***Post Your Desktop / Guide To A Great Desktop***

Originally Posted by NayokoChan

Mister916 and JayHood23, can you guys post the OG? thanks.
K2theAblaM I got you in a little when im done w/ this stuff cause I got a little confused lol. Ill PM you
Alright so I hid the task bar but im confused, How do I get to the start button now? Like I needa use paint and im not able to get to it, and for me to turnoff the computer, how am I gonna be able to do that?
Also, I added objectdock and its on the screen, but theres still the old icons there... Like I have my music on objectdocks, then off of it, I have the samething..Its basically twice..damn im confused :/
damn, i was going to make a Post your Desktop 2010 thread in January
, but whatever, I'll just be in here now

I was gonna help out with some info as well, but you guys got that on lock

My setup though-


i cant lie, I've been looking into getting a macbook for the past couple days. i love the customization of windows, but the macbooks outer hardware arejust too sexy.
im not sure what im going to do though
After some editing on the background:


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OG of the OG:
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Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

isnt there a thread for posting your own desktop? i thought this thread was to help with icons, customization.
yeah, the info is going to get lost amongst all the pics.

Well people already ask for info in the old desktop.

i think its time for a new one and all the info on the first page.

besides, we make a new desktop thread every year and its almost 2010
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