Post your toys! Vol. 1?

just make sure you're carefully when you store these, i think the biggest reason i haven't built my rx-78 and wing gundam ewc is bcuz moving has disadvantages to model kits more than any other toy, grant it i prob should've glued some or the more fragile parts, my most depressing lost is my Zoids HMMs they didn't make the last military move in perfect condition
I can't stunt my 1:60 God gundam is a pain in the *** :lol: it's top heavy so it'll lean back or fall over then I'd have to rebuild the shoulder guards multiple times

I said **** this **** and put the whole thing back in the box

It was my first built though so I think I did good
Thierry Henry Thierry Henry alright bro, im looking forward to seeing some of your kits here. i may have questions about painting so ill see you in this thread from time to time.

btw regarding kit storage, ever experienced keeping a built kit back in its box then stored there for over a year? does the joints begin to get loose or do the polycaps or the plastic get brittle over time? hoping someone can answer this issue. thanks

ed. ow so thats how you tag someone :lol:
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You dudes are killin' it with these Gundam's :nthat: Makes me wanna wanna dig out all my Wing stuff from back in the day. What other good Gundam series's are there after Wing?

And just to keep on topic, here's my Arcadia VF-0S Skull Leader Veritech

just make sure you're carefully when you store these, i think the biggest reason i haven't built my rx-78 and wing gundam ewc is bcuz moving has disadvantages to model kits more than any other toy, grant it i prob should've glued some or the more fragile parts, my most depressing lost is my Zoids HMMs they didn't make the last military move in perfect condition :x :frown:
yea you have to be real careful cause some of the plastic pieces are very small and some are very thin and brittle. Before they go into storage, I disassemble the whole kit into body parts and put them in a zip lock bag just to be safe. I try not to move around the ones I have stored too much, but sometimes I like to switch around the ones I have on display. :lol:
redrum3281 redrum3281 which HMM Zoids did you damage?

I can't stunt my 1:60 God gundam is a pain in the *** :lol: it's top heavy so it'll lean back or fall over then I'd have to rebuild the shoulder guards multiple times

I said **** this **** and put the whole thing back in the box

It was my first built though so I think I did good
andretti andretti
that kit is very outdated in terms of engineering/quality it's basically just a scaled up HG from the mid 90s. The unique thing about it though is that Bandai barely reprints those 1/60 HG kits nowadays, so they have become quite rare. The latest 1/144 HGFC that released a few years ago surpasses all of the previous plamo forms of the Burning Gundam.

Thierry Henry Thierry Henry alright bro, im looking forward to seeing some of your kits here. i may have questions about painting so ill see you in this thread from time to time.

btw regarding kit storage, ever experienced keeping a built kit back in its box then stored there for over a year? does the joints begin to get loose or do the polycaps or the plastic get brittle over time? hoping someone can answer this issue. thanks

ed. ow so thats how you tag someone :lol:
slab_diaz slab_diaz
feel free to ask any question, I might have an answer for it. I'm still a rookie when it comes to painting/modifying kits though, but I'm trying. The best plamo modelers reside in your part of the world, those guys are crazy skilled when it comes to the hobby. As for the kit storage, do you store the box lying down horizontally or upright vertically? It also depends on how big and heavy the actual model is, you have to factor gravity in the equation. I usually build a whole kit entirely then I disassemble it and put it into zip lock bags so pieces don't go missing inside the box. I have 4 big MG boxes with about 8-10 kits in each, some have been in there for more that 8 years. I don't think there should be a problem with loose joints or brittle plastic unless they're stored in extreme temperatures.

You dudes are killin' it with these Gundam's :nthat: Makes me wanna wanna dig out all my Wing stuff from back in the day. What other good Gundam series's are there after Wing?
jaypesoz jaypesoz
Do it bro, I have mines stored in multiple boxes though so it might take a while.

As far as good series after Wing? Check out Gundam 00, it is split up into two seasons of 25 episodes each. There's also a new series that's airing right now called Iron Blooded Orphans, I would check that out as well, it's getting good.

As far as good OVAs after Wing? Look no further that Gundam Unicorn, in my opinion it's up there with some of the best Gundam OVAs. There's also 2 OVAs currently airing right now, The Origin and Thunderbolt.
@louislagerfeld  Red Blade Liger, Saber Tiger, the rest i think are safe Shield Liger DCS and i have a Geno Breaker that like my 2 PG gundams, i'm too scared to put together til i get somewhere more permante

i'm really bummed about the Red blade liger as its my fav Zoid
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how much, i missed out on MCB Titan to make Bruticus awesome
145 shipped with combaticons minus onslaught.
I saw some on tfw selling one for the same price today.
Dope Dino combiners bro :pimp:
I prefer this over Gcreations.

how much, i missed out on MCB Titan to make Bruticus awesome
145 shipped with combaticons minus onslaught.
I saw some on tfw selling one for the same price today.
Dope Dino combiners bro

I prefer this over Gcreations.

my prob is neither is perfect if i could combine the 2 then they could be perfect, blade is leagues better than Spear, but overall TWs size was what sold me on the combiner even if the combiner was a 2nd thought last min put in in engineering
So going through this thread finally cleaned up and dusted my shelf and bought some spice racks to clean it up. and thanks to the very last page about to track down some gundams :smokin

Nice pickups. That Ironhide is on my list. Lol at the spoiler.... body count in that movie tho :x
Wondering if anyone could point me in thr direction of a legit MP-13 Soundwave with Laserbeak? I procrastinated too long and the 2nd run sold out on BBTS. :smh:
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Finally got around to building my sith infiltrator





I would love to build some of those big Star Wars Lego sets. All of the ships from that universe are cool looking, but they cost a pretty penny. Much more than plamo, it's like buying a PG gundam :x :smh:
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Finally got around to building my sith infiltrator
I would love to build some of those big Star Wars Lego sets. All of the ships from that universe are cool looking, but they cost a pretty penny. Much more than plamo, it's like buying a PG gundam
thanks to some sales and ebay luck I've only spend roughly $300, just waiting on that Kylo Ren ship to go on sale, it's everywhere but I'm not trying to spend that $120 they asking, I'm still on the fence about grabbing Count Dooka's ship
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Finally got around to building my sith infiltrator
I would love to build some of those big Star Wars Lego sets. All of the ships from that universe are cool looking, but they cost a pretty penny. Much more than plamo, it's like buying a PG gundam :x :smh:

thanks to some sales and ebay luck I've only spend roughly $300, just waiting on that Kylo Ren ship to go on sale, it's everywhere but I'm not trying to spend that $120 they asking, I'm still on the fence about grabbing Count Dooka's ship
do Lego sets ever go on sale in stores? I never see them discounted, always full retail :smh:
Finally got around to building my sith infiltrator
I would love to build some of those big Star Wars Lego sets. All of the ships from that universe are cool looking, but they cost a pretty penny. Much more than plamo, it's like buying a PG gundam
thanks to some sales and ebay luck I've only spend roughly $300, just waiting on that Kylo Ren ship to go on sale, it's everywhere but I'm not trying to spend that $120 they asking, I'm still on the fence about grabbing Count Dooka's ship
do Lego sets ever go on sale in stores? I never see them discounted, always full retail
wally, target and tru put them on sales but sometimes its one of those you had to be their to believe and see it, legos are kinda like sneakers people see like $5 off and lose their minds and stuff disappears, but their can be some gre sales if found, recently the new Bioncle sets that just came out for $20 were clearanced at my local wally for $10 I passed but that's just example, the Sith Fury in my pics was found randomly at TRU for $50 which I was just shocked to see it there bcuz they'd dried up months ago, retail was $90, there are deals it just takes patience and luck
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