Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Vice live stream for yall. Some dude driving a mini train just rolled thru blasting The O'Jays - Love Train 
Late pass

But did y'all hear Don Lemon say that one of his producers was told by a member of the national guard "you're white , you better get out of here there's no telling what these n-words will do".

Jay Nixon won't remove Robert McCulloch as Brown case goes to grand jury http://t.co/luNRtjbTY7
— Political Fix (@stlpolitics) August 20, 2014

If people don't already know, basically McCulloch's entire family works within the STL PD and his father was a police officer killed by a black man.
yeah he's the same guy who called the replacement of police by the governor a travesty, etc

he's a full on unabashed cop supporter. not the type of guy you want if you're looking for a fair trial. the system is fixed
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