Orange Is The New Black // Netflix Original Series from the creator of Weeds

2 episodes in... pretty damn boring and too far unrealistic.

I laughed at the Black Lattes Matter tho :lol:

And the f*** marry kill game
How are these nit wits still alone in this prison.

They're opening and closing doors like it's nothing, and Squat Teams are just like chilling I guess :rofl:


So basically this is going from justice for Poussey to Trump feminist rally
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binged watched it...... it wasnt bad.... but it wasnt good...... swat could of ended this earlier...... these chicks cell phone lasted more than mine, and they aint got no charger...... alot of questionable stuff

didnt like how it ended.... wont say too much
Folks said this show needed less Piper.

Now it has no Piper and it's more unbelievable than a Soap Opera.

All I want to see is more Piper, I was never in on cutting her out.....these side show Bob stories have ran their course.
this spanish w no subs **** gotta go 

i just assume the **** they sayin aint important
just finished episode 11,

people are so stupid on this show, just keep your mouth shut, what did she think was going to happen, telling the chick you had beef with about your plan, oh yeah and even if you didn't have beef SHE'S IN PRISON WITH YOU. Hate it had to be my mami with the phatty tho
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Folks said this show needed less Piper.

Now it has no Piper and it's more unbelievable than a Soap Opera.

All I want to see is more Piper, I was never in on cutting her out.....these side show Bob stories have ran their course.

Its good without piper IF the other people can deliver. So far these other side things going on are dead AF.

The blacks got nothin goin, the latinas are annoying, the rednecks are pointless to even have, the meth heads are annoying af. Theres nothing left for the show, they just need to write it off as last season

Whats happening now (4 episodes in) is just way too far unrealistic
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Man episode 11 got me out here with tears in my eyes bruh.God damn.
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Whats happening now (4 episodes in) is just way too far unrealistic

I was about to say the same thing

The first few episodes were so trash that I just stopped watching. I might finish it up later once I run out of other things to watch, but it'll be something on in the background while I finish some work or clean the apartment.
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thru the first 5 and yea its gabbage 

after bingin wentworth this just aint it
watsons flashback w that white school and her teacher had me 

"gotta work twice as hard to get as far" 

like i get thats the prevailing notion but its jus sounds so ****ish

and tasty's flashback w her mom

expected, but still

and damn why wont that guard just kill himself

did piscatella really get the guys initials tatted that he killed? 

i bet by the end hes gay and that was his bf 

that white blonde guard got the phatty

 at that fat white guards butt

taylor from billions keeps slipping into that character 

the only two good scenes so far were the memorial scene and tastys speech
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Watching episode 4 now while catching up on some emails. What the @#$@ is going on? :lol: :stoneface: Did a 12 year old start writing this season???
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