Orange Is The New Black // Netflix Original Series from the creator of Weeds

chang's origin episode was great..."cut out his gallbladder"
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oh, chapman is gangsta now? :lol:

bennett straight bailed, right?
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Did they ever show wat red or crazy eyes did to get locked up?

wasnt red involved with the mob

No they show what most of the people actually did to get locked up. They just showed parts of their background that possibly made them the way they are.

Red wasnt invloved but her husband was because he did business with them or wated money idk but she wasnt, i guess just associated thru her husband. But she did pop the one dudes wife's implant

Crazy eyes all they showed was what happened when she was a kid and grew up being the only black girl in that small group. Cant remember what she actually did at her graduation but i dont think they showed what she did either
Praise Norma this season is over . Complete Trash and loss of any real interesting story lines. The V character brought a lot of excitement to last season. There was nothing even close this season . I loved the last two season finales and this season I felt like it would be OK if they did not make a season 4. Only character relationship I liked was Caputo and Fig so that says a lot .
Its like the first season was a black comedy/ favorite season.

2nd was alot more comical....i noticed alot more jokes being thrown in.

3rd was aite but i thought that season finale esp the end was laaaaaame lol. But i thought changs back story was solid.

The backstorys make the show imho.
I'd put soso, nicky, watson, maria, maritza, alex, AND flaca over piper.
Add Pousse, Tastee, Gloria, and a BOAT LOAD of Others to that List!

Piper and the Ruby Rose chick are two of the Most Unattractive Younger Women on the show, yet they made a Love Story out of those two.
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they do a good job at making these women look so rough 

didn't eem think flaca would look like that 
You got it Backwards bro! LOL

What we see on the Show is Mostly what All of these Women look like without being Made Up. They just look REGULAR.

I mean, there are some exceptions, like what they did to Pennsatucky's Teeth in Season 1, but for the most part, this is what these chicks look like when they Wake Up.

I ain't mad tho... atleast w/ these women, you already know what you're getting when she takes the makeup off (if you've watched the show of course)!
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Taystee, Cindy, and Boo are :pimp:. Daya too if she put on about 20 more pounds of fat to get ripe and thick.

I'd love to be in the middle of that orgy. I imagine it smellt glorious.
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You better not be talking about Daya like that.

She definitely looked frail on the show. She should have put on more weight to make the baby weight look believable. Especially when she had her shirt off. A real woman should be at least 220lbs when pregnant, and that's for average sized girls like 5'4. Daya looks like she's a solid 5'6, maybe 5'11 so she she should be around 250lbs if pregnant. Then she would look healthy and hnnnnnnggggggg
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You better not be talking about Daya like that.

She definitely looked frail on the show. She should have put on more weight to make the baby weight look believable. Especially when she had her shirt off. A real woman should be at least 220lbs when pregnant, and that's for average sized girls like 5'4. Daya looks like she's a solid 5'6, maybe 5'11 so she she should be around 250lbs if pregnant. Then she would look healthy and hnnnnnnggggggg

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: A+ bro... A+
Haven't been following this thread but I'm about 75% through with season 3. Show has been progressively getting worse. I'm only watching now to finish up the season.
daya's bottom half is beyond thick. Looking like a thorobred horse. She doesn't even have cankles, more like her thighs, calves, and ankles are the same size. Thankles.
Didn't remember that Flaca made out with kourtney. I watched that episode too and was hoping they would scissor.
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