OVERRATED MOVIES? *flamesuits must be worn beyond this point*

First movie that comes in mind to me is No Country For Old Men. That year I thought There Will Be Blood was far better.
The Coen Brothers. Another example of love or hate.

Fargo is one of my all-time favorite movies. I've had my friends watch it before and give me the ultimate 
The Dark Knight Rises, and I'm a huge Nolan fan.

I think Sci-Fi flicks needs a particular type of viewer, I don't see the Fast & Furious crowd liking a movie like Gravity or Star Trek.
Great generalization about a bunch of people you don't know.
American Beauty and Gravity? No way.

For me, its Basic Instinct. The only known thing out that movie was Sharon Stone's box. Didn't feel the story in that film.
TDKR was defintely overated.

hangovers werent only overrated , they sucked 

gatsby sucked as well 

hunger games are overrated too 
I'm sorry man, but Juice... If Pac wasn't in that movie, it'd be nothing.
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Agreed on Avatar. Said Mystic River earlier.


Iron Man 3.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. (I understood it fine, just didn't think it was that good at all).

Speaking of Jim Carrey, The Number 23 is underrated. Said it, done. Don't care about Rotten Tomatoes.
Brad Pitt and Tim Burton are overrated.
tim burton is crap co-sign 

disagree on brad pitt though more than half of his movies are very interesting and can easily be rewatched more than 2 times ( girls excluded 
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