Post a time you almost caught that fade... vol: YOU DISREPECTING MY SISTER CUH?!?!?!

Feb 1, 2012
Ok so... My cousin just moved to a new apartment (Same complex, just a different location), so he tells about this girl who lives a few doors down... like "Bruh, this girl Toni so fine. She freaky...etc...." He just raving. So Im like ok cool. Gotta a lil freak on deck... I was in the 10th grade at the time so Im thirsty *** hell with my AJ 12 fusions on. so much struggle

I meet her, and I could tell off the bat she a bird... she was on house arrest, tats on da spine and belly.

We chillin... She tells me and my cuz to carry her to her house so she could throw some clothes so we can go walking. Im copping feels on the booty like a mug...

Anyway we walking and she says shes not wearing any panties, so I grab her basketball shorts to see for myself... she got mad but not foreal, just playful mad... you know how they do... we still walking, and mind you this is around the time Plies was hot so im hittin her with lyrics,  she feelin it. im grabbin da booty. she grabbed my meat. everything is cool.

So we walking back to her house and she says she hungry, and I vividly remember me saying "Well I got something for you to suck on." **** got real. Her mood changed. So we get back to her house and me and my cuz chillin at the bottom of her porch.. all of a sudden. this big *** strong muscle ***** come out screaming at me "WHAT YOU SAY TO MY SISTER CUZ?"... word to
she in da background like"Tell him what you said." I look at my cousin like
and look back at the ground...

I aint say a word. I go back to my cuz house and take a long nap

We all became cool later in the day, so it was cool. No hard feelings. I can laugh about it now tho
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Had a petty argument at the lunch table with one of my brother's friends.
She said he was funnier than me I disagreed.
Eventually it turns to me yelling, and I say a seemingly meaningless sentence that destroys her sanity
"If my brother didn't want to fck you, you wouldn't be friends!"
She starts yelling than I leave as the bell rings.

The next day I made the mistake of sitting at the same lunch table. :smh:
She comes over with 3 dudes, threatening to call her boyfriend to fight me.
I back off and apologize. :x :x :x :smh: :smh: :smh:
It was freshman year so I was bish-made.
If I could go back in time I woulda took the fight.

Thread has potential..


so freshman yr my girl (weren't dating at the time) and i went to this house party...we playin beer pong. either i was playing with my girl or against her can't remember, either way we start teasing each other after the game and do playful shoving. unfortunately she shoves me into a window and one of the glass panes shattered...nothing big tho. anyways someone we rolled with told us to dip so my girl grabs my hand and we walk out. dude who rents the house tho caught up with me with the quickness on the street like 'yo are you such and such?' he gets in my face like he bout to fisticuff and im like watchutalkin bout. he was wasted tho and i didn't wanna fight so i hit him with $20 and kept it moving.
I never caught a fade, but almost got shot... does that count or different thread?

EDIT: Nevermind, I did, but not with a ***** but a female. I pulled her weave out, after school, infront of all the buses so everybody saw... she almost kicked a dudes***** teeth in. I was in middle school tho.
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almost been shot on 4 different occasions. permafade aint no joke.

thats all though. I'm just here to laugh at everyone else.
My Junior year of college, I'm chillin at the bar with my boys. I'm basically not into it at all, just ready to get home and get some rest in. My boys are rowdy and drunk from, well drinking all night. Anyways in sitting at a table near the bar, by myself minding my business, when this chick walks up and grab my hat off my head. She puts it on, and start flirting (won't give it back, smiling, etc.), I'm like - challenging accepted. I tell her, I usually get kisses from women when they grab my hat (or some corny ish along those lines), and her mood changes. Almost in the same instance, her boyfriend creeps up with his boy...Bigger dudes then me, and they definetly recognize this, so they flex. She gives my hat back and dips off. They're obviously drunk and ready to go in, until like 7 of my boys show up.

My boys are usually a ignorant bunch, but the troops stood down.

...I get out the bar to find that one of my boys had a gun on him.:smh:
My Junior year of college, I'm chillin at the bar with my boys. I'm basically not into it at all, just ready to get home and get some rest in. My boys are rowdy and drunk from, well drinking all night. Anyways in sitting at a table near the bar, by myself minding my business, when this chick walks up and grab my hat off my head. She puts it on, and start flirting (won't give it back, smiling, etc.), I'm like - challenging accepted. I tell her, I usually get kisses from women when they grab my hat (or some corny ish along those lines), and her mood changes. Almost in the same instance, her boyfriend creeps up with his boy...Bigger dudes then me, and they definetly recognize this, so they flex. She gives my hat back and dips off. They're obviously drunk and ready to go in, until like 7 of my boys show up.
My boys are usually a ignorant bunch, but the troops stood down.
...I get out the bar to find that one of my boys had a gun on him.:smh:
Damb why she even start flirting :smh:

If its yo B in my **** its yo B you check N
Freshman year of high school:

There was this black dude in my science class, reminded me a lot of my brother.  I thought we were cool because we would play catch with a tennis ball before class started.

I didn't even make fun of his fake 10's (He had the Chicago ones with money and Spongebob on them).  One day before class starts, we're sitting on our desks chopping it up with this mexican dude.

Out of NOWHERE, dude clutches his jean shorts, yelps "Oh ****" and sprints to the bathroom, which was in view of the classroom from where we were sitting.  Dude comes back 10 minutes later, and the mexican dude and I ask him if he pissed his pants. He says "No" but fails to make up a credible excuse for what happened.

I spread the story around, not in a malicious way, but in a "You'll never guess wut happened in Molecular Biology today!" way.  The next school week dude comes up to me in P.E. with a few of his boys, talmbout "Let's fade right here, you disrespected me and I never pissed my pants".  I regale his boys (pause) with the exact story, and they're cracking up.  Dude says he wants to 1v1 me even with like 4 of his boys there.

I say fine, go ahead and do what you gotta do.  

He wants me to throw the first punch 

Literally the next week, dude moves to Iowa or Ohio (I forget which).

Dude eventually comes back two years later, but acts like he doesn't know me 
My freshman year in college a couple guys were late for the team bus. When we got to the locker room I saw coach had me in the starting lineup. I Needless to say some of my teammates weren't too happy about it. As soon as coach left the 6'7" teammate who got his spot took stepped to me like, "ahh you think you nice now huh?" I pushed him into a locker real quick hoping praying someone broke it up cause I knew if he hit me nothing was going to stop the others from stomping me out before game time. 1.5567 seconds after I did that my coach walked in because he forgot his jacket and you bet I walked out right behind him (like 50 minutes before gametime :lol:) and hit em with the :wink: because I knew If I didn't, there would be no witnesses.... I played well enough that they had to respect me after. :smokin

:smokin Been there done that, except I was a 15 year old sophomore, taking the the 18 year old senior's starting running back spot (he was trying to get recruited for scholarship, so I kind of understand why he was salty)
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Dude trying to catch a fade on the basketball court..

I yelled at him saying.. "You isn't going to do a cot damn thing"
(Edit: the language because im on NT)

And he didn't..
Ok so... My cousin just moved to a new apartment (Same complex, just a different location), so he tells about this girl who lives a few doors down... like "Bruh, this girl Toni so fine. She freaky...etc...." He just raving. So Im like ok cool. Gotta a lil freak on deck... I was in the 10th grade at the time so Im thirsty *** hell with my AJ 12 fusions on. so much struggle:lol: :smh:

I meet her, and I could tell off the bat she a bird... she was on house arrest, tats on da spine and belly.
We chillin... She tells me and my cuz to carry her to her house so she could throw some clothes so we can go walking. Im copping feels on the booty like a mug...:pimp:

Anyway we walking and she says shes not wearing any panties, so I grab her basketball shorts to see for myself... she got mad but not foreal, just playful mad... you know how they do... we still walking, and mind you this is around the time Plies was hot so im hittin her with lyrics,  she feelin it. im grabbin da booty. she grabbed my meat. everything is cool.

So we walking back to her house and she says she hungry, and I vividly remember me saying "Well I got something for you to suck on." **** got real. Her mood changed. So we get back to her house and me and my cuz chillin at the bottom of her porch.. all of a sudden. this big *** strong muscle ***** come out screaming at me "WHAT YOU SAY TO MY SISTER CUZ?"... word to

she in da background like"Tell him what you said." I look at my cousin like |I and look back at the ground...|I
I aint say a word. I go back to my cuz house and take a long nap:smh:

We all became cool later in the day, so it was cool. No hard feelings. I can laugh about it now tho:lol: :stoneface:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ajdslkahjda;sds;ddslalds;
Basically a thread for people who were scared to fight? LOL JK

--I was about to give this dude the fade the other day, dude was calling weak fouls on the court, and he sucked like missing wide open layups
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First fight when I was a sophomore in high school. Was over at boys' house and me, him, and his younger brother walking around in his neighborhood. They tell me about the Dbag and his goon squad that always bullying people, sure enough we see the Dbag and his goon squad and we cross paths. He starts bullying (shoving around) the younger brother for NO reason (kid is like ten) and I speak up: "why don't you pick on someone your own size." Guy was about my height at the time but with way more meat on em. Comes up to me, gives me a shove "like you?". I go to shove him back and right as my hands are making contact with his body he is swinging at me. Wasn't ready at all for it, thought some more shoving or something would go down before we threw down. As I'm stumbling and dodging falling backward I throw a hail mary right that connects. He lands a clean right on me straight to the dome and I'm dazed for a sec, next thing I know the falcon punch coming at me - connects, I fall down to the ground and he gives me the ground-and-pound. Had a some bumps and my mouth was BUSTED (got big lips as it is)

The hero don't always win
had a few fights but funniest i remember was when i was a freshmen :lol:

me and a few of my friends are playin ball this other dude idk him but i guess some of my friends did
dude kept thinkin he was good for some reason but i was stylin on him the whole game
he got mad and threw the ball at my head i go you better watch out he says for what and throws the ball at my head again he cheap shots me right after he throws the ball
i rush him and start swinging i connect a few good ones this dude fights like a dam idiot he leans down like half way and just throw random *** punches
a min later he stops swingin and goes "man why we fightin we friends" i got the biggest :stoneface: on and saw dudes face a few bumps :lol:
he leaves with his friends and im chillin not sure if he want more

i see him the next day riding his bike tryna dap me up im like wtf in my head he tries talkin im like yeah okay and i guess it was squashed after that :lol:
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