Porn does a lot more harm than good and is a serious problem

Porn taught me all my tricks b. Couldn't have been where I'm at without it.
Idk i disagree, i think porn has a small percentage to do with it. Back in the day (50's-60's) and long before that a womans job was to maintain the houshold. Im pretty sure they were getting smacked around and all of that before now. Not to mention pimping or having brothels. I think those things helped push along the movement into what became porn. Hell its only now that you see ads on tv trying to end domestic violence and trying to put an end to rape on campuses. I just watched a show on viceland (great channel btw) called "women" about the brutal violence against women in El Salvador... i dont think porn has anything to do with that either. I believe violence against women has long been accepted all over the world since the beginning of time and now we're starting to try to combat it 
Imagine a world without porn?

Perverted men especially young men with high levels of testosterone would have no medium to masturbate to which leads to what? Masturbation is a skill because not only do you get to know your body better but you're learning how to orgasm, and can also provide confidence and decreases stress. So what happens to men that are sexually frustrated?






Those are the emotions that would trigger violence! Probably against women.

Now don't get me wrong... EXCESSIVE porn watching and masturbation is not healthy. When you have a chance to hang out with a female or socialize and instead rather stay in your room to watch a live stream of your favorite porn star.. yeah that's not going to make your life any better.

You're assuming one needs porn to masturbate which isnt true at all
this is where absolute freedom can be harmful. everyone can't handle themselves as well as one should.
women are free to do porn. people are free to watch porn. porn is free nowadays. people become addicted.

OP what's your stance on lustfll imagery altogether? I feel like other forms of social media, ig especially is diet pr0n. women flaunting their sexuality and men eating it up. Both parties getting their rocks off; women getting flattered with the attention and compliments left and right, a quantitative amount of approval and men are on there feeding into it, double tapping with one hand, buffing the badger with the other.

at this point, i don't see things getting any better. Porn and porn addiction is basically the exploitation of a basic human function. As long as women are sexy and willing to be filmed having sex for money, and men want to see sexy women then it will only get worse.

I agree with you, especially about Instagram. Its an issue that has quietly gone under the radar and now its lowkey out of control.

Its kind of beside the point, but what is the usefulness of porn? I wont lie my sex game with women is derived from porn, but I think I would have been just fine without it too. People were having sex before porn.

You're right about it not getting better either. Porn id a huge money maker and over 60% of all men worldwide watch it.
My trying to tie porn to violence against women may have been misguided.

Porn is a factor I think, but not the #1 factor.

In the grand scheme of my initial post, the point I was trying to get at was that in addition to aiding in the normalizing of violence against women, porn comes with sooooo many unnecessary cons that its Im getting older I see very little positives in watching porn.
In America, women are protected, but not fully respected. if that makes any sense. Almost in the same category as children. They don't mind being seen as inferior when it benefits them for example when something dangerous takes place and people scream 'women and children first'. you'll never see a woman argue with that. they'll be getting their *** outta dodge. It's a strange dynamic, and brings up the argument if women truly have equality, and most of all, do they even WANT true equality. Women are in favor of the double standards that they benefit from.
good film to watch


not solely about born but the affects media representation as whole has and how they're treated
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Kinda on topic, kinda off.
I made a comment about gender equality a few years back, and I still stand by it: If chivalry is dead, it's because women killed it
Here's an article I stumbled across that elaborates on that topic.

We as men have to play both sides of the fence when it comes to being dominant or equal and it can get tricky as hell.
chivalry isnt dead...

women still cash me out on dates 

i actually think its da complete really want a bunch of sexually repressed psychos out here willing to rape on site cuz they haven't had a good release in forever? i say porn diffused alot more sickos than we give credit for.
Now if prostitution would become legal everywhere I think it would help even more
i actually think its da complete really want a bunch of sexually repressed psychos out here willing to rape on site cuz they haven't had a good release in forever? i say porn diffused alot more sickos than we give credit for.

I agree with this for the most part, though porn consumption definitely still has the potential for negative side effects
Kinda on topic, kinda off.

I made a comment about gender equality a few years back, and I still stand by it: If chivalry is dead, it's because women killed it

Here's an article I stumbled across that elaborates on that topic.

We as men have to play both sides of the fence when it comes to being dominant or equal and it can get tricky as hell.

I was on the train yesterday and some able bodied lady made a passive aggressive comment to all the men about getting up for ladies to sit. I looked at her like somebody done told YOU wrong.:lol: I only get up for handicap people and the elderly.

Reminds me of a fb post a girl i went to hs with made. something to the effect of "i was at the barbershop with my son, and am I wrong for thinking that the men should allow a mother with her child to skip the line" :stoneface: Girl stahp. It's crazy that they actually expect special treatment. My boy was like 'so in what situation would this not apply?" Like do you expect people to allow you to skip everywhere you go.
i actually think its da complete really want a bunch of sexually repressed psychos out here willing to rape on site cuz they haven't had a good release in forever? i say porn diffused alot more sickos than we give credit for.
Now if prostitution would become legal everywhere I think it would help even more

this is also very true in tamping down da thirst.

tell u what, once da virtual reality Matrix hits and u can plug into any world u want, its a wrap for alot of that attention seeking.
yeah, that next level pr0n as seen on minority report. like you're actually there, doing the smashing. they already make the goggled version.
realistic sex dolls already exist, but when they start making those joints do subtle movements, it's over. cats just want the highlights, not the whole game.
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