Peope Who Ride Bikes in the Middle of the Road When There's Clearly A Sidewalk Right There....

Damn hipsters...all riding in my bus lane and *%$@...

Nah but mowing down a cyclists just cuz they're causing you a delay is like the same thing when drivers cut you off or slow down ahead of you to stop you from merging...can piss off the most seasoned of drivers but still unnecessary.

what we should be more worried about is when these dudes are in front of us wearing the extra schmedium shirts with their low rise butt cracks hanging out...that's just a plain driving hazard and justification for side-swipe.
I hate the ones that ride 5 miles an hour

down a two lane road

with a mile-long line of cars behind them

looking back at you like
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

most cars have license plates.  its quite easy for the police to track them down with a license plate number
You wanna test this out? I'll hit you with a car, and lets see if you have enough time, or physically able to catch a car's plates driving away.

is your net worth in excess of 6 figures?
do you have more than $300K of liability coverage on your car insurance?
are you a homeowner, current on your mortgage, with significant equity in your home (and not residing in FL)
do you have a valid license plate on your car?

If you answered yes to these questions then sure, lemme know next time you're out in West LA.  I think you're going to be hard pressed to make a quick getaway in rush hour traffic.

I have enough faith in my fellow man that they will attempt to stop you for recklessly mowing down a cyclist that is obeying the laws of the road, cause I know I would do the same if I saw that go down.  I mean I hate cyclists as much (if not more than the next guy) but I'm not tryin to steamroll em if they are following the rules of the road.
Why does it have to be rush hour? Why can't it be 9 pm? or 11 pm? If serious PM me. I would love to hit to someone on a bike. I live in Playa Vista
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

i actually hope you die

my man. swag.

i be scared to ride my bike in the streets during heavy traffic, though.

those fools on lake st.

Crackheads on a mountain bike with pegs. Smh

you mean the ones that be on bloomington and lake?

i remember when i was a kid and i had pegs on my mountain bike.
i thought i was doing it.
how do i email rockstar games for them to put bicyclist on the road in their grant theft auto franchise.

real serious..
Originally Posted by kidUFC

how do i email rockstar games for them to put bicyclist on the road in their grant theft auto franchise.

real serious..
kill frenzy!
but in any case, call me a sicko but they need children in GTA first

it's unreal how they don't have any.
it illegal to ride a bike on a sidewalk. you ride in the street and obey traffic laws.

people !!%! with couriers and bike riders in general too much.

my dude in columbus started his own company and has survived off it

people !!%! with him

and hes really not the right guy to !!%! with

so it ends with him pulling three men over by throwing his bike lock through the kids windshield, then beating the drivers +$# so bad the other two get back into the car....

lol and getting his lock and riding off.

so....i didnt read the post, but,

its illegal.

oh, and my nephew in chicago punches peoples side view mirrors off when they do it.....
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

I'm an avid road cyclist and only ride in the streets. I'm not a hipster, i'm the Lance Armstrong looking cat with the tights on and everything. ...Can't stand the hipsters on there fixies, these dudes make everyone in the bicycle community look bad. Definitely give us a bad rep.
I can respect that.

ooIRON MANoo wrote:
It's never the Lance Armstrong looking dudes, they are always respectful and move to the far right.

It's always the "Fixie Hipsters" that think they can take over the entire street. 
, *$@%#%* nuisance.

Agreed 2x.  Most of the city is fine but get within two miles of campus and there are always self-righteous people* riding 10mph down the center of four and five lane high traffic thoroughfares.  Side streets?  Nah, nobody would see me rejecting societal norms for the sole sake of endangering myself and unnecessarily pissing people off.  The best part is that, much like the Existentialist thinkers I pretend to understand and emulate, I am in a constant state of evolution: I am a car as long as I want to ride on the street and I demand that you respect me as such. Then I magically transform back in to a bicyclist the moment I want to coast through red lights, change lanes unexpectedly, or scrape your car as I shimmy in between automobiles that are stopped at traffic lights like sheep.

*I don't want to put erroneous labels on people but they're invariably riding some 30 year old bike that they totally didn't buy in the last two years, usually wearing "ironic" glasses and holey jeans over their 4" thighs, and almost always have some ratty, sparse post-adolescent facial hair that hasn't fully come in yet.

having been hit twice while on a bike, its not funny yall are talking about that !%#%.

The first time was when a @!%!$@% school bus hit me and didnt even stop, I was SERIOUSLY *+!++* up. I dont know how I even made it home, nothing has ever sucked that bad pain-wise

Second time some dumb +!%@% makes a right turn on a red light without even stopping as Im coming into the intersection and hits my %@!. Dumb +!%@% called my house multiple times tryna make my mom pay for damage to her car, !%+* outta here. I swear teenage chicks are the worst drivers on the road
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by kidUFC

how do i email rockstar games for them to put bicyclist on the road in their grant theft auto franchise.

real serious..
kill frenzy!
but in any case, call me a sicko but they need children in GTA first

it's unreal how they don't have any.

youre not the only one who wants this to happen..

they need to have elderly and kids to cap on.

i'm fine with bikers, but the one's who stay hogging the middle of a lane in a 45mph speed zone and not letting anyone pass. cmonnnn brahhhhhh
I jog in the designated bike lane, and bikers don't like to use the sidewalk outta fear of being struck but a vehicle that doesn't respect the intersection between the driveway and a busy street.
I've almost gotten his by several cars until I started running in the bike lane.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

riding bikes on the sidewalk is a crime in some areas.

it is in mine.

its a misdemeanor
You get a ticket for it in NY

how long has this been in effect? cuz i see people do it all the time
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

unless it's a sanctioned event like parades where roads are closed and you can clog up the roads, why else would 15-20 or a hundred bicyclists clog up a roadway going 5mph? Shouldn't they be going the speed limit, or just not be in the way?

The worst I've seen is inconsiderate bicyclists who ride side by side. One bike is fine, you are in the bike lane. But that next person forces everyone in the right lane to merge to the left.

Also much hate for the people who just run stop signs and red lights.. Do you want the same rights or not? Start acting like it.

edit: didnt realize so many critical mass accidents occur. Sounds like some renegade event where they try to take over the roads, almost like a funeral procession. They dont stop at red lights or nothing.. What are they trying to prove? It almost pisses everyone off even more.
Living in the largest bike town in the west coast, you see all these things a lot. The police are really strict on bicyclist, though...which is a good thing because a lot of them only ride because it's the most convenient thing on Campus...but most don't understand that they are in an automobile which requires they adhere to rules of the road. I think the funniest thing I've seen was a cop blurp a bike who ran a stop sign and proceeded to chew him out in front of everyone downtown. Needless to say, it has help with the issue of bikes running lights and stop signs.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

riding bikes on the sidewalk is a crime in some areas.

it is in mine.

its a misdemeanor
You get a ticket for it in NY

how long has this been in effect? cuz i see people do it all the time

as long as i can remember, if your over 18 u gotta be in the street but like i said they dont enforce it to heavy where im at
Not a fan of ppl riding bikes on the sidewalks especially when these fools try to go regular speed in crowded areas (school, beach, Japan, etc.) but because drivers aren't considerate, I can understand why they do it.

Drivers are generally bad at acknowledging bikers, but it shouldn't mean they should be riding down them middle of the lanes going 5mph either.

Side note: just because pedestrians have the right of way shouldn't give these people the right to just jump out into traffic and then proceed to walk (as slow as possible) across the street. Seeing this all the time near the local university reinforced my opinion that "book smarts" don't account to common sense. Most of the time it's the people who look like they're in shape that walk the slowest and seem to care the least, while the "thicker" ones at least have the courtesy to walk a bit faster when crossing a street. This one kid started setting up like he was gonna do a trick on his skateboard while slowly rolling across the street at a 45 degree angle and then gave me the stink eye when I finally had enough room to drive around him.
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