Penny Foamposite One Candy Blue

To cop me a pair I had to drive from Houston to Dallas because local shoe stores played me wrong, all week i called a few footlockers, footactions to find out exactly what their procedure was going to be on the foams, 2 of them by my house told me they were going to do FCFS and I kept calling because I wasn't believing them so Thursday comes, 2 days before release and they had their same story, called on Friday and they told me they had passed out tickets for them on Thursday! WTF!! so I didn't wanted to miss out on them, I grabbed my little brother and headed over to Nike Town store in Dallas, Texas it was a good drive but worth it, I camped out by myself on the partking lot lol I was going to grab an extra pair to sell but really I thought it wasn't going to sell and i didn't... It's hard to get kicks on releases for some shoes here, but then again, it's sometimes easy as well, I guess it all depends on the shoe, I had a First come first served on the Jordan Fear pack and only 50 ppl lined up, we got there at 7 am, and everything went smooth... you just never know what shoe will give be hard to get...
Finally found a hat I like that matches.
Nice Hat.. I'm sorry but what team is that? I've been trying to find a good Orlando Magic hat with some metallic on it to match it up, but i haven't been able to... I bought me a Magic Orlando shirt from Aeropostale for 6 bucks and thats usually what I match the shoes with, and some gray cargo shorts..
I'm guessing Texas Rangers.
I thought so too, but then again, I've never seen that logo, I thought maybe a minor league of some sort...who knows.. 

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Wanted to cop these yesterday in the restock but couldn't find my gift card in time. By the time I found it they were gone...
Were there ever fake pairs of the candy blues? I saw a pair last week and it did not look right!
Were there ever fake pairs of the candy blues? I saw a pair last week and it did not look right!

you really bumped this thread to ask this?

there are fakes of every shoe. you should know your answer if you saw a suspect pair considering foams are obvious to point out if they aren't legit.
you really bumped this thread to ask this?

there are fakes of every shoe. you should know your answer if you saw a suspect pair considering foams are obvious to point out if they aren't legit.

I guess it is a legitimate question and maybe the Candy Blue fake expert happens to be in this thread,

I am not the super expert, they just looked funny,

as far as I know the carbon fibre, as well as the laces are always a good indication for fakes!
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