OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

Avatar and, for some reason, a lot of the 2012 releases (TDKR, Silver Linings Playbook, Django Unchained and Zero Dark Thirty).

2013 is making up for a lot of the films I didn't like in 2012 though.
Every horror movie ever
Good movie that you found boringOverrated movies.

I think some of you guys don't appreciate a well-made movie, even some movies I don't like I can still see how it's well-received. Like Lincoln, I found it boring, however, the actors seemed to performed well and it looked pretty accurate. It just was not my type of movie but, was a quality movie with accurate execution and performances.
Definitely most of the fast n furious (if not all) after the first two.

After the second, it was OD!

Original was the best n they should have left it at that.
+1 for The Hangover

The way people were talking about that when it came out rivaled Titanic's hype.

Thought it was average.
Word dudes was talking like Hangover was better than Friday on here calling it the God Comedy Flick, when I saw it I chuckled but I literally haven't watched any of the hangovers again since I saw them in theaters nor did I even watch the Final one.
Lord of the rings..
Im with you and there spin-offs!!!

Dude who said ray, american gangsta, AND ali wasn't good?! WOW those had four of the greatest BLACK actors right now (elba, smith, washington, and foxx)! 

not trying to make this into a race thing..just saying

the acting was good to me but i respect your opinion 
I don't respect a lot of people's opinions. When the big boys talk movies, their thoughts will not be taken into account. It's clear that people don't judge movies based on how well the movie is but more on who's starring, the genre or how much they 'expect' from it. All invalid.

I'm not a Franco fan but ill gladly admit he did a bang up job in spring breakers and I loved rise of planet of the apes.

A good story over everything.
Napoleon Dynamite has infinite replay value for me 

Seems like people either love it or hate it.
Yeah I'll never knock anyone for liking it, Just don't force me to watch it cause I'll probably pull a Kanye
I don't respect a lot of people's opinions. When the big boys talk movies, their thoughts will not be taken into account. It's clear that people don't judge movies based on how well the movie is but more on who's starring, the genre or how much they 'expect' from it. All invalid.

"Big boys" = people that share your opinions?
It's funny cats talking bout how much they didn't like kids movies as adults...Im not a big fan of superman briefs either...but overrated?
^you know you don't HAVE to come in this thread if it's going to make you so upset.  

How about you tell us some movies you didn't care for instead of how offended you are by everyone elses opinion each time

you come in here
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Man their have been plenty of movies in here that I have been rustled by but I take it in stride and laugh and can see others pov..
Are dudes really taking this cereal and not actually seeing the humor in some of these movies being bad and overrated at the same time. Take a minute to think about the story BTTF...
PT.1 incest,trying to help your pops get yambs
PT.2 incest, greed
Pt. 3 a really bad spaghetti western

Stop sitting on your high horses and just have fun with this....
Revenge of the Nerds for god sakes had a rape scene but as a kid you didnt think much of it,lol..smh...
If u are easily rustled and sensitive maybe you shouldn't come in here, lol
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