Please forgive me NTfam .. for i have sinned !!

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  • Should i accept his apology through PM

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  • Or Should we just shoot the five lol

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  • Are you freshhh ? .. if so, the mixtape coming out 4 / 20 add that to your collection lol trust me !

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#%^* that. I have no shame in killing a squirrel. I had to break a lease on a apartment because they found a way into the walls between apartments and would scratch day and night anytime it snowed or rained. They ain't nothing but graceful rats.

Never had that problem but they can all die and I wouldn't care at all. If I saw one in a microwave id set it for 3 mins

:x :rofl:
Man my house when i was like age 4-7 had a big flying squirrel problem, them bastards lived in my walls/attic and the surrounding trees. Kept me up half the night with their endless scratching and noise, I am near 30 and still have insomnia today in part to these rodents. I have hated Squirrels with a passion ever since, this is an almost three decade battle i'm talking about here. Death to all squirrels.

You ever notice when you walking and you spot a squirrell on a tree? Them little devils will stare you down and move around the tree with each step you take as if YOU about to mess with them. f outta here
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Squirrel meat is okay .. Idk but I'm pretty sure city squirrel diet =/= country side squirrel Diet
Never had that problem but they can all die and I wouldn't care at all. If I saw one in a microwave id set it for 3 mins
I'd have no problem putting you in a microwave
^ seriously, that some lame *** borderline sociopathic behaviour. Nothing cool about that crap.
@Koudie From BroOklyn

About 1 hour ago, I unintentionally drove over a squirrel.
I was going 55mph, then I see what looked like a piece of paper gliding across the road.
As I drove closer, I saw that it was a squirrel.
Closer and closer I got, and the squirrel did not make it across the street.
I looked in my rearview mirror and I saw a flattened squirrel carcass.
@Koudie From BroOklyn

About 1 hour ago, I unintentionally drove over a squirrel.
I was going 55mph, then I see what looked like a piece of paper gliding across the road.
As I drove closer, I saw that it was a squirrel.
Closer and closer I got, and the squirrel did not make it across the street.
I looked in my rearview mirror and I saw a flattened squirrel carcass.
RIP, not to the squirrel, but to you once Koudie learns of this atrocity.
Wow the jury is out on some of you monsters in here. If you don't have respect for other living things you ain't ****

Cats who take pleasure or find amusement in torturing/killing animals thinking it's funny are disgusting psychopathic people

If you lold at that squirrel hanging by his nuts you deserve that same treatment.
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@Koudie From BroOklyn

About 1 hour ago, I unintentionally drove over a squirrel.
I was going 55mph, then I see what looked like a piece of paper gliding across the road.
As I drove closer, I saw that it was a squirrel.
Closer and closer I got, and the squirrel did not make it across the street.
I looked in my rearview mirror and I saw a flattened squirrel carcass.
RIP, not to the squirrel, but to you once Koudie learns of this atrocity.
When he come round, I'm gon be like 

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