Petty Theives FTMFL

The only folks movin' into my neighborhood nowadays are white people...

We'll steal your @%$+ too...
I'm about to pay a homeless man to beat up another homeless man over some petty theft

check for me in the papers
man oh man i got a pioneer avic d3 in my car...i have my windows tinted to the fullest...i used to lived in a bad neighborhood too...the only problem i had wassomeone hit and run my car and smashed my side mirror
Damn that's crazy. I was just thinkin bout puttin suttin of the same sort in my wheel, if I do that I'd have to get privacy tent on the front windowstoo to shield the joint or get a fake reg dash to throw over top when I'm parkin for the night. I know how it feel to get ya wheel broken into
These mother @%!+%+$ had the AUDACITY to come back a 4th time. But this time your boy was waiting for them poo butt _'s. Caught em flashing the light inthe car. Me and my cousin just chased them _'s to their house. +!@% %%+ cops said they couldn't arrest them because they didn't commit a crime butthey were going to launch an investigation. But I know where these little MF's live now. 3 Hispanics...2 dudes, 1 girl. The girl was driving and actuallypulled off and left the dude we chased. I ain't even gonna lie he dusted our !#*!# but we kept close enough to see him go in the house and the car we sawwas sittin right in front the house. We should have popped one of them _'s but they would have taken us to jail and we'd be looking at time.

This %*## is all crazy and goes down the month right before I'm scheduled to move.
damn son, just wait outside for em or some ++*#. yea, youll definetley be lookin at a few years if u shoot them. unless your in country texahss
If it makes you feel any better, my brother had his car jacked in a parking lot one time. Probably like 2 or 3 weeks later, his apartment got robbed.

Actually, my family has been robbed many times before. All involving our vehicles. Damn, it's making me mad. I'm leaving this thread.
I feel your pain... I got hit for my avic-N4 sometime ago but insurance laced me with that N5 so I wasn't tripping to hard...
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