Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

What we need to address is black culture as well.

It's had numerous works come out of it that were truly unique and timeless but lets be real.. You can't look at the current state of black culture and not shake your head.

Im still living at home while I go to college so im still in the thick of it.. These dudes have no clue what's going on, the rules of the game, and how to play. On top of that, they don't even care to hear it. How do you combat that bruh? When someone is just so ignorant that they don't even care to learn how to better their own lives? These dudes are broken.  

One of my bestfriends cousin JUST graduated high school.. This dude has been working a PT-20 job for minimum wage since May with no plans on doing anything else. Dude also lives in a run down apartment with nothing but a couch in the living room and a mattress on his bedroom floor yet this dude goes out of his way to buy every jordan release possible while barely having a pot to piss. Think it can't get worse? His daughter will be born in a month...... You still can't tell him nothing. Dude is just going to end up a statistic while everyone logical person is trying to pound some damn sense in his head. 

Have you ever tried to explain to a barbershop hangout type dude the importance of buying from a local mom and pop store instead of Walmart? They don't even care man.. Im 20 years old trying to reason with grown *** men. 

How do you combat willful stupidity? 
don't travel down this road fam....

you will be added to the SWS list....

one of my first posts was about bettering ourselves and nobody wanted to hear it

got turned into me blaming the victim --- even though I said nothing of the sorts
I feel like anyone can just go back now and see where I stand enough to know I in no way shape or form support the police..

We can converse until we're blue in the face about what the white man has done to us, but we also need to address what we're allowing to happen.

It's a disproportionate scale but there is a problem on both ends most def. 
What we need to address is black culture as well.

It's had numerous works come out of it that were truly unique and timeless but lets be real.. You can't look at the current state of black culture and not shake your head.

Im still living at home while I go to college so im still in the thick of it.. These dudes have no clue what's going on, the rules of the game, and how to play. On top of that, they don't even care to hear it. How do you combat that bruh? When someone is just so ignorant that they don't even care to learn how to better their own lives? These dudes are broken.  

One of my bestfriends cousin JUST graduated high school.. This dude has been working a PT-20 job for minimum wage since May with no plans on doing anything else. Dude also lives in a run down apartment with nothing but a couch in the living room and a mattress on his bedroom floor yet this dude goes out of his way to buy every jordan release possible while barely having a pot to piss. Think it can't get worse? His daughter will be born in a month...... You still can't tell him nothing. Dude is just going to end up a statistic while everyone logical person is trying to pound some damn sense in his head. 

Have you ever tried to explain to a barbershop hangout type dude the importance of buying from a local mom and pop store instead of Walmart? They don't even care man.. Im 20 years old trying to reason with grown *** men. 

How do you combat willful stupidity? 
You can't help people that don't want it man. You have to focus on yourself. YOU be the change that our community needs. Not much we can do for people who are already grown. We need to start with the kids.
It's hard to do this because im one of those tin foil types that believes each and every one of our minds is infinite.. Everything we need as a human being provided at birth. 

Thinking this way just leads to endless frustration dealing with my own people though. Im always given that advice... Go to school, graduate, get a good job, then what? I dont want to ever see anyone struggle again and I don't feel like that's me helping the situation. Hurts to watch the people around me just exterminate themselves.

I can post pages of dudes I know sitting in my state correctional facility for double digit years that I use to share class K-12 with, grew up around in my neighborhood with... Brings tears to my eyes man.
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Also, my suggestion of more blacks getting involved with law enforcement was an added point listed onto the number of other points to help combat the problem of discrimination in the black community by police. 
It doesn't matter that you're Asian, you're still spouting white supremacist talking points and coming out of their playbook...so the ignorant one is still you.
Hey look! I guess this guy must be a suspected WHITE supremacist too right?? 

bruh this doesn't help your credibility (not that you're looking for any). dude is a clown and probably did this for likes. because he has not been mistreated does not debunk the facts that lots of minorities are mistreated by police or whoever else
Both cops BTW

these are the two schools of thought amongst police officers.

unfortunately, it seems, there are only a select few of the latter.

this right here, though:
"Your rant indicates one thing. You've completely checked out of the concept for which the entire profession of police officer was created, to be out there as a force to protect people. You hate them."
These Raccoons kill me with this blacks are out own worst enemy spill. Do you see Mexicans or Koreans tryna save their gangbangers? Smh idiots. The key is point blank practice group economics with those who are aware, this creating an shield that protects you from systematic white supremacy where the acts of racist and ignorant people regardless of color holds little weight to your daily life.
I never said this and this only would be 100% effective, but it does help.  As I have said before, there are bad apples in all sectors of America and in all industries and fields.  There are bad police officers just like there are bad garbage men, from city to city, in all races and colors. 

At the end of the day, more black people gaining employment with law enforcement does help matters even if it is a little bit.  You showing one clip of a bad black cop doesn't change my mind in the number of GOOD black cops that I know certainly exist. 

True, but it's also sample size. We know the the ratio of White/Black cop is slanted heavily, so what's not to say we wouldnt see a climb in those rates as well as the #'s increase with Black officers.

Personally, it's the quality of the officer in that particular community. You think they are sending "Top Cops" to low income neighborhoods?
It's hard to do this because im one of those tin foil types that believes each and every one of our minds is infinite.. Everything we need as a human being provided at birth. 

Thinking this way just leads to endless frustration dealing with my own people though. Im always given that advice... Go to school, graduate, get a good job, then what? I dont want to ever see anyone struggle again and I don't feel like that's me helping the situation. Hurts to watch the people around me just exterminate themselves.

I can post pages of dudes I know sitting in my state correctional facility for double digit years that I use to share class K-12 with, grew up around in my neighborhood with... Brings tears to my eyes man.
You being on the path you're on is helping the situation. Being in school and working is better than doing nothing and ending up in jail like the dudes you know. When you're done with school, you can do always find something that'll help people. Open a business, teach kids, whatever. The fact that you're doing what you're doing is helping. You can't be in that I got to save everyone else mindset because everyone isn't trying to be saved. Just do you, and help those around you. If they accept the help, good, if they don't, that's on them.
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Well I think police culture is the real problem more than black culture. They don't operate on the rule of law, they know they can get away with just about anything b/c the court room is filled with the people the have lunch with.(maybe not anything, but dam near anything). The police are highly militarized and operate on an us against them mentality. Police are supposed work for the people and serve the community, not all police are bad but how some of these guys get jobs is mind boggling to me.

Also have to account the Ferguson is in the south and with only 3 of 50 some odd police officers being of color there's racial tension because a station of all white cops can't identify with a community of black people. Things like this almost make me ashamed to be white, why would anyone feel they can shoot a young man several times for running. I mean why wasn't a taser used in this situation? Then after murdering someone's son in cold blood, they come out and release the classical we are launching a thorough investigation aka protecting a murderer who will probably walk free while the cops will continue to lock people up for victimless *******t to keep the prisons full. Prisons are a corporation and minority communities are over policed. At the end of the day sh*t like this is just sad and the fact that people as human beings, forget white black orange yellow whatever you are that this families son was murdered for no real reason. So what if he ran, that warrants him to be executed, complete BS.

The entire police structure needs to be re-evaluated because it's like a frat of scumbags who think b/c they are cops they have the right to do what they want. The law needs to apply to all equally, but when has that really ever happened in history. 
I feel like anyone can just go back now and see where I stand enough to know I in no way shape or form support the police..

We can converse until we're blue in the face about what the white man has done to us, but we also need to address what we're allowing to happen.

It's a disproportionate scale but there is a problem on both ends most def. 

It's hard to do this because im one of those tin foil types that believes each and every one of our minds is infinite.. Everything we need as a human being provided at birth. 

Thinking this way just leads to endless frustration dealing with my own people though. Im always given that advice... Go to school, graduate, get a good job, then what? I dont want to ever see anyone struggle again and I don't feel like that's me helping the situation. Hurts to watch the people around me just exterminate themselves.

I can post pages of dudes I know sitting in my state correctional facility for double digit years that I use to share class K-12 with, grew up around in my neighborhood with... Brings tears to my eyes man.

But it's not. It really isn't. Sure, some percentage of people will "make it out" even under the worst conditions but that doesn't mean it's going to be the norm. Saying that everything you needed was provided at birth is a HUGE discredit to your parents/guardians, teachers, mentors, coaches, supervisors, family, etc. that helped you grow into the person you are today.

I don't think you're being malicious but your mentality can be harmful. Calling people willfully stupid. If you're going to talk about this stuff, you NEED to mention the school systems, the neighborhoods, the families, the media, the police that are around these kids. It hurts to watch people fail but when one set of people is given a 50% shot of graduating HS with no slip ups allowed and another set of people is given a 95% shot of graduating HS with mistakes being forgiven... you need to question the system before bashing the people.
Also to have more black people employed within law enforcement.  This is vital as there is simply no escaping the law or law enforcement in this country.  WE as black people have to get more involved within this industry in all aspects.  There's no getting around that.
I absolutely agree with this..although, how do you propose to make that happen?  You can't force black people to join the police academy and become a cop.
You have a CONCENTRATED effort or initiative by the top officials within certain counties or district within law enforcement to recruit black people among areas that have a high black population.  For example, the number of black police officers 3 among 57 total (I believe) in Ferguson for whatever reason does not reflect the percentage of black people in Ferguson which is 66%. 

If the police chief or law officials did more of an effort to recruit in black neighborhoods, such as reaching out to the local church officials, being present to talk about the benefits of law enforcement at venues and events that have a good black turnout by mentioning the pay, medical insurance, and advancement levels within the department I think this is one step that can help with recruitment.  Also, in law enforcement job security overall is pretty good.   
I never said this and this only would be 100% effective, but it does help.  As I have said before, there are bad apples in all sectors of America and in all industries and fields.  There are bad police officers just like there are bad garbage men, from city to city, in all races and colors. 

At the end of the day, more black people gaining employment with law enforcement does help matters even if it is a little bit.  You showing one clip of a bad black cop doesn't change my mind in the number of GOOD black cops that I know certainly exist. 

True, but it's also sample size. We know the the ratio of White/Black cop is slanted heavily, so what's not to say we wouldnt see a climb in those rates as well as the #'s increase with Black officers.

Personally, it's the quality of the officer in that particular community. You think they are sending "Top Cops" to low income neighborhoods?
I'm not sure.  Define "top cops"??
What would happen if they fired live rounds? We act as if the things in the middle east couldn't happen here, we act as if it is only the students protesting the squares in Tel Aviv, it was frustrated citizens. Now, here, in the heart of the shining mount on the hill, we have frustrated citizens voicing their opinions and the only difference between St. Louis and the Middle east is the color of the participants. The internet is giving "awareness" while others or giving their lives, their freedom...so...what would happen if live rounds were used on American soil?
What would happen if they fired live rounds? We act as if the things in the middle east couldn't happen here, we act as if it is only the students protesting the squares in Tel Aviv, it was frustrated citizens. Now, here, in the heart of the shining mount on the hill, we have frustrated citizens voicing their opinions and the only difference between St. Louis and the Middle east is the color of the participants. The internet is giving "awareness" while others or giving their lives, their freedom...so...what would happen if live rounds were used on American soil?

War would happen.
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