Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

I have a theory that you can actually talk on a cell phone on an airplane, but they tell you that you can't, because a plane packed full of people talking on the phone would be the most annoying thing ever.
I have notions of life depending on perceptions. Figuring how people manifest thing in life with hard work, and discipline is just a result of how all the situations one faces, with the intention of receiving it. Even though the matrix was based on a pill, I still feel it's the same in reality. The game is really up to us, and it's very individualistic upon are perceptions. Ultimately this is where will, belief, comes into influx.
I have notions of life depending on perceptions. Figuring how people manifest thing in life with hard work, and discipline is just a result of how all the situations one faces, with the intention of receiving it. Even though the matrix was based on a pill, I still feel it's the same in reality. The game is really up to us, and it's very individualistic upon are perceptions. Ultimately this is where will, belief, comes into influx.
My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.
My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.
Jayizill21 wrote:
I also believe, with all my heart, that if Obama was white then he would be praised like the modern day FDR
But due to the tone of his skin and where he came from, people critique his every move

totally agree......people/media make it seem like he's some entertainment celebrity....

l337six wrote:
I think the USA is purposely letting chaos rain over Mexico. Just when the country is about to collapse ( and after the US has handed over thousands of weapons to the drug cartels ), the US will decide to help Mexico with the stipulation that it can set up some military bases in several parts of the country. USA world domination...

USA definitely have something in the works for mexico.......cartels, needing your passport, drug lords, overall chaos, it being simply difficult for a hispanic to cross the boarder, etc.......

think about it...? why isn't there so much drug trafficking in the north coming from canada?
Jayizill21 wrote:
I also believe, with all my heart, that if Obama was white then he would be praised like the modern day FDR
But due to the tone of his skin and where he came from, people critique his every move

totally agree......people/media make it seem like he's some entertainment celebrity....

l337six wrote:
I think the USA is purposely letting chaos rain over Mexico. Just when the country is about to collapse ( and after the US has handed over thousands of weapons to the drug cartels ), the US will decide to help Mexico with the stipulation that it can set up some military bases in several parts of the country. USA world domination...

USA definitely have something in the works for mexico.......cartels, needing your passport, drug lords, overall chaos, it being simply difficult for a hispanic to cross the boarder, etc.......

think about it...? why isn't there so much drug trafficking in the north coming from canada?
Originally Posted by Twig1026

So I was in the barbershop last night and one of my barbers homies was spittin "knowledge" about how Apple is demonic and thats why Steve Jobs died suffering. "Apples original logo had the rainbow, which symbolizes over-sexuality. The apple itself represents forbidden knowledge (garden of eden). I-pod, I-phone, I-pad, I-tunes, etc... all represent the all seeing eye." The man was slick with the tongue and really convinced. I can't front, it kinda made sense when he broke down how they're releasing the iphone on all carriers because it dumbs the people down (since the implementation of smartphones, humans don't remember actual phone numbers anymore and it promotes less use of the brain and more googling and accepting false knowledge more than usual). I dapped him up before I left

Originally Posted by Twig1026

So I was in the barbershop last night and one of my barbers homies was spittin "knowledge" about how Apple is demonic and thats why Steve Jobs died suffering. "Apples original logo had the rainbow, which symbolizes over-sexuality. The apple itself represents forbidden knowledge (garden of eden). I-pod, I-phone, I-pad, I-tunes, etc... all represent the all seeing eye." The man was slick with the tongue and really convinced. I can't front, it kinda made sense when he broke down how they're releasing the iphone on all carriers because it dumbs the people down (since the implementation of smartphones, humans don't remember actual phone numbers anymore and it promotes less use of the brain and more googling and accepting false knowledge more than usual). I dapped him up before I left

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by Twig1026

So I was in the barbershop last night and one of my barbers homies was spittin "knowledge" about how Apple is demonic and thats why Steve Jobs died suffering. "Apples original logo had the rainbow, which symbolizes over-sexuality. The apple itself represents forbidden knowledge (garden of eden). I-pod, I-phone, I-pad, I-tunes, etc... all represent the all seeing eye." The man was slick with the tongue and really convinced. I can't front, it kinda made sense when he broke down how they're releasing the iphone on all carriers because it dumbs the people down (since the implementation of smartphones, humans don't remember actual phone numbers anymore and it promotes less use of the brain and more googling and accepting false knowledge more than usual). I dapped him up before I left


this is on point imo, my theory is akin to this. The dumb people vs. smart phone is a constant upwards slope graph smh. 
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by Twig1026

So I was in the barbershop last night and one of my barbers homies was spittin "knowledge" about how Apple is demonic and thats why Steve Jobs died suffering. "Apples original logo had the rainbow, which symbolizes over-sexuality. The apple itself represents forbidden knowledge (garden of eden). I-pod, I-phone, I-pad, I-tunes, etc... all represent the all seeing eye." The man was slick with the tongue and really convinced. I can't front, it kinda made sense when he broke down how they're releasing the iphone on all carriers because it dumbs the people down (since the implementation of smartphones, humans don't remember actual phone numbers anymore and it promotes less use of the brain and more googling and accepting false knowledge more than usual). I dapped him up before I left


this is on point imo, my theory is akin to this. The dumb people vs. smart phone is a constant upwards slope graph smh. 
Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

real life...

have you ever done DMT?
Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

real life...

have you ever done DMT?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I got another one...this one is PURELY subjective so bear with me...
Lightskinned/Mixed dudes ALWAYS try to go EXTRA HARD on being pro-black...and its annoying as hell. 

They're always the ones running for NAACP positions or Black Student Associations etc. trying to show people how much we're being kept down and what not...

its like...dude we GET it...but calm down. We're not doing sit-ins anymore...we got other stuff to worry about. 

Always trying to act like they trying to start the revolution...

They also try over-compensating to prove how "down" they are... 

I can recall like 5-6 from undergrad who used to make me start wondering about that. 

BTW, I'm a black male so don't take this the wrong way...its just something i've noticed 

I'm lightskinned. But I completely agree.
There were more lightskinned kids getting into fights, trying to jump people, etc. in high school. And they all stayed in my area (which is a pretty good neighborhood), and were hanging with the darker kids that stayed in worse neighborhoods doing nonsense that they know their mother wouldn't approve of.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I got another one...this one is PURELY subjective so bear with me...
Lightskinned/Mixed dudes ALWAYS try to go EXTRA HARD on being pro-black...and its annoying as hell. 

They're always the ones running for NAACP positions or Black Student Associations etc. trying to show people how much we're being kept down and what not...

its like...dude we GET it...but calm down. We're not doing sit-ins anymore...we got other stuff to worry about. 

Always trying to act like they trying to start the revolution...

They also try over-compensating to prove how "down" they are... 

I can recall like 5-6 from undergrad who used to make me start wondering about that. 

BTW, I'm a black male so don't take this the wrong way...its just something i've noticed 

I'm lightskinned. But I completely agree.
There were more lightskinned kids getting into fights, trying to jump people, etc. in high school. And they all stayed in my area (which is a pretty good neighborhood), and were hanging with the darker kids that stayed in worse neighborhoods doing nonsense that they know their mother wouldn't approve of.
Originally Posted by breezylocks

Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

real life...

have you ever done DMT?
DMT is the only drug I'd ever do. I have no clue on how to get it or where. The descriptions of the trips are incredibly interesting. Can you OD on it?
Originally Posted by breezylocks

Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

real life...

have you ever done DMT?
DMT is the only drug I'd ever do. I have no clue on how to get it or where. The descriptions of the trips are incredibly interesting. Can you OD on it?
Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by breezylocks

Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

real life...

have you ever done DMT?
DMT is the only drug I'd ever do. I have no clue on how to get it or where. The descriptions of the trips are incredibly interesting. Can you OD on it?

I have never done it. I feel that nothing could be cooler than real life dreaming while being able to do whatever you want and all that. Reading through forums I have heard of stories where a dude did DMT flew to his apartment  while his friends were house sitting for him. He was looking through is apartment window and saw his friends rearranging his apartment. When he came down and was no longer high, he went home and his apartment was rearranged like he saw it from when he flew to his window 

The reason i'll probably never do it? Too many stories of people thinking they died while high on it. One my buddies did it and he honestly thought he died. When he became normal again, he found a note he wrote while high that was pretty much saying bye to all his friends and family and saying how he loved them because he thought he was dying. Again reading through forums and hearing from people who have done it many have said they had the same experience where they thought they were dying. I remember one dude saying he was like welp, im dead, im just gonna have to accept it. Along with that many have claimed to see the after life.

Im really afraid of having a bad trip like this, and I know if i were to do it I would be going into it afraid of just this making it more likely to happen. If you could guarantee me i'd have an awesome trip I would for sure do it. 
Originally Posted by th3kid

Originally Posted by breezylocks

Originally Posted by Jay02

My theory with DMT and death. Its a drug released in your brain only when you are born and when you die. Very small amounts are also released when you dream. For those who have ever taken the drug it is noted that time is manipulated. (I dont know if manipulated is the correct word) but what pretty much happens is that you could be tripping out for 30 minutes and it actually feels like days. Its also a psychedelic that makes you hallucinate like crazy. Again if you've taken it, its like your living a real life dream. You can even experience the afterlife. Now when you die its scientifically proven that your brain is FLOODED with DMT. This  So a theory is that with so much DMT released at once just a split second can feel like an eternity which is essentially the afterlife. You will be hallucinating forever.
Now this theory can do into even more depth. To those who have head experienced death and and have had outer body experiences I believe that DMT has been released in the brain because you actually are dying giving you the outer body experience but you havent actually died yet.. even if your pronounced dead. Even if your heart isnt beating. You still have the chance to come back to life. Not until the the brain has been flooded with the DMT are you actually dead. 
Then another thing to add to this theory is the idea of heaven and hell. Not that I believe in this but just something to think about. Perhaps the life you live, how bad or good you are, depends on the trip you will have when you die. If you are a bad person you will have a bad trip which will be hell. If you are a good person it will be a good trip which will be heaven. It all depends on your memories.

Pretty much when you die you will be able to visit any memory OR fantasy or dream at any time. But when it happens it will be realer than real. Again DMT is released at very small amounts when you dream, so imagine how real your dream will feel if your brain is flooded with it.

I personally think this is awesome, it fascinates me. When you die I think it will be awesome if anything. Memories and fantasies that will feel more real than living itself? I'm in.

real life...

have you ever done DMT?
DMT is the only drug I'd ever do. I have no clue on how to get it or where. The descriptions of the trips are incredibly interesting. Can you OD on it?

I have never done it. I feel that nothing could be cooler than real life dreaming while being able to do whatever you want and all that. Reading through forums I have heard of stories where a dude did DMT flew to his apartment  while his friends were house sitting for him. He was looking through is apartment window and saw his friends rearranging his apartment. When he came down and was no longer high, he went home and his apartment was rearranged like he saw it from when he flew to his window 

The reason i'll probably never do it? Too many stories of people thinking they died while high on it. One my buddies did it and he honestly thought he died. When he became normal again, he found a note he wrote while high that was pretty much saying bye to all his friends and family and saying how he loved them because he thought he was dying. Again reading through forums and hearing from people who have done it many have said they had the same experience where they thought they were dying. I remember one dude saying he was like welp, im dead, im just gonna have to accept it. Along with that many have claimed to see the after life.

Im really afraid of having a bad trip like this, and I know if i were to do it I would be going into it afraid of just this making it more likely to happen. If you could guarantee me i'd have an awesome trip I would for sure do it. 
^^ Yeah. I watched a video of a dude describing his trip. Saying how he was sitting down, but he elevated, and he said everything in the room dissembled and he saw how every thing was made, down to the smallest piece.

Is there ever a determinate, that you noticed in your reading, about the bad trips? Like, how do you have a bad trip vs. a good one? Can you control it?
^^ Yeah. I watched a video of a dude describing his trip. Saying how he was sitting down, but he elevated, and he said everything in the room dissembled and he saw how every thing was made, down to the smallest piece.

Is there ever a determinate, that you noticed in your reading, about the bad trips? Like, how do you have a bad trip vs. a good one? Can you control it?
^ Not that I have read. I usually just read randomly out of curiosity because its so god damn interesting but i'll check it out. Maybe there is something but like I said the reason im afraid of doing it because I feel that if im afraid of having a bad trip i'll end up having one. I feel you really gotta be mentally prepared or have tripped out on something else that isnt as powerful first. Not just go from smoking weed right to DMT lol.
^ Not that I have read. I usually just read randomly out of curiosity because its so god damn interesting but i'll check it out. Maybe there is something but like I said the reason im afraid of doing it because I feel that if im afraid of having a bad trip i'll end up having one. I feel you really gotta be mentally prepared or have tripped out on something else that isnt as powerful first. Not just go from smoking weed right to DMT lol.
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