her expressions one more time :x
You think donut tuy is going to start raping Maritza too? I hope not, I love her.

Nah .. she doesn't appear to be as vulnerable and "dumb" as dogett.

After that last 5-10 minutes in the last episode, I feel like we are about to see a new cast. With every established guard walking out, that open fence with them getting out, nobody there to check in that chef, and 2 bus loads of new prisoners with no workers ... Caputo is prob losing that job he just got
Oh yeah Yahoo just reminded me .... so Bennett just disappears out of nowhere

after he didn't show up for 2 episodes I was thinking he's trying to find a way to get those kids in a better environment .. sure enough at the end DEA comes in. Im almost positive Bennett had something to do with it. He prob thinks he has some mastermind plan that's gonna get him Daya's baby

I was seriously on my last lil nerve with the Norma cult. If they showed that Mr. Bean lookin as woman and her expressions one more time :x

Bruh I thought we was taking a break. Then would show up telling daya he loves her or some **** like that. Prolly just mad at ceasars situation and don't want his kid to live there

But this guy just straight up went ghost mane. What kinda ish is that
Bruh I thought we was taking a break. Then would show up telling daya he loves her or some **** like that. Prolly just mad at ceasars situation and don't want his kid to live there

But this guy just straight up went ghost mane. What kinda ish is that

Well he wanted to, wasnt he pitching her the idea of coming clean quitting his job and gettin married n all that noise.

But I think he either said F it went ghost, Caesar had him dealt with, or he called the Feds and is trying to get the baby
Yeah, Bennett disappearing completely was a weird choice.

It wasn't even that good of a cliffhanger, I thought they might have him pop back up or do something minor so you could see where their storyline would go next season, but he just dipped.
Which is why im thinking we are about to get a new cast. What possibly is left to tell about the ones we know.

Alex got dealt with
Piper "found her place"?
Red got the kitchen back
Soso belongs
One chick found herself in Judaism
Taystee accepted the mother role
Boo & Tucky are at peace with themselves
All the guards quit
Healy let go of his mail order bride

Seems like the freedom lake scene at the end was them being "free" and at the same time theyre bringing in 2 bus loads of new women.

Not saying they writing everyone off but the focus may be elsewhere. These guys will prob be in episodes just not main characters

Idk im speculating lol
That scene with Cindy? and her testimony about being raised christian was deep though cant lie
Finished the season a couple days ago. I think that the girls didn't escape, they just wanted a taste of freedom. If they were to escape, they would of just dipped IMO. Overall, a good season. I hope to see Flaca and Maritza's ******* next season!
Naw they ain't escape but I do think it's gonna b some new main characters. All the new girls off those busses. Someone gettin the ax and new faces steppin in...
WORST SEASON EVER. Waited a Year for the Laziest Show I've ever seen.

LOVED Season One, Season 2 was Okay... they completely lost me in Season 3. They had a YEAR to do One Thing Right.

No Drama or Suspense, Daya was Pregnant for 3 SEASONS, Weak Story Lines... Each Episode seemed like Fill-In Episode material for the previous seasons. SMH

Definitely not anticipating Season 4 a full calendar year from now. I can see Small Breasts anywhere... give me a QUALITY Show. 
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