POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Stern,kantos, holly need to go..angie can take a leg shot just cuz she's a fed
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I heard a while ago 50 be treating his first son like he don't exist
it's the other way around.

I think Shawn is going to fool with LaLa. Yall saw his face when Tasha dissed him? Plus she was on the phone with LaLa right after it happened. Hell if it isn't him, I feel like she's going to be having sex with a random and Tasha is going to walk in on her. Speaking of Tasha, man that's one bad chocolate sista.

Tommy is one stupid character. Dude doesn't study anybody. He just let's them into the circle and wonder why stuff is messed up. Holly has enough info to send all of them to jail.  Going to get real interesting if that little girl finishes that drawing of Ghost.
Tommy a real life idiot b, he's only muscle.

This dude is lost in that ginger vagina telling her enough to fill a whole RICO indictment and he trying to let 50 back into he fold immediately before gauging his character.

Ghost would be better off letting the Latino cat be second in command.
I love LaLa but they didn't look like I imagined. Kind of disappointed. They look like they were worked on. She had some double D joints, should say way more. Probably had a lift. I still love her though. Sexy as ****.
I pepped it out on MTO but I need to see 'em in HD to give a more accurate report. :evil:
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