parents arrested and charged for spanking their kid and uploading to facebook

If the defiance keeps occurring, why are you still using the same form of discipline when its clearly not effective? I wont call them a horrible parent, but they clearly have bad parenting skills.

As long as you're not decimating the child's psyche, why NOT use spanking as a form of discipline? (in moderation, of course).
Can anyone tell me from experience that they were spanked as a child (not abused, spanked-beaten) and it was detrimental in to adulthood?

Some people choose to give their kids options/demerits or talk it out...and sometimes that isn't effective in disciplining the child. Does that mean that person has bad parenting skills?
You didn't answer my question. I didn't say don't spank your kid, I have no issues with that. I said why do you keep doing it if its not effective? The thought of the spanking will be enough to curve the behavior of your child. If they are repeatedly misbehaving and you're repeatedly giving them spankings, don't you think its time to do something else to curve that behavior?
You guys are missing my point. If you're spanking your child is the result of their re-occurring defiance...I do not believe that makes you a "horrible" parent. it doesn't make you an incompetent being who can't fathom another form of discipline. it is but a FORM of discipline.

And yes, I think it's hilarious because you're reaching here bro.

Reaching? You're flipping what you're saying. You want more parents to closed fist hit their kids. You talked about hitting your kid if you get tired of asking them to do something. You talked about spanning your kid into their teens. That's what you said.

Nobody said never spank your kids
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Hitting your child with a closed fist when they're a late teenager is too much. There are failures on both side of the street, the parent failed in some aspect and the teenager behavior to aggravate that response from a parent would be at fault as well.

I feel there is a medium. On each of the extremes you have kids who never get any form of discipline (physical or verbal) and you have kids who get too much discipline. Both of which is no good.

In this medium, you can be an effective parent by spanking your child and not spanking your child. Both, if used effectively can output the same caliber of a good well behaved child. Spanking is not an extremity. Now, personally I feel like a spanking in the right context gives a child a quick understanding of actions and consequences. Is that the only way to teach that concept to a child? Absolutely not, remember there are different paths to any goal.

Spanking, when used in moderation is not child abuse. Not spanking your child doesn’t make any parent better than the other, when the final output of a child is the same via either method. 

Of course not every child is the same, so applying either technique to won’t  hold up. There is no universal answer.

In my experience however, growing up + the children I have been around the ones that have had the worst behavioral issues have been victims of a failed non-violent way of being raised. Alternatively, when i’d been around children whose spankings were borderline child abuse, they grasped the actions have consequences law at a way more adept level than those kids whose parents were non-violent. 

This whole thread seems rather about an argument about whether fear is a justified/lazy motivator for kids to learn life lessons. If you ask me, if used moderately it's OK.
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Whatever the reason may be It's not a good idea to go and post it up on Facebook. The table can easily be turned when it comes to social media.

Rep to whoever said they don't trust anyone who never got a beating.

My grandmother use to throw pans, brooms and all that. That right hand is serious though, as the years go by its less painful. **** starts to become soft.
You didn't answer my question. I didn't say don't spank your kid, I have no issues with that. I said why do you keep doing it if its not effective? The thought of the spanking will be enough to curve the behavior of your child. If they are repeatedly misbehaving and you're repeatedly giving them spankings, don't you think its time to do something else to curve that behavior?

Then it's time to find another form of discipline/technique. I've never asserted that spanking them is the END all BE all to every mishap.
I think it should be a healthy balance of verbal and psychical forms of discipline.
For instance:
Sometimes instead of spanking me, my father would make me lie on my back with legs and feet in the air. It got brutal after the first 6 minutes lol.

Reaching? You're flipping what you're saying. You want more parents to closed fist hit their kids. You talked about hitting your kid if you get tired of asking them to do something. You talked about spanning your kid into their teens. That's what you said.

Nobody said never spank your kids

:lol: homie I said closed-fisting your SON. And only if he is in his late teens. IF HE RUNS UP ON YOU, it's time to re-evaluate a lot of things.
You're trivializing my argument and warping what I'm saying. If you want to know what I REALLY said, dig up my previous posts.
You can only reason/talk why your child/teen for so long. I still stand by that.

Does pepper pepper have kids?

One day. I've taken care of kids at my church/babysitting and I've been able to maintain order WITHOUT physical harm.
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[quote name="ColdCity"][quote name="jumpman247"]Spare the rod spoil the child.[/quote]The book where that comes from (the Bible) also says that when a woman is on her period, she is to sleep in a tent outside of the city, away from everyone.

Aaaand it had rules for selling daughters to masters, to please the master who buys her.

Aaaaand it says that it's ok if a slave dies from being beaten, as long as the slave lives for 1 day after the beating, then dies.

So yeah, it might be best if we leave ancient texts out of this.
[quote name="ColdCity"][quote name="jumpman247"]Spare the rod spoil the child.
The book where that comes from (the Bible) also says that when a woman is on her period, she is to sleep in a tent outside of the city, away from everyone.

Aaaand it had rules for selling daughters to masters, to please the master who buys her.

Aaaaand it says that it's ok if a slave dies from being beaten, as long as the slave lives for 1 day after the beating, then dies.

So yeah, it might be best if we leave ancient texts out of this.[/quote]

Spare the rod spoil the child

children who have structure in thier lives >
children who's parents didnt spare the rod >
[quote name="Pepper"][quote name="DarthSka"]
It's also my opinion that the world is round. :wink:

Challenge what you've been taught, man, and do your own research. This is as much about an opinion as it was opinion when people thought the world was flat.
Condescension at its finest. Thanks for your "input".[/quote]Damn right. You out here talking about kids are soft. Man up. :lol:

You want to tell me I'm in no position to be talking? Cool. I'm not going to get all butthurt and say "You're being condescending! :frown: "

You keep asking people all these questions, "What about this?", and "How about that?"

My turn.

Like I mentioned, I work with teenagers, teenagers of parents who have no control, and roughly 80% of these parents spank these kids.

It takes less than a day for these kids to be eating out of the palm of my hand.

Why is that? I think I know why, but you have so many answers and so much experience w/ teenagers and kids, I'm curious why you think it is.

One kid where I work (we'll call him Joe) consistently has the cleanest room on our entire campus. When his parents first met w/ me back in September and they saw his room, his mom started crying. Asked Joe "How come you can't do this at home?" I interjected, "He can. He just doesn't, and that's what I'll be talking w/ you guys about, how to change things at home."

Now, again, like you've said, I'm in no position to be talking about how people do things. So these kids who are consistently troublesome at home and are all kinds of disrespectful/delinquent, why is it that I can not only manage these kids, but get them to do things that their parents never thought possible? Chores, schoolwork, respecting others, and I do it all with my hands in my pockets. Why is that?

Clearly I'm in no position to talk about this, & I have no idea what I'm talking about or what I'm doing at work, so I'm thirsty for your knowledge.

Educate me. :D

How am I so... 'lucky'... w/ these kids? I'd like to know so I can continue being lucky as long as I'm there.

Of course I have an idea of what I'm doing effectively, but I'm in no position to talk about managing kids, or parenting, so help me out.

(miss me w/ whatever attempts you have at dodging the question, or trying to spin some "You're a meanie :frown: " kindergarten crap. You want to act like you know the subject? Talk.)[/quote]

This guy gets it.
Some good views in here.

I love my daddy. But I'll be damned if he puts his hands on me like I'm some random ***** out there on the streets. The ****?!?!? If any of y'all hit your child with your fists/ try to intimidate or put fear in your kids, ya need ya *** kicked by YOUR parents.
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I have a 6 year old son and 5 month old daughter, and I will be doing everything in my power to raise them into good, decent human beings. Disciplining them legally. Degrading your child and having a 2 year old baby watch, while everyone in the room taunts him. It is kinda sick.
:lol: Yellow ranger is hot.

Methodical management is about to come in and drop da thunder
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