Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Maybe in fantasy land book, but in real life he has no problem rewarding horrible individuals, allowing bad things to happen to good people, etc. Then when they cry for his name in mercy, laughing at them and doling out more.

 Let's take Japan for example. Tsunami, death, destruction, people cry out his name for mercy. His response, LoL, Earthquake! Earthquake! Landslide!

In fact, if you look at it objectively, the overwhelming majority of natural disasters happen to the already downtrodden whether it be natural disasters, pandemics, even domestically with the levies in New Orleans and floods/tornadoes that ravage the South. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on God being an Uber Republican
The people of japan are responsible for what happened to them. Don't sit up here and deny your belief in God, but base your argument on a god that doesn't listen like some evil human person. They are where the earthquake happened because people were living there. If the earthquake happened and people were properly warned that that area is not a safe zone because it sit's on top of four different tectonic plates in an area of the world known as the "Ring of Fire" for it's high seismic activity. Plus the fact that these governments were ignorant enough to put nuclear reactors on top of these unstable places just makes it 1000000x worse. To sit in the fire and complain because God does not save you is narcissistic, and senile.  All of the natural disasters are preventable if we didn't always put ourselves in harms way. Then we complain about God not doing enough and how evil the world is. The world is the way it is by choice. Not by some grand disdain for life on earth by God. We as humans have made the decisions which make our life terrible. It is only passive aggressive to blame God. 
The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
I mean hell, at least Santa's omnipotence based reward system makes sense and operates on consistent criterion. He says people being bad and says, "nope, naughty list for him, no X box this yr," while God just sits there like Mills Lane, "I'll allow it!"

I mean, I'l humor you because I am genuinely interested on how you come to this conclusion. 10 yr old boys, they love God, are trying to do everything right including going to church to talk to the Priest and thereby to God (because somehow only the Priest can mediate to God for normies), and they in turn gets their booty hole violated. You going to tell me with a straight face that is something THEY bought on themselves? And why are the Priests allowed to get away with it. Did they do God some huge favor or something where he owe them?

What about babies? Innocent bystanders? People indirectly affected by tragedy and negative occurrences in the world?

Even if I believed and agreed with you, I would say that God is an egomaniac, a douche, a primadonna, and wouldn't want to associate with him.

Like imagine you had a real life friend like that. You can't talk to other friends or he will punish you, can't do anything fun just because he was apparently a bore throughout his life, always Buzz Killington'd even your natural urges (which HE apparently programmed into you), knows when you are in trouble but doesn't really intervene always, yet you still pay him and dedicate your time, life, and fortune to him. And he treats you like THIS? You;'d dead that friendship in a hurry.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Maybe in fantasy land book, but in real life he has no problem rewarding horrible individuals, allowing bad things to happen to good people, etc. Then when they cry for his name in mercy, laughing at them and doling out more.

 Let's take Japan for example. Tsunami, death, destruction, people cry out his name for mercy. His response, LoL, Earthquake! Earthquake! Landslide!

In fact, if you look at it objectively, the overwhelming majority of natural disasters happen to the already downtrodden whether it be natural disasters, pandemics, even domestically with the levies in New Orleans and floods/tornadoes that ravage the South. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on God being an Uber Republican
The people of japan are responsible for what happened to them. Don't sit up here and deny your belief in God, but base your argument on a god that doesn't listen like some evil human person. They are where the earthquake happened because people were living there. If the earthquake happened and people were properly warned that that area is not a safe zone because it sit's on top of four different tectonic plates in an area of the world known as the "Ring of Fire" for it's high seismic activity. Plus the fact that these governments were ignorant enough to put nuclear reactors on top of these unstable places just makes it 1000000x worse. To sit in the fire and complain because God does not save you is narcissistic, and senile.  All of the natural disasters are preventable if we didn't always put ourselves in harms way. Then we complain about God not doing enough and how evil the world is. The world is the way it is by choice. Not by some grand disdain for life on earth by God. We as humans have made the decisions which make our life terrible. It is only passive aggressive to blame God. 
The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
I mean hell, at least Santa's omnipotence based reward system makes sense and operates on consistent criterion. He says people being bad and says, "nope, naughty list for him, no X box this yr," while God just sits there like Mills Lane, "I'll allow it!"

I mean, I'l humor you because I am genuinely interested on how you come to this conclusion. 10 yr old boys, they love God, are trying to do everything right including going to church to talk to the Priest and thereby to God (because somehow only the Priest can mediate to God for normies), and they in turn gets their booty hole violated. You going to tell me with a straight face that is something THEY bought on themselves? And why are the Priests allowed to get away with it. Did they do God some huge favor or something where he owe them?

What about babies? Innocent bystanders? People indirectly affected by tragedy and negative occurrences in the world?

Even if I believed and agreed with you, I would say that God is an egomaniac, a douche, a primadonna, and wouldn't want to associate with him.

Like imagine you had a real life friend like that. You can't talk to other friends or he will punish you, can't do anything fun just because he was apparently a bore throughout his life, always Buzz Killington'd even your natural urges (which HE apparently programmed into you), knows when you are in trouble but doesn't really intervene always, yet you still pay him and dedicate your time, life, and fortune to him. And he treats you like THIS? You;'d dead that friendship in a hurry.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Maybe in fantasy land book, but in real life he has no problem rewarding horrible individuals, allowing bad things to happen to good people, etc. Then when they cry for his name in mercy, laughing at them and doling out more.

 Let's take Japan for example. Tsunami, death, destruction, people cry out his name for mercy. His response, LoL, Earthquake! Earthquake! Landslide!

In fact, if you look at it objectively, the overwhelming majority of natural disasters happen to the already downtrodden whether it be natural disasters, pandemics, even domestically with the levies in New Orleans and floods/tornadoes that ravage the South. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on God being an Uber Republican
The people of japan are responsible for what happened to them. Don't sit up here and deny your belief in God, but base your argument on a god that doesn't listen like some evil human person. They are where the earthquake happened because people were living there. If the earthquake happened and people were properly warned that that area is not a safe zone because it sit's on top of four different tectonic plates in an area of the world known as the "Ring of Fire" for it's high seismic activity. Plus the fact that these governments were ignorant enough to put nuclear reactors on top of these unstable places just makes it 1000000x worse. To sit in the fire and complain because God does not save you is narcissistic, and senile.  All of the natural disasters are preventable if we didn't always put ourselves in harms way. Then we complain about God not doing enough and how evil the world is. The world is the way it is by choice. Not by some grand disdain for life on earth by God. We as humans have made the decisions which make our life terrible. It is only passive aggressive to blame God. 
The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
When you refer to the people of any country, that is a reference to the government. The government does not exist without the people. But the sad problem is in this situation, and in New Orleans and even now in North Dakota is poor representation of what the people need by the people manipulating the government is the fault. We are at fault because what we say we are ( governments for the the people/ by the people) don't exist. We are lying to ourselves and dealing with the consequences. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Maybe in fantasy land book, but in real life he has no problem rewarding horrible individuals, allowing bad things to happen to good people, etc. Then when they cry for his name in mercy, laughing at them and doling out more.

 Let's take Japan for example. Tsunami, death, destruction, people cry out his name for mercy. His response, LoL, Earthquake! Earthquake! Landslide!

In fact, if you look at it objectively, the overwhelming majority of natural disasters happen to the already downtrodden whether it be natural disasters, pandemics, even domestically with the levies in New Orleans and floods/tornadoes that ravage the South. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on God being an Uber Republican
The people of japan are responsible for what happened to them. Don't sit up here and deny your belief in God, but base your argument on a god that doesn't listen like some evil human person. They are where the earthquake happened because people were living there. If the earthquake happened and people were properly warned that that area is not a safe zone because it sit's on top of four different tectonic plates in an area of the world known as the "Ring of Fire" for it's high seismic activity. Plus the fact that these governments were ignorant enough to put nuclear reactors on top of these unstable places just makes it 1000000x worse. To sit in the fire and complain because God does not save you is narcissistic, and senile.  All of the natural disasters are preventable if we didn't always put ourselves in harms way. Then we complain about God not doing enough and how evil the world is. The world is the way it is by choice. Not by some grand disdain for life on earth by God. We as humans have made the decisions which make our life terrible. It is only passive aggressive to blame God. 
The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
When you refer to the people of any country, that is a reference to the government. The government does not exist without the people. But the sad problem is in this situation, and in New Orleans and even now in North Dakota is poor representation of what the people need by the people manipulating the government is the fault. We are at fault because what we say we are ( governments for the the people/ by the people) don't exist. We are lying to ourselves and dealing with the consequences. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

The people of japan are responsible for what happened to them. Don't sit up here and deny your belief in God, but base your argument on a god that doesn't listen like some evil human person. They are where the earthquake happened because people were living there. If the earthquake happened and people were properly warned that that area is not a safe zone because it sit's on top of four different tectonic plates in an area of the world known as the "Ring of Fire" for it's high seismic activity. Plus the fact that these governments were ignorant enough to put nuclear reactors on top of these unstable places just makes it 1000000x worse. To sit in the fire and complain because God does not save you is narcissistic, and senile.  All of the natural disasters are preventable if we didn't always put ourselves in harms way. Then we complain about God not doing enough and how evil the world is. The world is the way it is by choice. Not by some grand disdain for life on earth by God. We as humans have made the decisions which make our life terrible. It is only passive aggressive to blame God. 
The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
When you refer to the people of any country, that is a reference to the government. The government does not exist without the people. But the sad problem is in this situation, and in New Orleans and even now in North Dakota is poor representation of what the people need by the people manipulating the government is the fault. We are at fault because what we say we are ( governments for the the people/ by the people) don't exist. We are lying to ourselves and dealing with the consequences. 

Like I said, I would never wish anything like that on you and your family. I'll just leave it at that....carry on.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

The people of japan are responsible for what happened to them. Don't sit up here and deny your belief in God, but base your argument on a god that doesn't listen like some evil human person. They are where the earthquake happened because people were living there. If the earthquake happened and people were properly warned that that area is not a safe zone because it sit's on top of four different tectonic plates in an area of the world known as the "Ring of Fire" for it's high seismic activity. Plus the fact that these governments were ignorant enough to put nuclear reactors on top of these unstable places just makes it 1000000x worse. To sit in the fire and complain because God does not save you is narcissistic, and senile.  All of the natural disasters are preventable if we didn't always put ourselves in harms way. Then we complain about God not doing enough and how evil the world is. The world is the way it is by choice. Not by some grand disdain for life on earth by God. We as humans have made the decisions which make our life terrible. It is only passive aggressive to blame God. 
The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
When you refer to the people of any country, that is a reference to the government. The government does not exist without the people. But the sad problem is in this situation, and in New Orleans and even now in North Dakota is poor representation of what the people need by the people manipulating the government is the fault. We are at fault because what we say we are ( governments for the the people/ by the people) don't exist. We are lying to ourselves and dealing with the consequences. 

Like I said, I would never wish anything like that on you and your family. I'll just leave it at that....carry on.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
When you refer to the people of any country, that is a reference to the government. The government does not exist without the people. But the sad problem is in this situation, and in New Orleans and even now in North Dakota is poor representation of what the people need by the people manipulating the government is the fault. We are at fault because what we say we are ( governments for the the people/ by the people) don't exist. We are lying to ourselves and dealing with the consequences. 

Like I said, I would never wish anything like that on you and your family. I'll just leave it at that....carry on.
I don't wish it upon anyone either. That's why we have to be aware of the consequences we set in action that affect us all more carefully. We can't keep on saying were are worried about the future, but we keep messing it up at the same time. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The people of Japan aren't responsible for what happened to them, sure the govt didn't take precautions but is that the fault of the common Japanese citizen or the people who were responsible for taking measures to warn others.?You act like the common Japanese person is that aware of their surroundings. Not saying God had anything to do with it, that's foolish but I'm not going to blame the victim. If this happened to you and your family you would want me saying nah yo your mother and your sister should've been more careful they were responsible for what they happened to them.

The govt. messed up, doesn't mean we can't empathize with the suffering of people. That's like me saying New Orleans is their fault completely ignoring the strife of the common folk who live there and had no idea their lives were in danger. This isn't the first time a natural disaster has happened, hopefully they can learn from their mistakes. I believe the Japanese are strong enough to bounce back from it.

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
When you refer to the people of any country, that is a reference to the government. The government does not exist without the people. But the sad problem is in this situation, and in New Orleans and even now in North Dakota is poor representation of what the people need by the people manipulating the government is the fault. We are at fault because what we say we are ( governments for the the people/ by the people) don't exist. We are lying to ourselves and dealing with the consequences. 

Like I said, I would never wish anything like that on you and your family. I'll just leave it at that....carry on.
I don't wish it upon anyone either. That's why we have to be aware of the consequences we set in action that affect us all more carefully. We can't keep on saying were are worried about the future, but we keep messing it up at the same time. 
Dude clearly perceives his self as inferior. 
You don't see me in big booty threads? Son what are you talkin about.

You spend your time defending homosexuality not Nigeria. You have no ideology. You have no conception of nationality. You LOSE. 
Dude clearly perceives his self as inferior. 
You don't see me in big booty threads? Son what are you talkin about.

You spend your time defending homosexuality not Nigeria. You have no ideology. You have no conception of nationality. You LOSE. 
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
You are such a moron.

You believe in a dude who was born to a virgin, is his own father, and some 3rd alter ego, has a biography written on him that skips from him being a baby to like all of a sudden his mid 30's, is a carpenter, but also does magic tricks, wants to take credit for EVERYTHING good that happens, but somehow everything bad is either deffered to us and our sinner-est nature or the devil, either of which he allegedly made that way so seems like a douche bag move to punish us for it, and resides above the clouds in some exclusive gated neighborhood with a bouncer, has the ability to cure all hunger, disease, and suffering, but apparently gets a jolly from it, and furthermore is a flat out racist (and sexist for that matter too) and has been since the beginning of recorded time.

But keep believing starving babies did something to deserve God's wrath.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
You are such a moron.

You believe in a dude who was born to a virgin, is his own father, and some 3rd alter ego, has a biography written on him that skips from him being a baby to like all of a sudden his mid 30's, is a carpenter, but also does magic tricks, wants to take credit for EVERYTHING good that happens, but somehow everything bad is either deffered to us and our sinner-est nature or the devil, either of which he allegedly made that way so seems like a douche bag move to punish us for it, and resides above the clouds in some exclusive gated neighborhood with a bouncer, has the ability to cure all hunger, disease, and suffering, but apparently gets a jolly from it, and furthermore is a flat out racist (and sexist for that matter too) and has been since the beginning of recorded time.

But keep believing starving babies did something to deserve God's wrath.
ahh, another NT religion thread.. it's been a while.

my general rule still stands.. if someone makes wack posts regarding other topics, they generally don't have anything cogent to say in discussion like this (and those people know who they are).
ahh, another NT religion thread.. it's been a while.

my general rule still stands.. if someone makes wack posts regarding other topics, they generally don't have anything cogent to say in discussion like this (and those people know who they are).
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I'm assuming some of you stopped being serious a while ago?

This thread has absolutely NOTHING to do with page one.

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
You are such a moron.

WELL HANDLED IAMTHATDUDE....maybe next time it looks at itself before it speaks. Clearly God doesn't doesn't help people when they make mistakes.

LOL @ BSmooth. Inferior? I love myself
, I get up every morning thankful that I wasn't born into a situation that many people on this planet have to endure. I have a place to stay, food on the table and the luxury of being in a position to pursue all of my life's ambitions. I may complain a lot as a method of venting but I'm doing ok least better than 99.9 percent of people who live on this planet. I hope to share some of that with the world as soon as I get out of this damn library.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I'm assuming some of you stopped being serious a while ago?

This thread has absolutely NOTHING to do with page one.

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Even if it is their fault, I love how God (if it exists)never intervenes when you need it to.
You are such a moron.

WELL HANDLED IAMTHATDUDE....maybe next time it looks at itself before it speaks. Clearly God doesn't doesn't help people when they make mistakes.

LOL @ BSmooth. Inferior? I love myself
, I get up every morning thankful that I wasn't born into a situation that many people on this planet have to endure. I have a place to stay, food on the table and the luxury of being in a position to pursue all of my life's ambitions. I may complain a lot as a method of venting but I'm doing ok least better than 99.9 percent of people who live on this planet. I hope to share some of that with the world as soon as I get out of this damn library.
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Gandhi
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Gandhi
Originally Posted by MrMaC9

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Gandhi
He went to Hell anyways. He was a Buddhist; Malcolm X in Hell burning too in the center of the Earth.
Originally Posted by MrMaC9

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Gandhi
He went to Hell anyways. He was a Buddhist; Malcolm X in Hell burning too in the center of the Earth.
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